St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church
Vestry Minutes: January 16, 2018
6:00 pm
Action Taken:
Laura nominated Mark Tavernier to be the next Senior Warden; the vestry approved unanimously.
Motion from Finance Committee: All designated funds should have non-negative balances. Any existing deficits should be eliminated (“zeroed-out”) with existing reserve funds. Overruns are to be avoided in the future by taking funds from the budgeted line-item associated with the activity at the time it occurs. (Passed unanimously.)
Present: Laura Bryant, Interim Rector; Rob McNiff, Senior Warden; Peter Rice, Junior Warden; Lois Alworth; Joan Curtis; Julie Dingus; Mike Peck; Sam Preston; Katie Reinberger; Mason Somerville; Mark Tavernier; Ann Woodyard; and Luther Rogers
6:00Devotional and Supper
Julie served vegan soup, salad, and sourdough bread.
6:30Approval of Minutes was deferred to the February meeting.
6:35Rector’s Report
The group discussed the Gospel of the week focusing on the term, “Good News.” What does it mean and where do we see it at St. Gregory’s?
Vestry Retreat will be at Mikell Conference Center February 16-18, 2018. Cost is $150 per person. Vestry members are asked to contribute $75 each; if this contribution is a hardship, check with Laura.
Laura recognized and thanked members leaving vestry service: Rob, Mike, Luther, and Sam.
6:50Parish Annual Meeting
January 21 after 10:30 service.
Committee annual reports are due to Kendall by Thursday.
Vestry members are supposed to bring a Crock Pot full of soup.
Set up help (9:15): Julie, Joan, and anyone else.
Clean up help: Mark, Mike, and others.
7:00Nominations for Vestry
Rhonda Packer
Barbara Crowly
Kathryan Musholt
Alice Isley
7:05Senior Warden Confirmation
Laura nominated Mark Tavernier to be the next Senior Warden; the vestry approved unanimously.
111 pledges in to date
$314,149 pledged to date
7:20Finance Committee
Motion from committee made and passed unanimously; see above.
Mason submitted the accompanying report of correspondence with the IRS regarding a previously “resolved” issue.
Mason distributed the accompanying documents
- Operating Fund Revenue and Expenses January through December 2017
- All Funds Balance Sheet December 2017
- Designated Gifts Fund Historical Analysis
7:302018 Budget
Adjustments made to draft budget. Vestry will present draft budget to the parish at the Annual Meeting, accept feedback, and vote to adopt budget with any amendments in February. Once a Rector is engaged, the budget will need to be revised to reflect salary, insurance, etc.
7:50 OtherCommittee Reports were deferred to February’s vestry meeting.
Mason will be Vestry Person of the Day January 28.
Sam will be substitute VPOD February 18.
8:15Prayer and Adjourn