St. Andrew’s Lutheran Fellowship Committee Minutes

Monday, August 8, 2016

Members Attending: Jo Ann Kovar, Ruth Larson, Gayle Osterberg, Lynnette Jensen

Minutes: We did not meet in June and July. We met in May but no minutes were prepared as there was not much business.

New Business: We will have a Rally Sunday on September 11. Called Laura Frescoln, Education Committee about this. Stewardship is assigned to do Fellowship on the 11th. Called Lynnette Jensen to pass on to Stewardship as she requested.

Fall Calendar Events Coming Up

Aug. 21 – Backpack Sunday at Brookside Park and catered picnic. Called Mary Johnson, Worship and Arts. Catering all taken care of by Hy-Vee. Emailed Pine Ridge who is scheduled for fellowship that day that they are off duty that day.

Sept. 11 – Rally Sunday hot dog lunch for congregation – Education committee is taking care of this. Gayle will be there to help. Another volunteer from our committee is needed. Talked to Laura Frescoln. They are planning a simple lunch of hot dogs, chips, baked beans, veggies

October 2 – Stewardship Event – more information to come

November 23rd – Thanksgiving Eve Service and Pie Fest

Thankyou! A great big thank you to Susan Teas for making coffee Sunday mornings! Gayle thanked her verbally a few weeks ago. She says she is in the habit of being at the church very early on Sunday mornings so she does not mind doing this for Adult Sunday School and for Fellowship even in the summer. We are very grateful to her for this service. It is so helpful to all of the committees who provide treats for us on Sunday mornings to know that the coffee is on. We can’t thank you enough, Susan!

Fellowship Assignments for Rest of Year

Sept. 4 - Fellowship

Sept. 11 – Education Committee, Rally Sunday hot dog lunch for congregation (see above)

Sept. 18 - Property

Sept. 25 – Outreach

Oct. 2 – Stewardship Emphasis Sunday – dinner for congregation – Thrivent?

Oct. 9 - Youth

Oct. 16 – Worship and Arts

Oct. 23 - Tanzania

Oct. 30 – Social Concerns

Nov. 6 – Fellowship

Nov. 13 – Pine Ridge

Nov. 20 – EMT

Nov. 27 – Stewardship

Dec. 4 – Fellowship

Dec. 11 – Property

December – Outreach

December – 25 No Fellowship Christmas Day

Next Meeting: Monday, September 12, 9:30 am

Submitted by Gayle Osterberg, Acting Chair