The Parishes of St Mary, Our Lady of Walsingham, London Colney,

St Anthony of Padua, Radlett & the Good Shepherd, Shenley.

Parish Priest: Fr Kevin Moule; Radlett Presbytery, 22, The Crosspath, Radlett, WD7 8HN.

Tel: Radlett Presbytery: 01923 635541; Web: or londoncolney or shenley e-mail:

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B, 4th February 2018. Newsletter Deadline Wednesday 9am.


St Mary, Our Lady of Walsingham

Haseldine Road, London Colney, AL2 1RR (LC)

*St Anthony of Padua Catholic Church

Radlett Presbytery, 22 The Crosspath

Radlett, WD7 8HN* (RA)

*(Postal address for all parishes)*

The Good Shepherd,

Black Lion Hill, Shenley, WD7 9DH (SH)


Please use the envelopes available, Stating RIP or intentions of & which Parish it is to be offered in. Then return to Fr Kevin or put in the collection, or send it to the Radlett address above. (Mass Intentions may change if there is a funeral, & moved to the next available date.)If you want to know the date please write your phone number or e-mail address clearly on the envelope, thank you. Please do not use the envelopes for any other purpose.

MASS TIMES – 4th February

(SH (Sat) 5.00pm: Int John & Monica Cahill

(4.15pm – 4.50pm Exposition and Benediction)


(RA)10.00am: Pro Populo

(LC) 11.30am: Michele Di Maio & Giovanni Di Maio


(LC) Mon 10.00am: Hughey Doherty

(RA) Tue 10.00am: NO MASS

(SH) Wed 9.30am: NO MASS

(LC) Thu 10.00am: Simon Doherty

(On Fridays only, Mass is celebrated at St Albans Cathedral, St Albans, AL1 1BY at 12 Noon)

MASS TIMES – 11th February

(SH (Sat) 5.00pm: Pro Populo

(4.15pm – 4.50pm Exposition and Benediction)


(RA)10.00am: Maria Sweeney

(LC) 11.30am: Mordred Stanley


Healing Mass at London Colney at 7.30pm on the following Fridays: 16th Feb, 23rd Mar, 20th Apr, 18th May, 22nd June, 20th July.

Please pray for the sick, for those who have died, and those whose anniversaries occur at this time.


London Colney: Sunday 11.10 – 11.25am

Radlett: Sunday 9.30 – 9.50am

Shenley: Saturday 4.15 – 4.45pm



Sun: Refreshments available after Mass.

10.45am Stations of the Cross after Mass during Lent.

Mon/ Thu: Rosary & Divine Mercy after Mass

Tues: 1-2pm Church Cleaning and from 2-3pm

Prayers & Rosary. All are welcome.

Thu: 8pm Choir rehearsal.

Fri: 8pm Night Prayer.


Sun: Refreshments available after Mass.

Tue: Refreshments after 10am Mass.

Fri: 10.00am Stations of the Cross during Lent.


Sat: Refreshments available after Mass.

7 - 9.30pm Carpet Bowls

3RD Sat: Church Cleaning.

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Thu 9am – 12 Noon

Parish Administrator: Mrs Catherine King

You can now text £5 as an offering.

For London Colney text: Parish LONDC; Radlett text: Parish RADLE; Shenley text: Parish SHENL; to 70800.

Please note@There is no Mass on Tuesday or Wednesday this week as Fr Kevin is away on retreat.

Masses on Ash Wednesday, when ashes will be given, is next week, 14th February, and a day of fasting and abstinence. Mass times are as follows:

9.30am Shenley.

10.00am London Colney.

7.00pm Radlett.

Cardinal’s Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony at Westminster Cathedral on Saturday, 19th May 2018 at 3pm. For all couples who are celebrating their 5th 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in 2018 and wish to attend the Mass please please e-mail (preferably, or phone) the parish office with the following details: husband and wife’s names, full postal address, wedding date, and email (or telephone number, if no email) before 17th March 2018, thank you.

Pilgrimages to Lourdes, and to Romania, 2018: Fr Kevin has been asked by Pax Travel to lead two pilgrimages in 2018. One to Lourdes from 7th to 12th May 2018, costing £599.00. One to the Painted Churches of Romania leaving on 10th October and returning on 16th October 2018; this will cost £759.00. Brochures available at the back of the church. Places on the Lourdes Pilgrimage are already going fast so if you wish to join the pilgrimage then please apply soon. Brochures are available at the back of the church.

First Holy Communion

Parent Sessions: 3pm at London Colney no further dates at the moment.

Sessions at Radlett: at 11am on Sundays: 28th Jan; 4th, 25th Feb; 4th, 18th Mar; 15th April rehearsal with parents. FHC Mass at Radlett on Sun, 22nd April.

First Holy Communion Sessions at London Colney: All sessions begin at 3pm & finish at 4.30pm on: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th March, 21st, and 28th April 4pm rehearsal. FHC Mass at London Colney on Sun, 29th April.

Filipino Vigil Adorers Prayer Group at London Colney: Vigil Adoration on the following Fridays, 9pm - 12.30am: 23rd Feb, 23rd Mar, 27th Apr, 25th May, 22nd June, 27th July, 24th Aug, 28th Sept, 26th Oct, 23rd Nov.

Children’s Liturgy at London Colney: TBA.

Reflections with Sr Avril at Radlett at 7.30pm on Tuesday: 30th Jan, 20th Feb, 20th Mar.



In the first instance please e-mail or contact the parish office with your address for an application form. Contact details are above. All parents are to make an appointment to attend a Baptism Preparation Course or discuss the service before the Baptism. Godparents are encouraged to attend as well if possible. The preparation course must be completed before the baptism takes place.


Thank you for your generosity.

London Colney £518.42

Radlett: £839.80

Shenley: £374.33

Pope’s Prayer Intention: Say “No” to Corruption: That those who have material, political, or spiritual power may resist an lure of corruption.


Friday 23rd February – Double Your Gift

CAFOD’s Family Fast Day this Lent is an opportunity to support our brothers and sisters who don’t have enough to eat. On Friday 23rd February please can you give up a meal, or eat a simple meal, in solidarity with all those who go hungry? With malnutrition still killing almost three million children a year, your fasting, prayers and donations will ensure that more of God’s children will have enough good food to eat. And this Lent your donation will make double the difference. For every pound you donate to CAFOD, the UK Government will also donate a pound, up to a total of £5 million pounds, meaning that twice the nmber of lives can be transformed. Twice the number of children can have the opportunity to grow up healthy and stron. Please pick up a Fast Day envelope available from the back of church, and don’t forget to fill in the gift aid form (completely and legibly) if you pay tax, to add even more value to your gift at no expense to yourself. Thank you in advance for your generosity.



West Herts NHS Hospital Chaplaincy: If you or a relative are admitted to hospital and you would like to be anointed by a priest please contact your local priest or a member of the hospital chaplaincy team. If you would like a member of the hospital chaplaincy team to visit a relative in hospital please contact us directly by phone and leave a message: 01923 217994 or email us at:


Christ Church & St John’s(Gills Hill Lane, Radlett, WD7 8DF) 65th Anniversary Celebration on Satuday 3rd March from 11am – 3pm. Refreshments, activities & fair. Songs of Prasie service at 4.00pm. All are welcome.

February at the Niland Centre(Rosary Priory, 93 Elstree Way, Bushey Heath WD23 4EE

Ways of Praying—Imaginative Prayer (Jesuit tradition)—Wednesday, 7 February(7.30-9.00pm) Suggested donation £5.

Signs of Hope—A morning Thursday, 22 February(10.00am-12.30pm). Suggested donation £6.

In association with the Agency for Evangelisation:

Formation for Ministers of the Word-Saturday, 24 February10 am—3 pm (Holy Mass, Fr Chris Vipers, Agency for Evangelisation)Feed your spirit and inform your ministry. Suggested donation £14. Bring a packed lunch.

Pope Francis and the Evangelising Mission of the Church—Monday, 26 Februarywith Brian Purfield. Suggested donation £4

Refreshments provided at all events. Registrations welcome 020 8950 4000