American Legion Auxiliary

Department of Georgia

Spring Conference Executive Board Meeting

March 26, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by President Barnett at the Atlanta Marriott Hotel Conference Center in Marietta, GA.

Prayer was given by Chaplain Jane Lawrence.

President Barnett asked Secretary Patty Hawkins to do the roll call. The following officers were present:President Barnett, 1st VP Rosa Scott, 2nd VP Miriam Stein, Dept. Historian Anitia Owens, Dept. Chaplain Jane Lawrence, NEC Betty Grist and Secretary/Treasurer Patty Hawkins. Districts Presidents present were:1st Vikki Brinson, 2nd Janice Williams, 4th Sarah Zingarelli, 5th Marilyn Watson, 6th Carrol Griffin, 7th Dot Frazier, Jo Mason, 9th Pauline McKinny filling in for Judy Lively, 10th Valerie Brown-Debro, Patricia Taylor and 12th Joyce Jenkins. District Presidents absent was 3rd Vanessa Jackson and 9th Judy Lively. There were 10 Past Department Presidents in attendance; Tillie Davis, Betty Turner, Deedy Harrell, Nini Lynch, Linda Brock, Joann Meadows, Betty Turley, Bettye D. Williams, Susie Mash and Betty Grist. Past Department Presidents absent were Sara Mitcham, Frances Allen, Emily Kline, Fannie Farley, Lula Smith-Rachels, Melrose Monroe, Mary Jo Childers, Kitty Barrett, Janet Clotfelter, Joanne Wilson, Beverly Parker, Hazele Hutcherson, Juanita Todd, Kay Kelly, Dot Thornton, Gloria Johnston and Lola Harper. We had a quorum.

The Fall Conference DEC minutes from October 24, 2014, were circularized to all DEC members. President Barnett asked if there were any corrections. There were some corrections to be made. A motion was made to accept the minutes with the correctionsand seconded. Motion carried.

President Barnett asked, Gail Ramey, Finance Chairmanto speak about the finances. Gail stated she liked the Profit and Loss Year Comparison report, it shows a better picture,compared to last year we are in much better shape. She said we were doing a great job, but need to continue to bring in membership.Our Membership continues to fall. We are not retaining our members. We are still working on cutting down expenses. Gail said Thank You to members for helping raise monies for the department and for the donations to the general funds. Donations to the General Funds were $2,058 and Other Donations were $2482.00 totaling $4540.Gail said that was the end of her report and turned the meeting over to President Barnett. President Barnett said if there we no objection the finance report would be filed for audit. There were none.

President Barnett asked if there were any unfinished business. None stated.

President Barnett asked if there was any new business.

Pauline McKinny (filling in for 9th District President Judy Lively) made a motion to change the Poppy Launching from Tybee Island to Lake Lanier where there would be more participation.

It was seconded and opened for discussion. Tillie Davis Unit 66 stated Moina Michael started this years ago in memory of the veterans who died at sea. It loses its liability when it gets changed to fresh water.

President Barnett relinquished her chair to 1st VP Rosa Scott. Gabriele Barnett stated it should go to the sea. She was asked about this two months ago but everything had already arranged. After much discussion Deedy Harrell stated 9th District knew it was to go to Tybee Island months ago. Deedy Harrell asked for a Call for the question. Motion made- Move the location from Tybee Island to Lake Lanier. Motion failed.

President Barnett asked if there was any more new business: Deedy Harrell stated that each District is to send $260 for Girls State Counselor fee to department headquarters. If you would like to serve as a counselorcall her.

Announcements were made.

Chaplain Lawrence gave the closing prayer.

President Barnett adjourned the meeting @ 6:30pm.

Respectfully submitted by Patty Hawkins