SRWG Meeting Minutes November 4-5, 20151
JohnGross,SystemReviewWorkGroup (SRWG)Chaircalledthemeetingtoorder anddetermined there wasaquorumpresentforthe conductingofbusiness. Attendeeswere askedto introduce themselvesbynameandaffiliation,bothin personandvia webinar. (See attached Exhibit A.)
2.WECC Antitrust Policy Open Meeting Reminder
NickHatton,WECC Staffreviewed the WECC Antitrust Policy. WECC AntitrustPolicy
3.Approve Agenda
Mr.Grossintroducedtheproposedmeetingagenda. The group discussed the agenda, and there were no changes.
On a motion made by John Gross, and seconded by Jonathan Young, the group approved the agenda.
Mr. Gross introduced the charter to the group and discussed each point of the document. He shared what will be discussed during this meeting.
4.Review July 30-31, 2015 Minutes
JenniferGalaway,SRWGSecretary,introducedtheminutesfromtheJuly30-31,2015meeting (Link). The group discussed minor changes.
On a motion made by Jennifer Galaway, and seconded by Lucas Boler, the group approved the minutes with changes.
5.Review August 10, 2015 Minutes
Ms. Galaway introduced the minutes from the August 10, 2015 meeting (Link).
On a motion made by Jennifer Galaway, and seconded by Lucas Boler, the group approved the August 10, 2015 minutes.
6.Review of Previous Action Items
Ms. Galaway reviewed action items carried over from the July 2015 SRWG meeting. Nine items were closed and one item was cancelled. SRWG Action Items
7.SRWG Chair Report
Mr.GrossprovidedasummaryofrecentactionstakenbytheTechnicalStudiesSubcommittee (TSS)andidentified otheractivityat WECCimpactingtheSRWG scope.
- BCCS status - PCC decision- TSS and PCC voted to discontinue testing of the BCCS.
- GMD Advisory Team Update - The Planning Coordination Committee (PCC) will start collecting data ahead of the TPL-7 requirement. Also, the GIC Data Spreadsheet is posted on the WECC website.
- Planning Coordinator Task Force - The white paper is completed and posted on the WECC website. The PCC approved the document and the forming of the new Gap Resolution Task Force. They might request a survey to identify PC areas.
- Replog Letters - This is a TSS task, and they will start sending out letters intended to draw attention to repeat replog offenders., They will be sent to PCC, TSS and SRWG representatives.
- 2015 UFLS Assessment Report - At the PCC meeting, the UFLS report was approved. Mr. Gross encouraged everyone to review the appendix list modeling “issues.”
- Short Circuit Data - ThePCC proposed collecting short circuit data, and need planning coordinators to collect this data. The request is to develop a way for collecting the data, so that it can work across different software platforms. They are looking for feedback from the SRWG. Mr. Gross asked for volunteers, however no one wanted to do so.
- Information Action Items from TSS - More studies are being done with the load long IDs. Everyone is encouraged to review and check that they are correct, as well as to keep it on the list of tasks when putting cases together.
- SRWG needs to work on the labeling convention for our data to be compatible with the Westwide System Model. They will need to work on consolidating the Westwide System Model and the Planning Model in the future.
- Two new SRWG Action Items were developed during this discussion:
- SRWG needs to separate replog tracking of models that might not be “unapproved” but are not necessarily desirable.
- Review and update the Area Coordinator and Sub-Area Coordinator definitions and references in the Base case Compilation Schedule and the 2017 Data Preparation Manual.
8.Model Implementation Schedule
Mr. Gross reviewed the present Model Implementation Schedule. The SRWG base case implementation completion date for these new renewable models is in 2017.
9.Study Program Subgroup
Eleanor Ewry, Study Program Subgroup led a discussion on the purpose of base cases, renaming the subgroup, and the Annual Survey.
- The 2016 Base Cases have been approved by the PCC; with requested modifications going forward. To move the 10-year summer case up in the schedule, and to consider the timing when adding scenario cases into the schedule.
- The Study Program Subgroup is considering changing the name to Base Case Compilation Subgroup or Base Case Coordination Subgroup.
- John Gross will draft a new version of the charter to include the Subgroup name change, and it will be presented at the next meeting.
10.Software File Format Comparison
Jamie Weber, of PowerWorld, presented a comparison of file formats used by PSSE, PSLF and PowerWorld. Her presentation concentrated on the differences between data definitions rather than on file format issues. Mr. Gross encouraged the group to review this presentation to understand it. View the presentation here.
12.Data Maintainer
Mr. Weber presented an enhancement to the PowerWorld Simulator allowing for the ability to aggregate data to an object labeled Data Maintainer. The group discussed the potential of utilizing the new enhancement, and the Joint Users Group (JUG) has requested that the SRWG develop the concept of a Data Maintainer. View the presentation here.
13.Base Case Coordination System
WECC staff facilitated a discussion on lessons learned over the past several years regarding the BCCS project. Nathan Powell explained that by utilizing the lessons learned, SRWG could begin pursuing alternative methods which meet the objectives of the original project. He explained that even though the PCC has voted to discontinue the development of the BCCS, WECC management (CEO and the Board of Directors) will make the ultimate decision.
Enoch Davies, WECC staff, discussed the lessons learned:
- Don’t make wholesale changes. Limit the scope.
- Identify clear achievable goals. There is a need for more developmental participation.
- Start with something more basic. We don’t need the vendor to determine how to build base cases, or to decide who should solve the problems.
- WECC has identified variances in the solutions of each software program; and multiple conversions cause more problems.
Mr. Davies explained that there is no definitive timeframe for developing an alternative.The settlement for the San Diego outage required the BCCS to be in place by the summer, 2016. There is language in the settlement to allow a delay in implementation, but WECC has not discussed this with NERC/FERC.
The Group created an SRWG Task Force for BCCS alternatives. Andrew Christensen, the SRWG Vice Chair, is the Chair of the BCCS Alternatives Task Force. Other members are Jonathan Young, Eleanor Ewry, Trevor Schultz and Ben Hutchins. Additional members may be added if needed. This task force will meet on a regular basis, preferably not just three times a year. The SRWG will provide the task force with specific goals to achieve prior to the next SRWG meeting. A charter will be required. The primary tasks of the BCCS Alternatives Task Force will be to clarify the objectives of the project, develop a vision of steps to achieve these objectives and monitor the completion of the deliverables. Information produced by the task force will be presented to TSS at the next TSS meeting.
14.Compliance Subgroup
Jonathan Young, Compliance Subgroup Chair, facilitated a discussion on the proposed changes to the 2017 DPM. The current DPM was approved by the PCC two weeks ago, and should be used for the next 2016 Base Case Compilation Schedule. Mr. Young discussed the document and changes, and encouraged the group to review it. The group will not seek approval of the document until their next meeting in March or April.
16.Improving Network Model Management
Pat Brown, Margaret Goodrich and Jay Britton from EPRI, presented on the recent work to improve network model management and provide examples of implementation. They also provided references for further review. A copy of the presentation is posted on the WECC website, on the SRWG November 2015 meeting page. View the presentation here. Link
18.Westwide System Model & Planning Model
James O’Brien, Peak RC, shared his knowledge of the WSM with the SRWG including the success of mapping dynamics data between both models, and discussed possible next steps for consolidation of the models.
Mr. O’Brien took on an Action Item to determine if the WSM can be exported to a spreadsheet and shared with WECC Staff. He needs to consult with the Peak RC lawyers.
Eric Bakie, Idaho Power, and Mr. O’Brien took on an Action Item to create a document providing guidance for populating the Long IDs, the process for submitting the Long IDs, and why we are submitting the Long IDs.
19.WECC Staff Report
Mr. Hatton provided an update on the following items:
- Late Data Log - Mr. Hatton shared the long since the last meeting, and discussed the individual entities.
- Status of the Data Bank - Currently using v 33.5.0 o the PSS/E for the PTI power flow conversions. There are four cases that have been approved since the last meeting.
- Contingencies - Mr. Hatton explained they are working on moving forward with it, but are making sure there is no case with N-0 overloads on 200 kV and above.
- Dynamics file - Please send updates, not the full file. Please don’t send all the information, only those updates.
- Jumpers - We had a modeling issue where they split a bus in the model, but it’s been resolved.
- Impedance table – Mr. Hatton shared it with the group. He straightened it out, and explained if you have a transformer, contact WECC and they will coordinate the number. If there are changes to it, it requires a separate request to WECC.
- SRWG Website - WECC cleaned up the SRWG accordion files on the website to ensure ease in locating information.
20.RAS Modeling
Mr. O’Brien presented on the status of the WECC RAS and Contingency File Format implementation including the need to perform user acceptance testing. The group held a discussion on the new RAS format and the PowerWorld and GE programs.
21.MOD-033 Efforts
Kent Bolton, WECC staff, provided an update on the efforts WECC, including working groups and task forces, has done related to the validation of base cases. He explained the purpose of the MOD-033 is for building of planning models to analyze the reliability of the interconnected transmission system. The MVWG Task Force is currently creating a guideline for MOD-033. The guideline references the NERC MWG “Procedures for Validation of Powerflow and Dynamics Cases.” Link Also, John Gross shared the MVWG website, Tools accordion, and showed the documents that are available.
22.Compliance Subgroup Continued
Jonathan Young, Compliance Subgroup Chair, facilitated the discussion on the follow topics:
- Low voltages in base cases causing loading tripping - The group discussed a couple of things they can do as in testing cases better before sending them in, and checking bus voltages before sending in, as well. Add a new case check – 100 kV – 499 kV.
- Replog changes - Mr. Young and Mr. Hatton shared an example. Discussion was on removing multi-section lines. All ratings were populated in the latest case, and there was a large increase in missing turbine types in the latest case. Mr. Young requested that SRWG members discuss explicitly modeling bypass breakers and the removal of multi-section lines with their co-workers.
- Identify non-real buses - there is a need to determine a way to identify buses that are not substations in the software programs.
- RAS naming convention - the suggested convention is: RAS and Elements precluded by Member System Acronym and an underscore, i.e., “ SCE_”. All logic, associations and so on would follow this convention. There should be no special characters.
23.Annual Study Program Report
Enoch Davies, WECC staff, reviewed the 2015 Annual Study Program Report, which is posted under the meeting materials for this meeting (NDA required). Mr. Davies reviewed the draft report that was just completed the day before. The main objective is to evaluate the quality of the steady state and dynamic transmission system model data, used to develop WECC base cases.
On a motion by Enoch Davies, and seconded by Lucas Boler, the SRWG approved the 2015 Annual Study Program Report.
A recommendation will be carried to TSS to eliminate the approval process for the Annual Study Program Report; citing a posting and comment period is sufficient.
24.Review of New Action Items
- Separate replog items that might not be “unapproved” but are not necessarily desirable
- Assigned To: Jonathan Young
- Due Date: Next Meeting
- Update/Remove the Area Coordinator and Sub-Area Coordinator definitions and references in the Base case Compilation Schedule and the 2017 Data Preparation Manual
- Assigned To: Eleanor Ewry & Jonathan Young
- Due Date: N/A; COMPLETE
- Revise the SRWG Charter to replace the “Study Program Sub-Group” with “Base case Coordination Sub-Group”
- Assigned To: John Gross
- Due Date: Next Meeting
- Export the WSM with Long IDs to a spreadsheet and share with WECC Staff
- Assigned To: James O’Brien
- Due Date: Next Meeting
- Develop a document to provide guidance for populating Long IDs, the process for submitting Long IDs, and the purpose of the Long IDs
- Assigned To: Eric Bakie & James O’Brien
- Due Date: Next Meeting
- Add a low/high voltage check to the Case Check
- Assigned To: Jonathan Young
- Due Date: Next Meeting
- Develop a task force charter for the BCCS Alternatives Task Force
- Assigned To: John Gross & WECC Staff
- Due Date: Next Meeting
- Request the JUG to implement the Data Maintainer field
- Assigned To: John Gross
- Due Date: Next Meeting
- Request the JUG to add the Bus Identifier field (Bus Bar, Tap Point, etc.)
- Assigned To: John Gross
- Due Date: Next Meeting
- Add an Approval Status filter on the Base Case website
- Assigned To: WECC Staff
- Due Date: Next Meeting
- Provide a document on Short Circuit data requirements created by Joe Seabrook to the SRWG Chair
- Assigned To: Ken Che
- Due Date: Next Meeting
- Discuss the necessary changes to the Information Sharing Policy with WECC Lawyers for sharing of GIC and RAS data
- Assigned To: Enoch Davies
- Due Date: Next Meeting
- Review the upcoming meeting schedule to coordinate with other committee meetings
- Assigned To: John Gross & WECC Staff
- Due Date: November 13, 2015
25.Upcoming Meetings
March 15-17, 2016...... Salt Lake City, UT
July 19-21, 2016...... Salt Lake City, UT
October 25-27, 2016...... Salt Lake City,UT
John Gross adjourned the meeting without objection.
Exhibit A: Attendance List
Name...... Affiliation
Eric Bakie...... Idaho Power Company
Lisa Billy...... Arizona Public Service
Lukas Boler...... Bonneville Power Administration
Jay Britton...... Britton Consulting
Kevin Brooks...... Southern California Edison
Pat Brown...... EPRI
Fidel Castro...... San Diego Gas & Electric
Desmond Chan...... Seattle City Light
Ken Che...... Grant County Public Utilities District
Michael Detmers...... Portland Gas & Electric
Jim Ding...... Alberta Electric System Operator
Eleanor Ewry...... Puget Sound Energy
Jennifer Galaway...... Portland General Electric
Cheryl Garrett...... WECC
Margaret Goodrich...... Project Consultants
John Gross...... Avista
Nicholas Hatton...... WECC
Ryan Hubbard...... Tri-State Generation &Transmission
Patricia Huczel...... Salt River Project
Ben Hutchins (via webinar)...... Sierra Pacific Power Company
Moises Inda...... CENACE
Jon Jensen...... WECC
Denis Katatcha...... San Diego Gas & Electric
Seongtae Kim...... PacifiCorp
Mark Mallard...... NorthWestern Energy
Tariq Niazi...... Southern California Edison
James O’Brien...... Peak Reliability
Sanjay Patil...... California ISO
Mark Pigman...... Tacoma Power
Gerry Pulido...... El Paso Electric Company
Alistair Renine...... Salt River Project
Exhibit A: Attendance List (continued)
Name...... Affiliation
Trevor Schultz...... Idaho Power
Joe Smith...... Siemens
Doug Tucker...... WECC
Devin VanZandt (via webinar)...... General Electric Company
Jamie Weber...... PowerWorld
Jonathan Young...... ColumbiaGrid
Western Electricity Coordinating Council