St. Catherine University - University of St. Thomas School of Social Work: BSW Field Timesheet


Agency: Field Instructor:

Notations should be in decimals at 15 minute increments: .25= 15 minutes .5=30 minutes and .75=45 minutes

Activities: Dates: / / / / / / / / / /
1.  Direct service to Individuals
2.  Direct service to families/couples
3.  Direct service to groups
4.  Direct Practice in Community Work/Organizing
5.  Primary Supervision
6.  Supervision or Consultation with other Staff
7.  Documentation and Record Keeping
8.  Agency/Committee Meetings
9.  Orientation, Training, or Observation
10.  Research for Agency and Consumers
11.  Political Lobbying/Macro/Advocacy Efforts
12.  Providing Training and/or Outreach
13.  Other:

Previous Total: + = New Total

***Student should keep these for their records and share with field instructor as requested.