St. Anthony Parish Council Meeting Minutes

October 16, 2017

Present:Fr. Josiah BoothMary Carol HeidrichLisa Bottom

Dan PikarMary Ellen McDanielKrista Braun

Brian FischerBrad Knochelmann

Absent:Judy DornbuschDianna Ferguson

Father Booth began the meeting with a prayer.

Minutes were read by all members. Motion to accept the minutes was made by Brian Fischer and seconded by Krista Braun. Minutes were accepted and approved.


  • Brad reported that the lights have been changed in Church. Father Booth added that the cost was covered by grants. Church is much brighter now.
  • Dan reported that the invoice related to the flooding problem back in May was forwarded to the Finance Committee for payment. Due to the flooding being caused by tree roots. Insurance will not cover.
  • Fr. Booth reported that the new flag pole & yard arm has been installed. There will be a huge community event on Friday, November 10th at 1PM. Mayor, fire department, sheriff & police have been invited. The school children will sing the Star Spangled Banner
  • Fr. Booth indicated the Diocese really wants the Parish Office to be moved out of the rectory. Several HVAC estimates have been received. A bathroom needs to be installed on the first floor. Fr. Booth reported the bathroom is not that big of a project and that he anticipates the move to cost no more than $6,000.
  • Fr. Booth is still pursuing the installment of a light near the Rose Window in the choir loft

Faith Formation, Men’s Group, PREP

  • Brian reported the Men’s group held their first meeting at the new time – 8AM on Saturdays. There was record attendance, 10 attendees, including an 18 year old – the youngest member
  • Teresa Pikaris the Coordinator for the PREP program. She is teaching grades 5 and under. Fr. Booth is teaching grades 6-8. There are about 17 students enrolled.
  • RCIA – Fr. Booth would love to have a team to run the RCIA program if anyone expresses interest in becoming Catholic. Brian will follow up with the previous team, Steve Schaber and Sheila Overly to see if they would be interested.


  • Lisa reported that this is Accreditation year for school. The Diocese requires schools to go through the State of Kentucky Accreditation process every 5 years. Work is underway pulling together all the information.


  • Lisa reported that Boosters are getting bids to have the trim and rails at school painted

Social Outreach

  • Mary Ellen has begun to highlight St. Anthony “Servants” in our parish community in the bulletin.
  • St. Vincent De Paul- In September they served 8 families, $500 food, $105 electric, $150 rent, $100 clothing. Their next meeting is October 17.
  • MACC- October was their big month with 125 people fed.
  • Bags to Homeless-still collecting bags, next meeting in November.
  • Carenet-We still are passing out baby bottles this month, will be collected in November.
  • ProLife- Paula wants to remind everyone about praying at Planned Parenthood on October 25, 5:00-6:00 pm. They are discussing alternatives to the Diocesan Signature ad in the Enquirer as it is expensive and very pro-abortion. Cincinnati Right to Life 5K-Saturday Nov. 4 at Lunken Airport.
  • Baby Blanket Ministry-Mary Carol will update at the next meeting.
  • Waiting on price for the Welcome Bookmarks.

Foresters – Krista reported the following:

  • October – April TBA –Roller Skating Parties at Lloyds4:30-6:30Skating parties are held at Lloyd’s Roller Rink in Latonia. This is a great way for kids and families to connect outside of school! Lloyds is a great rink for beginner skaters! $3.00 includes your skate rental!!
  • October 5– Pumpkin Decorating2:30 – 4:30(This pumpkin event is right after school for the school kids) All supplies areprovided by the COF including a snack and drink! Forester youth members are FREE -Non-Members please bring $4.00. We willdecoratepumpkins, playHalloween Bingo, and have lots of Halloween fun!!
  • October 13 – Family Pumpkin Carving Night6:30- ?- (This pumpkin event will be open to the whole parish) We will begin with aPumpkinCarvingPrayerat6:30in the school cafeteria. We ask you to bring yourown family pumpkins, and anycarvingtools you may have. We will have some tools for those that may need to borrow some and the candles! We will pray and carve together! This will be followed by Campfire Smores and Hot Chocolate in the Church yard.
  • October 28- Halloween Fest - TBA afternoon hours– Lots of Halloween Fun – Costume Contest, Games, Prizes, Food, Hayrides and more!Plan to join us for games, hayride, costumes and fun to be had for all. We are hoping everyone will be able to join in the fun. In order to make this Halloween Fest a success we are in need of volunteers. We will need parents/older kids to work a shift as little as a ½ hour or as long as you want. If volunteering your time isn’t an option, we are in need of baked goods to be supplied that morning. This will be used as prizes for the “Cake Walk” that all the kids enjoy. We are also looking for some great door prize donations - if you know of a company that is willing to provide a donation, please let us know. If you are able to assist in any way, please send an r at859-468-2004. Thank you and we look forward to a successful Halloween Fest. Shawna and Kim – Co-Chairs
  • SAVE THE DATE - Friday November 3 – COF Quarter Auction - make plans now to attend this fun and exciting night out! Doors will open at6:00and the Auction will begin at7:00– This will be a fun and exciting night out! Invite your family and friends! Have fun and win some great prizes! Watch the Newsletter for more details coming soon!

RECREATION – Krista reported the following:

Kenton County Parks & Recreation have a number of upcoming events that they are seeking volunteers for. See attached for info about the events and volunteering

•Friday, October 20th – Halloween Happenings Haunted Trail

•Saturday, October 21st - Halloween Happenings Kids Fun Day

Finance – Dan reported the following:

  • Annual Report is complete, it is awaiting signature
  • No update on additional funds from DPAA
  • Tax ID – Dan will look into the correct tax ID that should be used for fundraising efforts
  • Research is underway on the ability to accept credit cards for donations – additional information is needed on the cost and security of online transactions
  • Evangelization – Judy is working on scheduling Anna Mitchell to speak about Sacred Heart Radio at a weekend Mass or Masses.

Old Business

  • Father reported the Drone Media initiative has been postponed until the spring
  • Father reported the Madrigal initiative has been shelved for a year
  • Ideas for festival rebranding should be brought to the next meeting. Father challenged Council to think outside the box

New Business

  • Brian Fischer’s term is up soon. Discussion was had around whether to nominate or look to merge his position. Fr. Booth will think about it and decide for the November meeting.
  • The needs of the parish and school were discussed. An increase in parishioners and students is a priority. Starting a campaign fund for the school roof and air conditioners was discussed. To address the spiritual needs of the parish, the possibility of an adult bible study was discussed, along with a stewardship drive to “sell” the various ministries to the parish. New hymnals would be nice to have for the Guatemalans.
  • An Advent Musical, possible the 3rd Sunday of Advent was discussed. More ideas to be thought upon and discussed at the next meeting.
  • Dan Pikar motioned to adjourn the meeting.
  • Father Booth closed with a prayer.
  • Next meeting Monday November 13,2017
  • Respectfully submitted by Lisa Bottom