Draft Minutes of PPC meeting on Tuesday 28th March 2017

at 7.30pm in St Helen’s Chapel House

1.  Opening Prayer led by Mgr Paul

2.  Attendance: Mgr Paul Murray, Mary Boyle, Patricia Weatherall, Fiona McCartney, Andrea Nolan, Anne Miller

Apologies: Linda Fagan, Chiara Piacentini, Deacon Kevin, Michael O’Neill

3.  Governance of Parish Pastoral Council

a)  Minutes of Meeting on 31/01/2017

The Minutes were passed.

b)  St Helen’s Parish Constitution - including PPC Membership

The Document had been submitted to Archbishop Tartaglia some time ago but as yet had not been approved. Following recent resignations it was noted that up to three new members would be sought to join the PPC. . The process to recruit new members would be started in May as outlined in the Constitution (nomination of potential candidates. The positions would be communicated to the parish through the the Sunday Bulletin and directly at the various parish group meetings taking place in the next few week. i. It was noted that people who are nominating someone should ask the person if they are willing to take on the commitment prior to submitting names to the PPC. It was agreed that a brief role specification would be shared in the bulletin and with prospective nominees to include the contribution and time commitment expected. It was noted that individuals with administration experience, and with new media expertise and skills would be particularly helpful to complement the profiles of the current members.

c)  Recognising the ongoing commitment of the many volunteers we are fortunate to have at St Helen’s, it was agreed that the PPC facilitate a get-together with all groups and volunteers to introduce the Parish Council members, review and reflect on the work of the Parish, and engage in discussion on mechanisms to improve communication between and across groups. This will be held in St Helen’s Hall on Tuesday, 9th May 2017 at 7.30pm with tea/coffee and home-baking. “Come and meet your Parish Council”.

d)  Sunday Bulletin. ?? Don't remember the key message from this conversation …?

I haven’t done so for a while, due to lack of space and I don’t recall this specifically being discussed.

4. 2015 – 2018 Diocesan Plan: Events

·  Cluster 21 Wednesday, 5th April 2017 in St Brigid’s Toryglen at 7.00pm

Stations of the Cross (SCIAF) followed by Tea/Coffee and home baking in

St Brigid’s Primary School. (2 parishioners to participate in 2 Stations)

·  How do we promote ourselves? A Social Media IT Seminar was suggested and Parish Priests were asked to identify interested personnel. Mgr Paul has names.

·  Next meeting for Cluster 21 is Thursday, 11th May at 7.30pm in Holy Cross

Msgr aPaul updated members on progress with clusters. The Diocesan council will take place in May/ June ….xxxxxAdd Brief note.....

·  Diocesan Pastoral Council: Mgr. Paul reported that the Archbishop was in the process of recruiting members for a Diocesan Pastoral Council and that he envisaged this would be a stable body in the Diocese. It was pointed out that it would be important that cluster members were represented on this DPC if an honest evaluation of the process to date was to be made.

·  There had been discussion at the cluster meeting about the size of our cluster and whether it was too large for some initiatives to be viable.

·  One of the parishes in the cluster had been planning a seminar on the use of social media for parishes to enhance their efforts at evangelisation and communication. It had been agreed that this would be valuable and would be opened to the cluster. Although Mgr. Paul had identified a parishioner willing to take this forward, no further information had been received.

5. 2016 – Plans for St Helen’s

a)  Faith Formation -

·  Very positive feedback regarding the Taizé Evening.

·  Good participation at the Bishop Barron DVD series taking place on the Tuesdays of Lent led by the parish catechists who have grown in confidence through the experience.

·  April and June - Justice and Peace Group

·  May - What is the event ? Damien and Jackie

·  September, October, November - the possibility of a retreat was discussed planning under consideration with the faith formation group.

·  The Faith formation group will consider a proposal (on signs and symbols) ….. Fiona to email details

·  Childrens Liturgy, catechesis - Sacraments: First Communions on 21st May

c)  RCIA - ongoing

d)  Pastoral Care - SVDP - new volunteers doing well (looking for a few more)

e)  Social Events: Social Committee/personnel: (Race Night - PW checking). It was agreed that careful coordination would be required to ensure that there was no clash with any inititiatives of the Third World Group.

f)  Spiritual Events: FORTY HOURS ADORATION in Parish - 11th June 2017

g)  Communication/Suggestion Boxes. Suggestions made included

·  Children’s Choir – This was discussed and in principle consideration (level of interest, individuals who would train a choir) would be taken forward.. It was noted that the Family Mass concept might be re-introduced ….. – Children could sing a well practised hymn after Holy Communion and conduct the readings.] Mary will progress. I cant remember whether it was here or above (under children’s liturgy), but I certainly expressed an opinion at the meeting along the lines of: “Mgr Paul expressed an opinion that, after First Communion, children should begin to remain in the Church rather than attend the children’s liturgy”. ([1]see below – expanded note not for PPC members but not for minutes).Mgr Paul stated that he would be happy with these initiatives to support the gradual transition from the children’s liturgy to eventual full participation in the adult liturgy

A request for real Candles - Msgr Paul had investigated previously. Pat Weatherall would take this forward

·  A request was made to have Minutes of PPC displayed in a timely manner. It was agreed that draft minutes would be placed on the Notice Boards within 2 weeks of a PPC meeting unless there was significant disagreement about the content..

·  Signage regarding Toilets – signs would be displayed in porches.

·  A request for a Raffle or Bingo Night Pat Weatherall agreed to consider running a race night as a social event for the parish in early autumn.,

6. A.O.C.B.

Safeguarding - Attending Training Days arranged by the Church authorities is essential; if volunteers do not register for and undertake this training they cannot continue to volunteer in the parish. Msgr Paul will explore if training could be provided in St Helens to accommodate the range of volunteers required to undertake the training..

7. Date of Next Meeting Tuesday, 23rd May 2017 at 7.30pm in Chapel House, when we will set up all dates for the next liturgical year. Agreed.



[1] With regard the Children’s Liturgy post First Communion, having enquired and discovered a variety of practice in the parishes of my colleagues, I will have further discussions about this with the appropriate persons in the parish.