Tuesday January 19, 2016


Attendance – Pat Mongin, Mary Busch, Phil Busch, Nancy Fictum, Doug LaFrombois, Terry Hermes,

Fr Mark, Ginny Gigot

Guests – Dave Tlachac, Art Gerstner

1.  Review of minutes from December 2015

a.  Minutes accepted after brief review

2.  Opening Prayer – Fr Mark

3.  Summer event

a.  A tentative date has been set for the weekend of June 4 & 5, 2016.

b.  Fr Mark will be at a table on Jan 30-31 encouraging someone to come forward to chair the event.

c.  60th anniversary, Feast of the Sacred Heart

d.  Activities related – 10:00 mass celebration – lunch (Riverside??) - silent auction – raffle -

4.  Year of Mercy

a.  Would like to have a reconciliation service

b.  Possible pilgrimage to the Shrine, Abbey

c.  Marriage blessings – Scheduled for Penticost Sunday May 15, 2016 – Suzanne Pagel-Tlachac working with Fr Mark

5.  Pictorial Directory – offer from LifeTouch to help cover the cost of hiring someone to specifically work on the directory.—will pay a set amount for each family included.

a.  Ann Bonham has volunteered to chair the directory – Ann is working with Ginny to plan the dates, tentatively set for the end of May – June – will need about 20 days of photography.

6.  Other items

a.  John Laurent will retire from active Diaconate January 31, 2016.

b.  Dave Tlachac discussed the House Calls project. It has been a slow process – since June 2015 they have contacted approximately 100 families – they were given a starting list of 800 names.

7.  Bishop’s Appeal

a.  Bishop’s Appeal Goal - 2016: $97,833 a decrease from 2015 - $102,568

b.  Doug LaFrombois and Pat Mongin volunteered to chair the appeal

c.  Doug presented a time line – attached to the minutes

d.  A letter will be sent from the parish encouraging members to increase giving to a Crozier Society level.

8.  Financial Update

a.  Joyful giving is $54,000 short of our budget for the 2015-16 fiscal year. The budget was established using an assumed increase for the year. The shortfall is greatly affecting the cash flow for the parish.

b.  Nancy Fictum and Doub LaFrombois (trustees) will speak at the masses on March 12-13 as a reminder as to the importance of increased giving to the parish. Possibly have commitment cards available or the self evaluation as to where everyone is in their Stewardship commitment.

9.  Closing Prayer - Pat Mongin

Respectfully submitted,

Ginny Gigot

z:\agenda.minutes\2015-16\minutes 1-19-16 parish council.docx