Every pupil is expected to wear school uniform, which must be clearly marked. As a school we believe our smart uniform promotes unity and gives a sense of identity. Our uniform encourages a neat and tidy appearance which enables our pupils to feel good about themselves and take pride in their school. We believe the wearing of school uniform helps to improve both work and behaviour. The choice of uniform has been made in consultation between children, parents, governors and staff.


Grey skirt/trousers/pinafore/tailored shorts

White blouse

White polo shirt

School tie (optional)

Burgundy jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt

Summer wear- red gingham dress

Black, grey tights-black, grey, white socks

Plain black, flat shoes


Grey trousers/shorts

White shirt

White polo shirt

School tie (optional)

Burgundy jumper or sweatshirt

Plain black shoes


We expect all children to wear sensible footwear in school ie black flat shoes with no white or coloured soles, laces or obvious logos.

Boots are not permitted in school. Children wearing boots to school must change into school shoes or plimsolls.

P.E. Clothing

All children must be provided with the following games kit:

KS1: black/dk blue shorts, round neck white T Shirt, Plimsolls

KS2: black/dk blue shorts, round neck white T Shirt, Plimsolls, tracksuit(outdoors), trainers

Tracksuits and trainers may be worn for games but are not allowed for daily wear in school.

Items with the school badge can be bought from Elizabeth’s Embroidery, Richardson Road, Stockton on Tees Tel: 01642 674973.

All uniform, PE kit and plimsolls MUST BE named

Hair Styles

Just as we expect children to dress appropriately for school, we also expect them to adopt a suitable, age appropriate hairstyle.

We actively discourage extreme hairstyles as they do not compliment our school uniform.

We consider the following extreme :- hair colouring, tramlines, shaven heads, rats tails and logos or any other style that could draw attention to the child and single them out from the rest of the school.

If as a school we feel a hairstyle is unsuitable we will ask for this to be rectified.

Any hair longer than the collar or too near the eyes needs to be tied/fastened back.

Jewellery and Accessories

For health and safety reasons we do not allow the wearing of any jewellery other than a watch.

Nail varnish, make up and tattoo/transfers are forbidden.

We ask that hair accessories are in keeping with our uniform.


Should any parent need financial support providing their child with a uniform, please see Mrs Douglass.

Please see our website if more clarity is required

January 2012