St. Andrew’s Episcopal School
2016- 2017 Supply List
1 red St. Andrew’s tote (supplied by St. Andrew’s)
3 boxes (8 count) Crayola triangular crayons
1 bottle of Elmer’s glue
5 jumbo-sized Elmer’s glue sticks
2 cube boxes of facial tissues
1 box of baby wipes
1 bottle of liquid handsoap
3 - 4 family photos (please print, don’t email) & 1 photo of your child
1 red St. Andrew’s tote bag
(supplied by St. Andrew’s)
2 boxes (8 count) Crayola triangular crayons
3 bottles liquid hand soap
1 bottle hand sanitizer
2 containers of Clorox wipes
1 box of sandwich-sized Ziploc® bags
1 pair of children’s scissors (blunt tip)
1 b/w speckled composition book
12 glue sticks (Elmer’s)
1 blue St. Andrew’s tote bag
(supplied by St. Andrew’s)
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
4 boxes 8-Count large Crayola
brand Ultra-Clean Washable Crayons
1 b/w speckled composition
1 roll Scotch®painter’s tape
4 fine point black dry erase markers
For Art: 1 oversized t-shirt (2 sizes too big, NOT adult size) labeled with child’s name
For Science: 1 composition
Notebook and 2 pencils
2 boxes (24 count) crayons (1 per semester)
2 pink school erasers
1 pair of Fiskars®blunt-tip scissors
4 large glue sticks (to be replenished as needed)
1 poly-vinyl folder with prongs – BLUE or RED
1 poly-vinyl folder WITH pockets (any color or design)
1 WHITE 11/2 inch 3-ring binder with clear, outside front cover and inside
2 wide ruled composition books – any color
BOYS - 1 bottle Elmer’s liquid school glue
GIRLS - 1 box (12 count) yellow #2 pencils with erasers
*Tissues and disinfectant wipes will be requested as needed, due to limited storage space.
*Please do not send pencil boxes or zipper pouches.
For Music:
1 green polyvinyl folder with prongs
For Science: 1 Composition notebook and 2 pencils
For Art: 1 oversized t-shirt (2 sizes too big, NOT adult size)
for Art smock, labeled with child’s name
PLEASE clearly label all supplies!
1 box - 24 count crayons
#2 pencils, with erasers Art: Smock (a large shirt
1 box - 12 count colored pencils labeled with your child’s
1 large pink eraser name)
1 bottle of glue For Science: 1 Composition
1 Fiskars® scissors Notebook and 2 Pencils
2 polyvinyl folders with BOTTOM For French: 1 YELLOW (no
pockets (no prongs) polyvinyl) Folder w/pockets
(1 green/1 red) 1 glue stick
1 composition (b/w) notebook Clorox Wipes
1 large school box (No Zip Bag) For Music: 1 green polyvinyl
2 large boxes of tissues folder with prongs
Last Name A-M: 1 bottle of Clorox wipes
Last Name N-Z: 1 container Purel hand
1 binder (2 to 2 ½ inches) with pockets
8 notebook dividers with pockets and tabs
3 plastic pocket folders (1 blue, 1 red, 1 green)
1 pocket folder with clips
2 composition books (your choice)
1 box markers, 1 box 16 or 24 count crayons For French:
1 box 12 count colored pencils 1 GREEN folder
4 #2 pencils and 4 cap erasers 1blue/1 red erasable pens
2 red pens glue stick
1 small bottle glue and 3 glue sticks For Art: Large shirt
3 pkg. wide ruled loose leaf notebook paper labeled w/name
1 Fiskars®scissors For Science:
4 jumbo size book covers 1 composition notebook
2 boxes tissues 2 Pencils
*Last Name A-G: hand sanitizer Computer: 1 set earbuds *Last Name H-Z: Clorox wipes
2 Yellow Highlighters
wide ruled notebook paper 4 book covers (large size)
2 speckled composition books 2 highlighters (yellow and any (1 black, 1 your choice) other color)
1 21/2-3” 3-ring binder/notebook 1 ruler
(heavy-duty) scissors
6 notebook dividers with tabs 1 bottle of Elmer’s glue
2 poly-vinyl pocket folders with holes glue sticks (replace as needed)
3 pocket folders with prongs 1 GB (or larger) USB flashdrive
(not poly-vinyl)(1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 green)2 large boxes of tissues
2 spiral notebooks – wide ruled 1 Clorox® wipes
#2 lead pencils
cap erasers For French:
2 black or blue erasable ink pens 1 ORANGE folder
3 red pens 1 blue & 1 red erasable pen
1 pencil box Clorox Wipes
1 small pencil sharpener For Computer: 1 set of earbuds
colored pencils, markers For Science:
1 composition book
and 2 pencils
For Art: Shirt labeled with
1 2 ½ - 3-inch binder
3 plastic folders with holes (1 must be blue) For French:
2 speckled composition books 1 blue/1 red erasable pens
(replace as needed) 1 RED folder
wide-ruled notebook paper
8 dividers with labels For Art: Shirt labeled w/name
1 zippered pencil bag (optional) For Computer: 1 set of earbuds
1 large Fiskars® scissors For Science: Composition
1 pack of mechanical pencils (optional) notebook/2 pencils
6 black or blue erasable pens, 4 red pens
1 box of washable markers 1 bottle of Elmer’s glue
1 box colored pencils 1 GB (or larger) USB flashdrive
4 #2 pencils and 4 cap erasers 4 book covers
1 box 16 – 24 count crayons 2 boxes of tissues
2 highlighters (yellow) (other) Clorox wipes
1 ruler Ziploc® Bags – 1 box sandwich
glue sticks (replace as needed) and 1 box gallon size