Spring 2018 Prof L Overman's English 355

Class Day / What We Will Do in Class Today / Homework:Readings done prior to Class / Writing Projects
Wk 1: 1/26 / These schedules are all subject to change. Reading and writing assignments are to be completed by the date assigned. Bring pertinent materials to class (books, homework, etc). Always come prepared to write about, be quizzed on, and/or discuss all assignments. Always have handouts in your notebook--DO NOT THROW ANYTHING AWAY.
Introductions, Syllabus, Semester Plan, Annotating texts, Freewrites
Signups for Presentations! / Literary elements of analysis
What are they? What layers do they add to the story? How to annotate a text?
Signups for Presentations!
Reading done in Class:
"Encounters With Unexpected Animals " (132), "Love and other Castastrophes: A Mix Tape" (127) "Slide to Unlock " (138)
"Using Highlighting Symbols" (19)
Review & Bring Handout from Projects link above:
  1. Annotating a Text
  2. Presentation Prompt
/ Due outside of class:
All discussions/shortwrites and/or essays due Wed 11:55 p.m. prior to the subsequent week's Friday class.
  1. Quiz- complete in Canvas by 1/31 Wed 11:55 p.m. prior to subsequent class.
  2. Please upload a photograph/symbol of yourself when updating profile in Canvas!
Due in class:
  • Freewrite with pen and paper (not electronically):

Wk 2: 2/2 /
  1. Bring Literature: Reading Writing 9th ed. Textbook!
  2. Sign Up for Presentations!
Print out Schedule & Syllabus bring to class
  • Analyzing Short Stories
  • Formalism
  • Structuralism
  • How to Write an Essay about Short Stories
/ Homework:Readings done prior to Class
  1. "Reading Fiction" (179) & "Previewing" & "Writing About Fiction"(184-196)
  2. "Interpreting & Evaluating Literature"(8-15)
  3. "Reading & Writing About Literature"(16-31)
  4. "Responding to a Short Story" (36-42)
  5. "The Secret Lion" (180-184) highlight/annotate as discussed
    in text Rios
  6. "Plot" (198-200)
  7. "A Rose for Emily"(224 & 233) Faulkner
  8. "Character"(235)
  9. "A & P" (238) Updike
  10. Formalism (1661) AND download & bring this handout in Canvas!
  11. Structuralism (1671) And download/review this handout in Canvas and bring to class.
Review & Bring Handouts from Projects link above:
  1. Presentation Prompt & Presentation Prompt Guidelines
  2. Short Story Worksheet
  3. How to Write a Short Story Analysis
  4. How to Read Literature
  5. Plot
/ Due outside of class by 2/7 1155pm Wed:
  • Shortwrite 1--Post in Canvas above:format-"Responding to a Short Story" (36-42) review this as a model for shortwrites. Note checklist on pg 36. Make sure before uploading your shortwrite that you have considered the 5 bullet points listed in the Checklist: Writing a Response Paper on pg 36 in the crafting of your shortwrite.
Upload as a Word file in MLA format
1-2 pages typed (500 words)
Always bring printed copies of ALL posted responses to class
With the exception of "The Secret Lion" pick from ONE of the other (5) short stories listed in the schedule so far and respond to the following in narrative form:
Discuss SOME of the following elements as relevant to the story you have chosen:
What is the central theme of the story?
How is it expressed in this work?
What elements of the story develop the central theme?
How do character plot setting point of view and symbols reinforce the central theme?
How does the title of the story contribute to your understanding of the central theme
Wk 3: 2/9 / Feminism, Deconstruction
Analyzing Plot,Setting, Style, Tone and Language - What do they tell us about the story? What layers do they add to the story? /
  1. Feminism (1665) And download/review this handout from Canvas and bring to class.
  2. Deconstruction (1673) And download/review this handout from Canvas and bring to class.
  3. "Setting"(269)
  4. Group Presentation: Vanessa Lopez & Campbell "This is What it Means to say Phoenix, Arizona" (278) ShermanAlexie
  5. "Style, Tone, Language" (355-361)
  6. Group Presentation: Villalobos "Araby" (361) James Joyce
  7. "Theme" (459)
  8. "TheRockingHorseWinner" (484)Lawrence
Print, read, bring handouts from Projects link above:
  1. Essay 1
/ Due outside of class by 2/14 11:55 p.m Wed:
  • Shortwrite 2--Log on to Canvas
Upload as a Word file in MLA format
1-2 pages typed
Always bring printed copies of ALL posted responses to class
Wk 4: 2/16 / Reader Response Criticism
Symbol, Allegory, Myth, POV, Theme-What layers do they bring to the story and our analysis of it?
Writer’s Workshop:Creating an Outline /
  1. "Symbol, Allegory, Myth" (407-412)
  2. Group Presentation: Velazquez "Cathedral" (435) Carver
  3. Reader-Response Crit (1663) AND download/review this handout in Canvas and bring to class.
  4. "Point of View" (309-317)
  5. Group Presentation: Anderson & Rodriguez "New York Day Women " (348) Danticat
  6. Read ALL Selections from Essay 1 List
  7. "Writing about Literature" (21-35)
Print, read, bring handouts from Projects link above:
  1. Essays Expectations
  2. Essay Grade Rubric
/ Due in class:
  • Essay 1 TYPED Scratch Outline/Thesis due: follow examples modeled for you
    on 25 &188-192
Due outside of class by 2/21 11:55 p.m. Wed:
  • Click on Dicussion 1 due for this week read prompt & reply.
  • Must also post a minimum of ONE reply to a classmate.

Wk 5: 2/23 / Grappling with the graphic novel vs memoir
“Achtung,” a German officer shouted. “Attention.” Fifteen-year-old Henry Oster, then called Heinz, lined up with his mother in a Lodz ghetto courtyard on a mid-August day in 1944. . . "
  1. "Graphic"Fiction" (143)
  2. Review Scott McCloud on Comics
  3. "Bangs Ten Principles of Design" & "Nodleman's Words About Pictures" : download/review handouts from Canvas and bring to class
  4. "Citation Style of Graphic Narrative": download/review handout from Canvas and bring to class
  5. Spiegleman: "Maus excerpt" (166-170)
  6. Maus II by Art Spiegelman
  7. The Kindness of the Hangman by Henry Oster & Dexter Ford
/ Due outside of class by Wed 2/28 1155PM :
  1. Essay 1 Due
Upload final draft in turnitin.com via Canvas
  • Updated on 1/30/18