Report of the Director of People and Property

Hertfordshire Property response to key Items identified in the final report.


To update Members of the Scrutiny Topic Group on the progress made against the recommendations of the St Albans Fire Station Topic Group

held on 16th September 2008


Throughout the period since the Scrutiny Meeting on 16th September dialogue with stakeholders has been maintained to discuss and investigate the key concerns identified in the report. Additional items outside of the report requirements have also been discussed during this period.

Fire and Rescue (F&R), MACE, and Mouchel have all participated in discussions, site visits and been party to the consequent remedial actions. F&R have been kept apprised of status on key items throughout this process.

Information has been distributed to all parties to ensure that a constant dialogue has been maintained and that everybody has been aware of issues as they occur. Investigations has been arranged, where possible, to fit F&R personnel’s availability.

The Station Commander has been kept informed of when agreed activities have been arranged and by whom and has been present during key surveys, such as the CCTV drainage investigation, and has received copies of all reports generated during this period.

Attached is a list identifying dates with items identified and relevant stakeholders.

Timetable of Events

Date / Item under discussion / Stakeholder’s Involved / Method of Communication
17/9 / Oakray to carryout maintenance of all ventilation plant highlighting any issues encountered. / HP/MO/OAK / Telephone conversation.
18/9 / Identification of key issues from scrutiny meeting sent to MACE / HP/ MACE / e-mail
19/9 / Response requesting discussions of content of 18/9 / HP/ MACE / e-mail
19/9 / Telephone discussion clarifying items and response required form e-mail of 18/9 / HP/ MACE / Telephone conversation
23/9 / Confirmation requested that all filters changed. / MO/ HP / e-mail
24/9 / Oakray commence maintenance works on site agreed with site staff. Identify certain issues contained in report at completion of tasks. / MO/HP/OAK/F&R / e-mail
site visit to agree procedures to undertake works
29/9 / Reply to e-mail of 18/9 / HP/ MACE / e-,mail
2/10 / Oakray identify ductwork connection faults and rectify during maintenance works. Site staff aware of issues. / MO/HP / e-mail
8/10 / Fault on pressurisation unit identified and replaced with site fully aware / MO/HP / e-mail
13/10 / Report of boiler problems in Training area / HP/MO/OAK / e-mail
15/ 10 / Discussion on MACE progress / HP/ MACE / Telephone conversation
26/10 / Confirmation to proceed with independent report for yard concrete. / HP/ MACE / e-mail
12/11 / Blocked drain instigates CCTV survey / HP/F&R / e-mail
18/11 / Confirmation of status of recycling plant removal / MACE/HP/ F&R / e-mail
18/11 / CCTV,survey commences / F&R/ LIN / MO/ MACE / Site and visit
18/11 / Site Meeting arranged for 27/11 to discuss status / F&R/ HP/MO/OAK / e-mail
22/11 / Discussion on progress of actions / HP/F&R / Telephone conversation
24/11 / Approval to fit new boiler to training area to be agreed with site date. / HP/MO/OAK / e-mail
27/11 / Meeting to update on progress with works / F&R/ HP/MO/OAK / Site meeting
27/11 / Reports on CCTV sent to MACE for incorporation into their proposals / HP/ MACE / e-mail
28/11 / New Boiler due for installation severely damaged when delivered to Oakray. Situation discussed with site and replacement unit ordered / OAK/ F&R
T. Morrison / Telephone conversation

Code HP – Hertfordshire PropertyMO – MouchelOAK - Oakray

MACE – Capital Works Property PartnerF&R – Hertfordshire Fire & Rescue ServiceLIN - Linbrooks

Status of Key Identified Issues:

Scrutiny Item / Confirmation/Identification of Issue / Actions to date / Longer Term Actions
2.1 / To ensure that a system is in place that means all the positive aspects of the build are borne in mind in the design and build of any new County buildings and that any lessons learned are also applied in a similar way. / Discussions held with Mace.
Reinforcement of the review stage (Gateway 5-Feedback and lessons learned) of the existing Gateway process.
Monthly capital progress meeting with Mace.
Monthly maintenance review with Mouchel / Renewal of consultancy contracts for 2012 or earlier.
2.2 / To provide an effective rectification service for defects in new buildings from the perspective of the service occupying the premises. The key indicator should be the experience of the occupant(s) over the first 12 months following the handing over of the building. At the end of 12 months there should be no outstanding defect. / Formalisation of handover process.
Agreed sign off by client at handover meeting and on completion of 12 month defects period.
Earlier intervention by Herts Property if defect is impacting on service delivery
Client at handover meeting / Review and report as part of the annual property audit review on the frequency and impact of defects.
Comparison to national KPI benchmarks for new build projects.
2.3 / To develop a much faster property services partnership approach to putting right building defects in workmanship and design usually discovered when new buildings are occupied for the first time. The aim is to rectify problems first and sort out responsibility afterwards. / A “ no blame” approach to minor defects up to £5000 with our supply chain partners is in preparation.
See also 2.2 above. / Negotiated changes to current supply contracts to incentivise prompt actions on notification of a defect.
2.4/4.4 / Shower Room Plumbing - Leakage from shower pipework and poor drainage from showers. / Repairs completed to pipework by Dean & Dyball by end of September.
Problems caused by issues in main drainage system (see “Blocked Drains” section below). / See “Blocked Drains” section below,
Recommendations by Linbrooks to incorporate additional rodding eyes to urinals to be implemented.
Shower Room Flooring -Confirmed plumbing leaks (see above) causing lifting of floor covering adjacent to shower. / Floor repaired by Dean & Dyball by end of September. No reoccurrence on subsequent inspection. / None required
Concrete in yard cracking - Cracks in concrete predominantly in rear yard and especially around manhole/service openings. Speculation about the adequacy of the design and whether suitable reinforcing was present around the openings. / Mace considered the cracks to be superficial during initial discussions.
The specifier (Herts Highways Partnership) has carried out core sample investigations to ascertain the cause and compare the construction against the specification (See report Appendix 1).
Results of varying depths of concrete have been presented to Dean & Dyball who have an issue with the low number of samples taken.
A further independent investigation is due to report back on 3 December. / Results of independent report will be discussed with MACE/ Dean and Dyball with objective of agreeing a resolution to the problem.
Programme subject to contractual discussions.
Blocked Drains –
CCTV survey of main drainage runs undertaken showing open end to drainage run, inconsistent gradients and major blockages. Users have experienced sewage smells and seepage of sewage into interior of building due to blockages. / CCTV survey undertaken (See report in Appendix 2).
System has been jet washed through and additional rodding eyes installed to allow better access.
Commission placed with Mouchel to implement a cyclical maintenance regime to jet wash the main drains. Experimentation required to ascertain the correct frequency. / Report provided to MACE to identify if these are design or installation issues, or both and to propose corrective solutions. Awaiting formal response..
Programme subject to contractual discussions.
The option of introducing temporary solutions where constant impact is unreasonably effecting serviced delivery for future consideration. Potential abortive costs involved.
Poor ventilation –
Air movement poor, especially during summer period. / Inspection of air handling plant resulted in report (See Appendix 3).
Dirty and clogged filters have been replaced.
All assets now being maintained on scheduled PPM programme.
Connection of air handling units completed (4 outstanding).
Issues relating to maintenance access, incomplete connections and other miscellaneous items identified. / Items in report passed to MACE for proposed corrective solutions from Dean & Dyball and their supply chain.. Awaiting formal response.
Programme subject to contractual discussions.
The option of introducing temporary solutions where constant impact is unreasonably effecting service delivery for future consideration. Potential abortive costs involved.
Window Restrictors –
Users would prefer removal of window restrictors to allow improved ventilation and air flow in summer period. / Allowing windows to open further would risk personal injury to people using the adjacent footpath.
Damaged restrictors repaired by reactive request to helpline. / Improvements to ventilation system (See above) will resolve this issue.
Heating system –
Heating system does not provide sufficient heat to some areas of the building during cold weather / Original boilers were replaced at MACE cost . Rebalancing the system to improve heat in one area reduces it in another.
Independent commissioning engineers have identified 3 main issues (See report Appendix 4).
Supplementary electric heaters have been provided to site as a temporary solution.
Contingency solutions being sought from Mouchel/Oakray in the event that a short term solution is required. / Report passed to MACE for proposed corrective action.
Awaiting formal response.
Programme subject to contractual discussions.
The option of introducing temporary solutions where constant impact is unreasonably effecting serviced delivery for future consideration. Potential abortive costs involved.
Grey water recycling plant removal / Approval from Thames Water obtained. Removal planned for before Christmas 2008. / None. Action complete.
Training centre boiler replacement required. / Boiler replaced by 1 December 2008. / Monitor performance through to December 2009.
2.5 / For buildings commissioned by HCC, the functionality of the internal design features needs greater consideration. / Improved room data sheets through introduction of formal briefing document for use in the Mace/Mouchel briefing process. Requirement and opportunity for service department client to input significant information.
Pre business case advice requiring earlier Mace involvement as triggered through the monthly capital progress meetings.
Design Champion role is now established following the BSF model. / Application of Design Quality Indicators (DQI) and design champion process across all significant property projects.
2.6 / To introduce a system for any future tender for new builds that includes the cost for on-going annual maintenance and that the successful tenderer is made responsible for future maintenance. / Under consideration / Under consideration
2.7 / To recommend to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee that a Topic
Group be established in 2009 to look at the relationship between the County Council, Mace and Mouchel / Action by others


Appendix 1 – Herts Highways Concrete Investigative Report

Appendix 2 – Linbrooks, CCTV Drainage Report

Appendix 3 – Oakrays Ventilation Report

Appendix 4 – Oakrays Heating System Report