St. Francis Xavier University

Department of Business Administration

BSAD 231: Foundations of Marketing

Winter 2011

Professor Denton Anthony

Office: SCHW 386

Phone: 867-5234



Department Phone: 867-2167

Department Fax: 867-5385

Course Description:

This course will introduce the student to various concepts in marketing and marketing management. The primary goal is to incorporate interactive exercises within the classroom setting, yet provide a strong conceptual and theoretical base for students, as this may be your only marketing course. Concepts covered within the course include, but are not limited to, integrated marketing communication strategies, pricing concepts, distribution management and product and service strategy. Students in many instances are asked to assume the role of a marketing manager. Prerequisite: BSAD 101 and 102.

Course Objectives:

The objectives of this course are to:

· provide instruction in core marketing concepts

· provide guidance with critical analysis of marketing information

· provide instruction in evidence-based decision making

· engage students in relevant discussion

· provide opportunity to work in groups

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this course students should be able to:

·  Define and apply knowledge of core marketing concepts

·  Explain how forces in an organization’s micro and macro environments can affect marketing decisions

·  Critically evaluate marketing situations and provide evidence-based solutions

·  Identify and quantify appropriate target markets

·  Collect and analyze secondary data upon which to base marketing decisions

·  Develop an integrated marketing strategy consisting of product, price, place and promotional components

·  Establish appropriate selling prices for members of distribution channels

·  Work in teams

Course Materials:

Required textbook:

Effective Marketing, First Canadian Edition, by Zigmund, d’Amico, Brown, Anthony, Monk and Donville. Thomson, Nelson, 2008.

Instructor Website:

Your instructor’s website will be vital for students to stay on top of their non-textbook exercises and assignments. Student assignments, hand-outs, cases/exercises and information will be posted on your instructor’s website (addresses above). These materials will be the student’s responsibility to print or to download. Information on your instructor’s website will be updated on a weekly basis.

In addition to the course text, students are encouraged to read a national newspaper, and other various types of marketing literature.

Teaching and Learning Methods:

Each class will start with “What’s Happening?” The first five minutes of class will be devoted to anything new in marketing, i.e., products, services, neat new commercials that you may have recently seen or experienced. Student’s share these with the class as a method of stimulating classroom discussion.

Class sessions will consist of a variety of teaching methods. Mini-lectures, case studies, magazine and newspaper clippings, videotapes and classroom discussions will all be used throughout the term. Students are expected to actively participate in classroom discussions.

Evaluation of Student Progress:

In-Class Quizzes – 10%

There will be one unannounced quiz per month, based on the assigned reading/work for that day. Each quiz will have equal value and a missed quiz cannot be made up for any reason. Quiz dates and material may also vary from section to section of this course. Each quiz will be based on key concepts and terms to be covered in that days class session and will take no more than 10 minutes of class time.

Mid-term Exam – 20%

The midterm exam is scheduled for Thursday February 17, 2011. All sections tentatively will write from 6:30-8:30, room TBA. All material covered up to this point will be testable material. The format of the test will be discussed later in the term.

For the mid-term scheduled for the evening of Thursday February 17, 2011, please be advised that provisions will be made for an alternative sitting for students with a conflict from regularly scheduled classes or laboratories in other courses. No student is expected to miss a scheduled class or laboratory in another course to write the midterm.

Term Project – 20%

This is a group assignment. Groups of 4 or 5 students will complete a marketing plan for a new or existing product. A comprehensive handout will follow. For those students working in groups, you will have the opportunity/choice to evaluate the other members of your group. This is a very detailed, time consuming project that should not be left to the end of the term. Throughout the term you will be asked for progress updates that must be handed in on time. Failure to submit an update or a late update will result in a penalty(s) in your final project grade. A rushed, last minute assignment will lead to poor results. The due date for this assignment is April 5, 2011.

Final Exam – 40%

The final exam will be based on textbook readings, handout material, lecture notes, and application of theory.

The date and time of the final exam for this course is set by the University Registrar. All students are required to write the exam at that time. Only in exceptional circumstances will other arrangements be made. Examinations will not be rescheduled to accommodate airline or other travel arrangements.

Attendance and Participation – 10%

Many studies have shown that student attendance and participation is important for individual course success. Therefore to encourage both attendance and participation 10% of your final grade is allocated to coming to class and contributing in a meaningful way. Remember, you cannot contribute if you are not present in class.

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