SSHRC Institutional Grant (SIG) Online Form

Overview | Status Definitions | Workflow | Entering Applications (Business Officer) | Editing Applications (Business Officer) | |Approving Applications (Chair) | Contact Information


The Research Grants office allocates award funds to departments, and informs them that the funds are available. Budgets can be viewed in the system directly, as can the running total as applications are entered, approved and refused. Applications newly entered in the system all have the status "Pending". (See Status Definitions below) This status generates an e-mail to Chair to inform him/her that an application is waiting for approval or refusal. If no decision is made, a second e-mail message is sent to him/her as a reminder. Applications approved by the Department Chair are then finalized by the Research Grants office, the budgets set up and Business Officers informed that FReDs are available online.
Status Definitions:

Pending / SIG application has been created and is awaiting Chair approval/refusal (triggers email notification to Chair - one that evening and one a week later if SIG left unchanged by Chair).
Chair Approved / SIG has been approved by the Chair and is awaiting approval/refusal from the Research Grants Office (triggers email notification to the Research Grants office)
Chair Rejected / SIG has been rejected by the Chair.
Research Approved / SIG has been approved by the Research Grants office and is waiting to be loaded into AMS (triggers load into AMS)
Research Rejected / SIG has been rejected by the Research Grants office for reasons of eligibility or incompleteness.
*Budget Transferred / FReD and budget have been created in AMS for SIG and expenses may be posted.
*Budget Transferred, No Posting / FReD and budget have been created in AMS for SIG, but no expenses may be posted (usually because of an outstanding approval on an human protocol).
*Revenue Transferred / FReD, Budget, and Revenue have been created in AMS for SIG and expenses may be posted.
*Revenue Transferred, No Posting / FReD, Budget, and Revenue have been created in AMS for SIG, but no expenses may be posted (usually because of an outstanding approval on an human protocol).
* Note: the last four statuses (6 - 9) mean that the FReD and Budget have been set up.

For a visual presentation of how Departments approve and award

SIG funds, see the Workflow diagram on Page 4 (last page of this document).

How to Enter Applications

It is assumed that the department has already received notification from the Research Grants office of the amount of SIG funds available, and held an internal competition.

  1. Log in at with assigned User ID and password.
  2. Opening view is Department Budgets, which shows the year, department name, amounts. To see start and end dates, click View at end of row.
  3. To enter a new application, select Create a New Application from menu at left. All required fields are indicated by an arrow in a small red circle
  4. Select Department from pick list (usually only one possible department displayed)
  5. Similarly select Researcher, Fund Centre and Cost Centre, or if the ID number is known, simply enter directly in field to the right. If Researcher is not in list, contact Research Services (see Contacts at the bottom of this page); if Fund or Cost Centre is not in list, choose TO BE ASSIGNED (999999). This information will be entered by the Research Grants office after Chair's approval.
  6. Select one Purpose for the research proposal by clicking on a radio button
  7. Select a Classification of Humanities or Social Sciences from the pick list.
  8. Enter Amount Requested by researcher. The format (use of $ sign, comma, etc.) makes no difference.
  9. Enter Amount Awarded by internal department process. This amount will be subtracted from Amount Available in the Department Budgets view. Remember, the maximum is $7,000.
  10. Enter the Title of the research project. The limit is 240 characters. NOTE: Please do not use quotation marks in Title, or data may be lost.
  11. If the project involves the use of human subjects, an ethics protocol is needed, so click Yes.
    Click the check box below if the protocol has already been approved.
    Enter the Ethics protocol number if you know it, otherwise this information will be entered by the Research Grants office after Chair's approval.
  12. To save the application you have just entered, click the Update button at the bottom of the screen. The application is now entered as Pending.
  13. An e-mail message is automatically sent to the Chair of the department, alerting him/her to the fact that an application is awaiting a decision.

How to Edit or Delete Applications

From the menu at the left choose Current Applications. At the end of the row click edit or delete. To edit, the same screen in which the application was originally created will open up, and changes can be made. Then click the Update button at the bottom of the screen. Only applications with the status Pending can be edited or deleted.

Decision by Chair

  1. Log in at with assigned User ID and password.
  2. Opening view is of Pending Applications
  3. Click on decision at right end of row
  4. Next screen shows details of that application
  5. Click on appropriate button - Approve or Refuse
  6. To view next pending application, click the button Next
  7. To exit to the opening Pending Applications screen, click Exit
  8. To leave the SIG online form, select Log Off from menu at left.
  9. An e-mail message is automatically sent to the Research Grants office to alert them that a SIG application has been approved and requires processing.


Mindi Chiu
Sarah Scott /
