About the University

Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore, came into being, by Act No.29 of 2008 enacted by the Legislature of State of Andhra Pradesh. The university, presently, is offering twenty one Post Graduate Courses and two PG Diploma Courses. The courses are designed keeping in view the scope for development and the resources available in the region. The university has also launched Ph.D. programmes in eleven disciplines, namely Biotechnology, Business Management, Chemistry, Commerce, Computer science, English, Economics, Marine Biology, Social Work, Physics and Zoology.

About PG Centre

Vikrama Simhapuri University Post-Graduate Centre (Erstwhile S.V. University PG Centre) was started for the first time with two PG courses in Economics & Commerce in 1972 which was handed over to S.V. University, Tirupati in 1978 with the introduction of two more PG Courses in Physics & Zoology in 1979. In 1984, the PG Centre got shifted to its own campus of 77.8 acres on the Paddipavani road nearly 1.5 Km. from Kavali Trunk road. In addition to four regular courses, seven self financing courses were also started. Qualified staff was sanctioned in both regular and self financing courses, V.S University, Nellore. Ever since the inception of the centre, there has been a good amount of research output besides excellent academic activity.

About the Department

The Department of Zoology, established in 1979, has a glorious history of 34 years of its fruitful existence. The faculty of the dept. with diversified specializations is always trying for innovative academic research pursuits to provide qualitative teaching and research to the scholars and students.

About Kavali Town

Kavali is a Revenue Divisional Headquarter in SPSR Nellore District of Andhra Pradesh. It is situated on Chennai-Kolkata high-way, 225 KM away from Vijayawada and 227 KM. away from Chennai. The distance from Kavali (via. Nellore) to Tirupati is 183 KM. It has a population of about 1.2 lakh. It is a famous centre for cloth business.

Theme of the seminar

Pesticides are considered as one of the main factors involved in environmental contamination of today's world. These chemicals are on purpose designed to be toxic to pest and vectors of diseases. These compounds are among more than 1000 active ingredients that are marketed as insecticide, herbicide, and fungicide. Nevertheless, formulation of new and potent pesticides is increasingly on the order of researchers and manufacturers because of pest resistance, hygienic controls, and major human need for more food as the world population grows. The use of insecticides in agriculture in recent years has increased tremendously and overshadowed all other control measures as means of crop protection. Although pesticides have largely benefited the human life through enhancement of agricultural products and controlling infectious diseases, their extensive use, in turn, has offended human health from side to side of occupational or environmental exposures. Among the various problems associated with pesticide use is the possibility of its biological accumulation in animals and plants. . Long-term contact to pesticides can harm human life and can disturb the function of different organs in the body, including nervous, endocrine, immune, reproductive, renal, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. In this regard, there is mounting evidence on the link of pesticide's exposure with the incidence of human chronic diseases. In order to reduce negative impacts, it is desirable that pesticides be degradable or at least quickly deactivated in the environment. Such loss of activity or toxicity of pesticides is due to both innate chemical properties of the compounds and environmental processes or conditions. In addition, the US EPA uses the National Research Council’s four step process for human health risk assessment: Hazard identification, Dose-response assessment, Exposure assessment and Risk characterization. Hence the present seminar is aimed to interact and discuss on the degree of accumulation of different types of pesticides in different tissues of flora and fauna, their biotransformation, biomagnifications, the possible impact on them on the physiology and metabolism of flora and fauna including humans, and mechanisms of biodegradation with the following objectives.

Objectives of the Seminar

  1. To bring together the academicians and experts from different parts of the country to exchange their knowledge and ideas on the toxicity of different classes of pesticides.
  2. To explore in depth the effects of pesticides on the useful flora and fauna.
  3. To assess the impact of pesticides on human health and welfare.
  4. To provide latest information on the technologies available in research institutes and industries in India on the biodegradation of pesticides.
  5. To evaluate the methods and procedures in minimizing the usage of pesticides in agriculture.
  6. To discuss on the methods to safeguard the earth for future generations by reducing the usage of synthetic pesticides and chemicals and to promote alternative usage of organic manure that can be easily reduced and reused.
  7. Finally, to make conclusions on the scope of making pesticide pollution free environment in India.

Focal themes of the Seminar

Environmental impact of pesticides

Evaluation of Toxicity-Toxicity(LD50, LC50),

Factors affecting pesticide toxicity- Persistence, degradation and fate

Specific Pesticide effects on Flora and Fauna

Ecological effects of pesticides-mechanisms biotransformation, biomagnifications, bioconcentration

Role of Biotechnology in the generation of pesticide resistant transgenic plants and animals

Natural factors that degrade pesticides

Integrated pest management

Pesticide usage: Global Scenario

Pesticide Management and Control

Pesticide pollution control acts in India and abroad-implementation and challenges

Besides, any other contributions relevant to the main theme are also highly solicited. The seminar covers the invited lectures and discussions in technical sessions.


We cordially invite you and your colleagues to contribute the abstracts on any one of the sub-themes of the seminar. The abstract is to be neatly typed on A4 size paper with 1.5 line space not exceeding 300 words. You are also requested to send a soft copy of abstract and full length paper in MS-WORD97 or e-mail to . The abstract should reach the Seminar Organizer on or before 4thJanuary, 2015. I request you to kindly participate and make the seminar as an excellent academic exchange.


The registered outstation participants will be provided moderate accommodation on 8th-9thJanuary, 2015on payment basis.

Registration Fee

The registration of participants is being done on payment as follows.

Delegates/Acadamecians Rs.800/-

Research Scholars& students Rs.600/-

Accompanying persons Rs.500/-

Amount payment in the form of chalana in favour of the M. Suseela, acc.no.10105263582,SBI,Tpt.should be sent to Seminar Organizer, VSUPG Centre, Kavali, Nellore District-524 201(AP). Please attach the scanned chalana to the mail also.

Best Paper Presentations:Cash prizes of Rs.1000, Rs.750, and Rs.500 will be given for the first three best paper oral presentations. Participants must be below 30 years for competition