Thursday, July 7, 2016, 6:00 p.m. – Public Hearing

Prayer: Mayor Jack Monnett

Roll Call- Council Members: Keith Coltharp, Neil Sorensen, Cody Harmer, Whitney Allred, Kimberly Stewart arrived late; Mayor Jack Monnett

Attendance Roll: James Tilson (Messenger), Kent & Kaitlin Jenkins, Garrick Willden (Jones & DeMille), Mike & Carla Nelson, Alison Anderson, Jack & Charlet Pemberton (Messenger), Karyl, Morgan, Paige, & Colin Zanocco, Terrel & Louise Davis, Cherrie Barrow, Lauri & Viggo Madsen, Shawn Black, Tennessee Stewart, Daniel Thurgood (Verizon), Craig Paulsen, Carl Sedlak, Jim Phillips, and Michelle Chandler (Recorder)

Introduction and Discussion of Community Impact Board (CIB) Applicationfor Spring Redevelopment

Council Member Sorensenexplained that we have five springs above Spring City Canyon, that have all lost water,from 300 gallons per minute down to fewer than 100. He sought permission from the Council for investigation of the spring source at Birch Spring. He recommends that we go into the collection source at the pipe to see what is causing us to lose our water. We have to have permission from the State Department of Water Quality to do anything at the source. He stated that the Jones and DeMille engineering estimate of $74,500 to redo the one spring is too high. Another engineer has been asked to write up a proposal to come on an hourly basis to dig down and determine whether there are other options.The Community Impact Fund Board (CIB) will grant $39,500 and will loan the balance if we need a total redo of the spring. Council Member Coltharp stated that we have $64,720 in PTIF Capital Project funds for water, and an additional $19,000 in reserve for new water sources.

Public Comments

Council Member Sorensenclarified that Birch Springs is on a steep side hill and very technical work. Garrick Willden of Jones & DeMille Engineering stated that we’ll want to be a little high on our estimate to CIB, as we don’t want to ask them for more money.Sorensenstated that the line is lower than the collection box. If the spring box is in good condition, it won’t need to be replaced. He recommended that we try some things before jumping into the project. Willden commented that Spring City could be working on the highest priorityahead of time, and then go to CIB later. The CIB looks favorably on that. Sorensenmentioned the possibility of a water-conservation grant with the State, and Willden said that it would be worth looking into. Sorensen stated the possibility of shutting off the water on the cemetery and dryscaping in order to save water.Willden agreed that this was a good idea because, if the springs go dry, we need to already be limiting water usage. Carla Nelson added that she’s glad the City is going to the CIB, as water is very important to this community. Sorensen mentioned that springs are showing up in places where they did not exist before, and are likely drying up in places. He finalized that the general consensus toward investigating spring redevelopment is yes.

Introduction and Discussion of Spring City Emergency-Management Ordinance

Council Member Sorensen stated that, in the event of a major disaster, Spring City would like the ability toappoint someone who knows where the flood waters will go. In the case of fire, the City will appoint someone so that we will be ready to coordinate efforts withthe State or Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Public Comments

The public was in agreement with Council Member Sorensen concerning the importance of having an Emergency-Management Ordinance in place.

Council Member Stewart arrived at 6:30 pm. She had been working on the City’s new website.

Adjourn to Council Meeting


Thursday, July 7, 2016, 7:00 p.m.

CIB Grant/Loan Application for Spring Redevelopment

Council Member Sorensen motioned to approve going forward with the grant/loan application to present to the CIB in October if needed. He mentioned that the public was in favor, and we may need to update the information already worked on.

Council Member Allred seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Spring City Emergency-Management Ordinance 2016-02 Draft

Mayor Monnett reported on municipal governments’ responsibility to plan for Emergency Management prior to an emergency occurring. He read section 4-6-2, concerning authority given to municipalities by County, State, and Federal entities. He reported that the intent of the ordinance is simply to comply with Utah State Code. He mentioned that we have enough expertise within Spring City without having outside individuals involved.

Council Member Sorensen recommended that Spring City Emergency Management remain functioning as all volunteer, and no one will be appointed until a disaster occurs. Sorensenmotioned to approve the recommendation. Council Member Stewart seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Proposed Verizon-Wireless Tower

Daniel Thurgood, Verizon Representative through Technology Associates,gave a PowerPoint presentation reporting that Verizon has released four projects, with potential towers in Spring City, Mt. Pleasant, Chester Landfill, and Ephraim. His purpose in attending is to gauge the interest level in the City. Verizon will lease the ground for the space of 25 years, at an average lease rate of $1,000 per month, with a 10% term increase every five years, at no cost to the City. Thurgood proposed that the potential value of the original lease is $360,000. When the tower goes up other carriers follow, and Verizon allows us to maintain land use. The target start date is 2017. Verizon is looking for a 100-foot tower, so that other carriers can join. Verizonwill bring power and fiber optics to the pole, and will reimburse costs incurred. Council Member Sorensen suggested the Sewer Lagoons as a potential site. Thurgood reported that Verizon needs the right-of-entry signed so that the surveyor can have access to the property. He will work with Council Member Sorensen, who is the power coordinator for the City.

Request for Donation to Spring City Livestock Boosters

Karyl Zanocco and her grandchildren Collin, Morgan, and Paige gave a presentation about the lambs they are raising for the Sanpete County 4-H Livestock Club. They are representing Spring City at the County Fair, and requested a donation to their family club. They will divide the money among the three children. Council Member Coltharp reported that $100 is already budgeted for Sanpete County Junior Livestock. No motion needs to occur, as it is already approved as part of the budget, and the check will be written to the Zanoccos.

Resolution 2016-20 Budget Adoption for Fiscal Year 2016-2017

Council Member Coltharp read in full Resolution 2016-20, adopting the budget for the fiscal year 2016-2017, including all funds and accounts.

Council Member Coltharp motioned to adopt Resolution 2016-20 Budget Adoption for Fiscal Year 2016-2017.

Council Member Harmer seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Mayor, Council, and Department Reports

Council Member Allred reportedthat we are in the middle of the celebration season, and all is going well. Baseball is over; sign-ups for soccer and footballare in progress.

Council Member Harmer stated that we are waiting for the new firetruck from the Sanpete County Fire District. We signed a new fire agreement with the County. However, the State is changing the way we do agreements, and there will be increased costs. Our portion of the costs must be done in-kind. He reported that the Spring City Fire Department is responsible for the initial attack on all fires, and then the State steps in if it gets expensive. It is on a sliding scale, with costs increasing annually. We are on our own if we don’t participate and there is a fire. Jim Phillips added that Spring City Citizen Corps (SCCC) has been involved in wildfire training and has submitted a City Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) to the County. He will get a copy of the plan to Harmer.

Council Member Sorensenreported that: a) work continues on the Spring Monument, and should be complete by the 24th of July. b) Working on the springs up the canyon to get the water taken care of. c) We need to replace the hydro line and penstock. Engineering gave us an outrageous estimate of $2 million. Water-conservation grantcan help with some of it.Council Member Coltharp stated that we have $10,000 budgeted. d) The fire alarm went off twice this month due to false alarms, as the County has a new dispatcher.In addition to the Fire Department responding, nine volunteers from SCCC showed up ready to work. This showed that volunteerism is looking good for Spring City. e) The Police Chief will turn over the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) radio. f) Shawn Black, chairperson of the Power-Advisory Board, would like to have access to Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems (UAMPS) information to see when they are purchasing and selling power and what resources we own for portfolio estimates.

Mayor Monnett a)read a letter from Alison Anderson and Friends of Historic Spring City (FOHSC), thanking all those who helped and supported Heritage Day.Anderson announced that it was a record-breaking celebration, grossing $42,000.With $22,000 all going toward the Old School, its restoration as a community center will be completed this next year.b) Reported that the SCCC is doing a super job in coordinating efforts of community involvement, showing a proactive attitude. Their Emergency Management classes are very well attended, even beyond Spring City residents. Jim Phillips reported that there are 30 regular SCCC attendees, with a total of 120 members of SCCC.

Council Member Coltharp a)reported that the Bluegrass Festival will be the 5th and 6thof August. We signed an agreement with Mark and Vickie Allen, just the same as last year, wherein we will give $1,500 for advertising and $4,000 for the event. Council Member Stewart expressed concern that advertising hasn’t started yet. Alison Anderson reported that KUED TV produced a 9-minute video on Spring City, which has over 10,000 views. She also stated that the blog “The House that Lars Built” had a two-page article about several events in Spring City. She recommends tapping into free advertising as well as blasting a flyer out to everyone on the contact list. B) Coltharp reviewed financial results through May.

Council Member Stewart reported that: a) she is working on the website, adding content. She had to reformat the forms and documents into Portable Document Formats (PDFs) for the website. The new website will be springcitycorp.org and will contain forms, contact information, Minutes, a link to Sterling Codifiers for up-to-date ordinances, and recreation and events calendars.Stewart mentioned that Keith Chandler has springcityutah.com for the City, but will keep .org for other organizations within the City. b) She will be meeting with engineers on July 11th concerning Safe Routes to School (SRTS) for sidewalks. c) She made a sign for Pioneer Day events, and will put banners outside city limits to advertise.

Zoning-Permit Requests

Council Member Sorensen motioned to approve Paul and Donna Penrod’s request for a zoning permit.

Council Member Allred seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Craig Paulsen discussed the setbacks regarding Randall Mahrt’s zoning-permit request. Jim Phillips commented that everything passed in Planning and Zoning (P&Z), and that Kent Kummer and Jim Bennett have given estimates. Council Member Sorensen motioned to approve Mart’s request.

Council Member Harmer seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Kent Jenkinsrequested a zoning permit, but is still waiting to hear back from Kent Kummer regarding power. Council Member Sorensen commented that all of the issues have been worked out. Being on the northeast part of town, Jenkins may need to work with the Special Improvement District on fire, water, and sewer. Council Member Sorensen motioned to approve Jenkins’ request. Council Member Harmer seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Lynn Farrar Lot-Split Request

Council Member Allred reported that Farrar’s home is currently being taxed as a residence rather that commercial. She can’t split her property until it is taxed as commercial, then it will be no trouble to split it. Farrar also needs to submit a permit request in writing before Council can approve or deny. Council Member Stewart looked up the code on lot splits and reported that, if Farrar changes her property to commercial, it can never be reverted back to residential. Fifty percent of the structure will have to be dedicated to commercial. Stewart also reported that Farrar must run sewer, power, and water before the split. Jim Phillips stated that P&Z said it is okay for her to list her lot for sale, must it must be surveyed. The buyer must also meet the requirements and come before P&Z before the split can take place.

Road-Closure Request

Council Member Allredrequested that Main Street be closed in front of Victory Hall for the 24th of July Street Dance. Council Member Stewart motioned to approve the road closure.

Council Member Sorensen seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Historic Old-School Construction-Cost Amendments

Mayor Monnett stated that the CIB funding for $575,000 is half grant and half loan. However, the bids to finish restoration of the Historic Old School are over that amount. A committee of four will work together to bring the amount down to the approved area. Craig Paulsen, contractor for the restoration, agreed to the need to reduce the cost from the original bid documents without compromising the integrity of the building. He stated that most of the cost savings will be from not finishing the third floor, as it is unknown how it will be used. He submitted a revised proposal. Andersonclarified that the storage rooms on the third floor will be framed in and dry-walled. She praised Paulsen for his ingenious ability to bring the building in line with the cash on hand. He has given 35 years of his life to make the building a reality, with much labor being volunteer. Anderson stated that she is very comfortable that he gave us the leanest bid possible, as we are close to conforming to the $575,000. She gave a summary of funding: In Phase 1, FOHSC contributed $128,000 for loan payments. Fund-raising received $33,000 plus interest being earned, which may be pulled in to the building budget. As a contingency for surprises, there is an additional $5,438. There is $10,000 in the City coffers from the original build and $1,000 from the DUP. Council Member Coltharp stated thereis also another $5,000 in the old fund that was set up. Mayor Monnett expressed gratitude for all that FOHSC has done; they have been a gift to us.

Council Member Harmer motioned to approve the revised contract for the Historic Old School project.

Council Member Coltharp seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Resolution 2016-21 Federal Surplus-Property Program

Mayor Monnett read Resolution 2016-21, designating Dixie Earl (Spring City Treasurer) as the liaison for the Utah State Agency for Surplus Property.

Council Member Sorensen motioned to approve Dixie Earl as the representative for Federal Surplus Property.Council Member Stewart seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Friends of Historic Spring City Board Member

Mayor Monnett stated that Kimberly Stewart is doing double duty as a city-council member and a member of FOHSC. He clarified that there is not a conflict, as FOHSC is strictly volunteer. Council Member Sorensen said that her work is appreciated.

Review Delinquent Utility Accounts

Customer #2248007 called the office today, requesting shut-off of their rental. They will take care of the balance due. The renter called at 5:30 pm, stating he will leave a check for $200 in the drop-box tonight and pay the balance on Monday. Shut off will occur Tuesday, July 12that 11:00 am if payment is not made.

Resolution 2016-17 Working Agreement between Spring City Corporation and SCCC

Council Member Sorensenread in full Resolution 2016-17, giving SCCC authority to assist and support Spring City Corporation in Emergency Management.

Council Member Sorensen motioned to approve Resolution 2016-17.

Council Member Stewart seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Resolution 2016-18 Base Power-Rate Restructure

Council Member Sorensen read in full Resolution 2016-18, establishing the rate to be charged to customers for purchase of electrical power. He stated that he and Dixie Earl will get with Pelorus Software Systems before the bills go out with the new rate changes. Council Member Coltharp recommended running a comparison between old and new rates with Pelorus.

Council Member Harmer motioned to approve Resolution 2016-18.

Council Member Allred seconded the motion. All were in favor.