SSC Improvers Entry & Consent form

This form must be completed in full for each child (or one form per family, specifically naming each cadet)prior to participation in any event listed on the SSC Improver Sailing Program

Name of Cadet(s)(block letters)
DOB of Cadet
Home address of Cadet
Home phone number
Parent’s name (block letters)
Parent’s mobile / emergency contact
Parent’s email address
SSC Membership Number
Type of dinghy
Sail number
Hull colour
Declaration & Legal liability / Yes/No
I confirm that the improver is a member of the Shoreham Sailing Club
I confirm that we hold Family Membership
My child has Cadet Only Membership, and I would like to nominate the following adult SSC Member as an additionaladult with responsibility for my child during sessions:……………………………….
I confirm that only an adult who is a member of the Shoreham Sailing Club will go on the water either to sail with or toassist a cadet.
I am aware that the races will be governed by the current ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing with local amendments.
I understand that the improverorganisers shall not be liable for any loss, damage, death or personal injury howsoever caused to any cadet as a result of their taking part in any SSC event.
I will warrant the suitability of the cadet’s boat for each event.
I will ensure that the cadet wears appropriate clothing at all SSC events.
I will ensure that a buoyancy aid is worn at all times when the cadet is afloat.
By signing this entry form as a parent of a cadet participant, I accept that I am responsible for my child, crew and boat, whether afloat or ashore. If I am not at the SSC during an event then I will notify the race officer by e-mail of
who is responsible for my child.
I accept that nothing done by the organisers will relieve participants, or their parents, of their responsibilities.
I will inform the day organiser in writing if I do not wish my child to be photographed at SSC events.
I wish to withhold my email address from the SSC database.
By permitting my child to launch, I, as the parent of a participant, imply the suitability of the boat and the competence of the cadet and crew for the expected or forecast conditions.
I accept that the provision of patrol craft does not relieve participants, or their parents, of their responsibilities.

I confirm that I have read and accept each of the above conditions. I have read & understood the SSC Improver Risk Assessment & will discuss the hazards with my child before sailing with the SSC. I accept that the Shoreham Sailing Clubcannot be held responsible for the safety of my child at any time.

Signed (Parent)……………………….....…………………………………..Date………………………………

Signed (Cadet)………………………….……………………….…………..Date………………………………

For the attention of SSC Committee (please return to club)