(Current as of August 25th, 2011)

Action items arising from July 14, 2011
Chief Layton

Estimates for employee parking sunshades
8/25 $29,000-$35000, not affordable. Cancelled.

Action items arising from June 09, 2011
Director Pixton and Accounting Manager LeBreton

Develop list of prospective auditors.
7/14 one likely, one unlikely within 100 miles

8/25 Johnson Miller only reasonable alternative due to cost and availability. Changing may cost $30,000. Other CPA’s within Johnson Miller.


Chief Administrative Officer Layton

Write letter on Soaring Society of America position and join Coalition to Save Our GPS.
7/14 done

Chairman Tyler and Director Whiteley

AOPA Summit booth and possible flight line display.
7/14 no presence, ads in AOPA publications instead

Chief Administrative Officer Layton
Follow-up on whether stocks and securities can be donated directly.
7/14 done
Action items arising from April 28, 2011
EAA Air Venture - Thank you to Costello Insurance Associates and Arizona Soaring for sponsorship of the SSA reception at Air Venture. Chairman Tyler.

6/9 done

SSA links to contest reports at Director Whiteley to discuss with Electronic Communications Committee Chair, Doug Easton.

6/9 done

Controls for electronic withholding. Vice chair Pixton, Chief Administrative Officer Layton.

6/9 Layton Done.

Estate planning column for Chairman’s column in Soaring. Chairman Tyler.

6/9 July Soaring
7/14 Done

Action items arising from March 29, 2011
Vice Chair Brickner to send member badge and record applications and materials to SSA Badge and Record Manager Rollin Hasness
4/28/11 Will talk with Larry Tuohino. Rollin contingency plan, $1500 trip.
4/28/11 shipped today closed
Action items arising from February 22, 2011
Post Conference Review Committee (Layton) / CAO report
Convention assessment committee – Chairman Al Tyler and Chief Administrative Officer Denise Layton formed – Bob Lacovara, Dave Nadler, Burt Compton, Richard Kellerman, Walt Cannon and Denise Layton.

4/28/11 355 responses 3%. 170 written comments. Results in week or two.
6/9 report. Done

Chairman Tyler feels group is needed; convention is big thing for op money;

ACTION ITEM - follow up with group - decide on date to get report back – CAO Layton will get it one week before Excomm meetings.
4/28/11 committee tasked to propose solutions.

Action items arising from December 7, 2010
Umphres to contact Craig Fuller for a new staff level contact at AOPA.

4/28/11 Pixton will arrange to meet with Andrew Broom, CAO Layton membership swap, executive letter to Craig Fuller.
6/9 Exec letter sent to Craig Fuller.
7/14 Patrick Hower. Letter received. Anything we needed. Done

Umphres to look into improving SSA s digital media presence, and will discuss this with Frank Whiteley.
4/28/11 Done. Digital Media Working Group initialized under Growth and Development Committee. POC Director Whiteley.

Umphres/Brickner? Discussion with Pat Costello regarding the FAA interpretation of the towing issue.
January 11, 2011 AT will write ltr to Pat - ongoing
DONE 3-29-11
Awards Committee to develop guidelines
3/29/11 this item DONE.
Pixton to propose for next year audit contract; between now and January recommends on changing audit firms
3/29/11 DONE.

Action items arising from the October 2, 2010 Chicago Board Meeting
Brickner to post her real-life videos with Carlson.
3/29/11 Brickner reported had videos and would contact Carlson advising site he could download from.
4/28/11 Done.

Umphres to make Bluebook accessible to all members - Done as of December 7, 2010; this can be found on the governance web page.
Black-Nixon to discuss with Northcraft how SSA can address decrease in DPEs.

12/7/2010 - DBN reports this is in process.
Action items arising from August 17, 2010
Pixton - to review whether different auditors should be engaged before EOY 2010. Layton will send a directory of audit firms to Pixton, who will solicit bids from different set of auditors and determine the cost of any proposed change. This is standard accounting practice and is no reflection on the work of the current auditing firm.

10/27/2010 - Layton to confer with Pixton; Pixton will decide within thirty days.

DONE - referred to BOD - will be moved to completed list after January 2011 Board meeting.
Action items arising from June 29, 2010

Layton:To confirm the SSA website on badge flying/soaring achievement sets forth badge requirements, for the purpose of responding to the CAP encampment regarding the need for SSA membership for “A” badge. DONE. 8/17/2010

Action items arising from January 19, 2010

O’CallaghanTo discuss need for professional copy editor for Soaring with Chuck Coyne and bring recommendations to next Excomm meeting.

HOLD for results of late March 2010 discussion.

4/27/2010 - O’Callaghan to report to Umphres within 90 days (by end of July 2010) as to whether process changes are working for Soaring magazine. (See minutes for detail.)

5/25/2010 - This item is on hold for 60 days. O’Callaghan believes issues are resolved; will report back.

6/29/2010 - this is on hold for 30 days. The interim solution depended on closer communication between Coyne and the team in Hobbs.


8/17/2010 - Further Discussion of hiring a copy editor is tabled until January 2011.

3/29/11 - item tabled indefinitely.
4/28/11 – Coyne still wants to hire a copy editor
6/9/11 tabled.

LaytonTo distribute Eagle Fund update to Board of Directors by email.

DONE 2/16/2010

PixtonTo execute engagement letter with Johnson Miller.

DONE 2/16/2010

O’CallaghanTo arrange a discussion between Mike Abernathy and Warren Morningstar at AOPA about the Cloudstreet HDTV project.

DONE 2/16/2010

Layton To discuss with NSM representative Peter Smith his opinion as to selecting Dallas as the venue for the Fall SSA Board meeting.

DONE 2/16/2010.

Black-NixonTo advise Frauke Elber visiting foreign female pilots will be extended Introductory SSA memberships.

DONE 3/16/2010.

LaytonTo calculate an estimated cost of servicing one SSA membership and provide information to the Excomm before the next meeting so Excomm can evaluate the proposal to exchange membership information with AOPA.

Discussed at 3/16/2010 meeting. Determined cost was approximately $41; Pixton has looked into it.
DONE 4/27/2010 with adoption of approval of AOPA membership swap.

6/29/2010 - Coyne has proposed cutting printing costs, and believes up to $20,000 in savings will result. O’Callaghan has reviewed the numbers; and agrees Excomm should look at printing and distribution costs. Layton will go to current printer for new proposal for Soaring. O’Callaghan will have a recommendation within the next several weeks, at which time Excomm should hold a special meeting to discuss the cost-cutting measures.

Action items arising from December 15, 2009

Brickner To contact John Leibacher about his posting of Soaring magazine archives. Umphres reported 2/16/2010 he has talked with John by telephone, and discussed the John is free to use material from Soaring that is not copyrighted, with due credit to the original contributor, and he may use cover art as part of the website.

DONE 2/16/2010

Layton To distribute Eagle Fund Y-T-D update to full BOD.

DONE 1/19/2010

Tyler To reactivate Weather Committee.

DONE 1/19/2010

Action items arising from Board meeting of September 12, 2009

Northcraft:SSA volunteer Steve Northcraft to address questions regarding best way to communicate with FAA at national level on the issue of a conflict between FSDO operating procedures and ADO design features in the area of glider operations on parallel runways. Northcraft to contact Craig Spence at AOPA, Chris O’Callaghan and Phil Umphres regarding development of a course of action for SSA. Northcraft will possibly draft a letter from SSA Chairman to FAA Chairman requesting discussion on high level.

1/19/2010 – Northcraft has drafted letter, will be discussed by appropriate people at Little Rock convention and SSA Board meeting and mailed to FAA after the meetings there.

2/16/2010 - Umphres earlier last week sent letter to FAA; is waiting for reaction/response. The letter was sent to Randall Fiertz, director of FAA’s airport compliance and field operations division; dtd 2/12/2010; and invited contact re issues of concern.
This item is to stay on the Action Item List.

3/16/2010 - nothing new to report.

4/27/2010 - SSA has made contact with FAA’s Kevin Willis with ADO. Umphres reported he had a productive phone conversation with him. Northcraft and Umphres will put together a power point presentation explaining problems; Willis agreed to investigate and determine whether SSA’s complaints are valid, and if so, he will support a meeting with Umphres, Northcraft, and FAA officials.

5/25/2010 - Umphres has called Willis, who responds he is working on it. Willis has sent inquiries out to the field as to the reason for limiting glider activity on parallel runway operations. Willis is not yet ready to respond.

6/29/2010 - Umphres to contact Willis for followup.
8/17/2010 - Umphres to obtain and submit copy of FAA memo for parallel operations. On July 23, Northcraft had a telephone conference with FAA personnel, who agreed with SSA’s position; they will issue written field guidance regarding the same.

DONE / RESOLVED at BOD meeting OCTOBER 2, 2010.

Action Item Arising from August 18, 2009
Brickner/Umphres To work with FAI Committee in resolution of application processes, promotion of programs.
3/29/11 DONE.

1/19/2010 – Brickner has requested assistance and cooperation from OLC in automating web process for badge submissions.
Brickner has discussed with Riener at lLR – more conversations with software fellow; also spoke with Andres at SEE YOU; who is interested, as their program has other useful features for badges and records.
1/19/2010 - Umphres to contact Judy re simplification of process and re problems, and will advise her Brickner will be in contact.
2/16/2010 - Brickner to continue work on online process this season, and to give written instructions for Judy, and submit them to Umphres. Umphres to direct Judy to work with Brickner on these.
4/27/2010 Umphres has emailed Judy’s comments to Brickner. Brickner will talk with Umphres, then with Judy about relaxing the process. Brickner and Umphres will talk further on 4/29/2010. Summary: Noel Wade is looking at technology necessary for an online system.
5/25/2010 - Continuing issues discussed by Excomm.
6/29/2010 - Umphres will oversee draft of specific proposed amendments to sporting code which is more in spirit w sport of soaring and not require slavish adherence to electronic device declarations.
Rick Shepp reports SSA’s contact is Ross Macintyre (NZ) at IGC, who is the chairman of the sporting code committee, which drafts the code to be approved by the delegates. SSA must give must give notice of proposal by 9/30, which requires only a one page document.
8/17/2010 - The June 2010 minutes reflected Judy Rupert’s resignation as Badge Lady. Excomm continues work on hiring badge processing personnel and working with IGC representatives to modify the sporting code. Umphres will talk with Shepp and Mann before the IGC meeting by 9/30.
Layton reports there are two finalists for Badge Lady; she has contacted Eric Mann and Brickner for end-of-month telephone interviews. Brickner is still working with Noel Wade for online processing of simple badges.
10/26/2010 - DONE/RESOLVED, waiting for outcome of IGC meeting in 2011, at which time this will be removed to the completed item list.
Action Items arising from July 21, 2009
Tyler -To work with the WGC committee to have an MOU in place by the September 12th Board of Vice chairs’ Meeting.

11/20/09 – MOU to be signed tomorrow. Joe Cardenas City Mgr. tomorrow and sent to us. Done in place by Umphres without a decision on revenue distribution. Umphres wants to complete the financial obligations decisions. End of January deadline projected.
1/19/2010 – WGC work continuing by Tyler. See 1/19/2010 minutes. Tyler reports February meeting was canceled; March meeting is scheduled; Linda Murray will attend, then Tyler will update Excomm.
3/16/2010 - Nothing new to report. Uvalde March meeting is reschedule to April. Linda attended IGC meeting, and reported nothing happened which would affect the 2010 competition. Discussion of new 1.5 meter and 20 meter classes.
4/27/2010 - Linda will assemble promotional materials; planning US team party to showcase Uvalde to world. Tyler stated there are no big concerns; just a need to continue communication between groups. Umphres is concerned the final split on costs/revenue is unresolved. Tyler commented it needs to be left alone for now; Umphres replied he wanted a timetable. Tyler responded when he return from Hungary they can address it further. O’Callaghan stated he will be there for the 15m Nationals, and would like to have an informal dinner with the Uvalde people then.
5/25/2010 - Tyler reports progress in moving forward, emphasizes the need to focus on communication. As soon as the 18m Nationals are over, there will be more action on this. Ken and Al are working on it. SSA is shouldering financial risk, and the exchange rate could affect attendance. Umphres instructs an SSA booth must be there.
6/29 Tyler reports Linda Murray will travel to Texas and attend the July 6th Team Uvalde meeting. Ken Sorenson will be attending the Szeged WGC next month and participating as a chief steward in preparation for his role of Vice chair of Competition for the 2012 WGC.
Linda has chosen not to attend the Szeged competition in order to participate in this years 15M Nationals in Uvalde. Linda wants to demonstrate early on to the Uvalde Team that SSA will manage the competition side of things and coordinate all contest related functions with the city. Linda also wants to assure the City and especially the business owners on the airport that a pre-worlds contest next year and the 2012 contest will not impose too much of a burden. By participating this year Linda will be able to evaluate the overall operation and plan for the next two critical years. Much can be gained by just building a good working relationship with the local Team.
John Seaborn is shopping talent and price for hosting the WGC website and its maintenance. This is a two year requirement and is so critical all agree this needs to be done by a paid professional.
8/17: Linda attended the Uvalde contest and looked at the city’s progress. Sorenson was a steward at the competition; he reported improvements in organization are needed. Leo Buckley has insights as to how to make it all work, and particularly the electronic posting of scores. It is anticipated there will be a huge turnout in 2012. Sorenson thinks Uvalde’s role is in good shape.
10/26/2010 - Tyler reports he is working with Picton on the finances and with Linda on the budget; all is on track.
12/7/2010 - Ongoing process and progress. Umphres will work with the group in 2011.
3/29/11 - Tyler reported Linda Murray attended a meeting in Uvalde and the local junior college there has rooms available. He advised the number one problem was grass and water in the staging area. Murray advised the City Manager realized the importance of this and advised her he would take care of getting this accomplished. Tyler reported Team Uvalde had asked about where profits from the WGC would go. They were advised SSA will take all profits, except money given to groups who helped with WGC. Tyler also advised the large tent which
was rented for the last WGC in Uvalde was quite expensive. He advised Mark Huffstutler has offered one of his hangars to use rather than renting a tent next year. Thanks to Mark for doing this.
4/28/11 Meeting at Perry, WGC web site up, applications coming in. Reviewed pre-worlds preparations, on track. Misti still doesn’t have login information to bank account from Linda Murray. Having trouble with opening Texas account. Pixton use local branch in Hobbs, Layton for action.
6/9/11 Sorenson reports all systems go, airspace meetings with mil, local MOA reps. MOU drawn up, military said no. Ken drafted summary of meeting, we tried, mil didn’t co-op, we made the effort. Informal understand with units. Their idea of cooperative and ours were two different
things (Northcraft). Ground ops firmed up. Euros mentioned some information lacking, but contacted.

7/14/11 report, done, advisoy and oversight committee to replace this. Notes from Sorenson.
ACTION website. KS, AT, SZ, MH, DBN.

Action Item Arising from June 26, 2009

LaytonDean Carswell, now deceased, was working on the online Sailplane directory project. Umphres advised he is in contact with Doug Easton as to a course of action to get this project done now.

1/19/2010 – Layton now working on this item. She indicated she has identified at least one person who may be willing to take on this project. She will report to Excomm in February on status.
2/16/2010 Layton - possible person is still looking at it; will get back to her in next week or so; DL will let PU know.
3/16/2010 Layton is working with possible editor. She will send mockup of Sailplane directory website project to Excomm.
4/27/2010 Layton circulated an example of the website. A member has agreed to take on project, and will get started. A drawback is: Tish took information from the current directory, but the photo quality isn’t good and it needs to be re-scanned.
5/25/2010 - Layton reports Robert Whelan has agreed to work on it. Denise’s staff is continuing to scan photos.
6/29/2010 - Layton is gathering materials and has contacted manufacturers and distributors to put them in touch with Whelan; photos are being scanned; getting materials for new sailplanes. Staff is starting with what they already have on directory and working from there.
8/17/2010 - Layton continues to work on this project; they are working on old photos. There is no estimated go-live date. Umphres would like to have polar diagrams for different gliders. Tyler would like to see more publicity for directory in Soaring.
10/26/2010 - Layton hopes to have directory posted by end of year.
12/7/2010 - Titian’s mother died; he is in South Africa; Bob Whelan is assisting Layton. As soon as bug is straightened out, the site will be up. Layton will send out E-news flash.
Action Item Arising from December 18, 2007
Layton1-26 Association $10,000 Donation received 12/2007.