Spring 2018 LaGuardia Community College EDIT Application


Revised 12/17



Spring 2018




Established during the 1991-92 academic year, the Educational Development Initiative Team (EDIT) is a subcommittee of the College Senate’s Committee on Professional Development and administers LaGuardia’s Professional Development Grant Program. Full-time faculty, and part-time faculty in continuous service for the past two academic years (September through June), are eligible to submit proposals.

Grants awarded by EDIT cover costs incurred by LaGuardia faculty in designing and implementing professional development projects. These costs may include (but are not limited to) the following:

  1. Travel expenses to conduct or present research and scholarship (e.g., archives, museums, special collections, conference presentations, and invited lectures)
  1. Travel expenses for attendance at workshops, seminars and conferences that directly support a specific scholarship or research project
  1. Travel costs specifically associated with faculty development research (e.g., to enhance an academic department/program’s pedagogy or professional development)
  1. Expenses personally incurred by faculty to conduct research and scholarship (e.g., entrance fees for research sites, photocopying for archives or special collections)
  1. Expenses personally incurred by faculty for projects that enhance their growth and development (e.g., enhancing educational and scholarship skills and competencies, academic effectiveness, academic discipline development and/or research skills)

Additional Notes:

  1. Applications must demonstrate how professional development activities support faculty tenure and promotion, and/or the College’s strategic plan
  1. Per diem requests will be granted only for conference presentations
  1. EDIT does not fund the following: reassigned time, conference registration, organization membership fees, purchase of equipment or other items for research, stipends or services rendered by someone other than the applicant


EDIT committee members will review all proposals that are submitted on or before the deadline. Preference will be given to applicants who have not received funding in the past two years.

Applicants can expect to receive notification concerning their application on or about May 16, 2018.

Generally, EDIT awards up to $500 for domestic travel and up to $1000 for international travel.However, award amounts are dependent on the number of applicants we receive. Applicants who have received awards within the last two years will be considered after those who haven’t received funds during this period.

Awards are for projects from July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018. All monies must be disbursed by June 30, 2018.

Awardees will need to complete CUNYFirst travel procedures to receive funding:

  • If you are a full-time faculty member presenting at a conference eligible for reimbursement from Academic Affairs you must submit a Travel Authorization at least 30 days prior to travel, and submit a Travel Expense Report within 5 days after return from travel. When you receive your EDIT award letter contact your department’s Travel Liaison for assistance with submitting a second expense report for your EDIT award.
  • If you are a part-time faculty member presenting at a conference, or receiving an EDIT award for a project other than presenting at a conference, contact your department’s Travel Liaison for assistance with completing the CUNYFirst travel procedures.


  1. EDIT applications are available online at
  1. In preparing your EDIT application: use size 10 or 12 font, and do not exceed space provided in response to any question on the application. Be sure to print out the fillable application form first, then sign and date documents before submission.
  1. If your project involves human subjects, check with IRB to learn if you are required to obtain a statement of clearance/permission from the IRB. If so this statement should be included in your application. Visit for more information.
  1. Submit 1 paper copy of your completed EDIT application and supporting documents to Jacqueline Jones’s mailbox in the English Department (E103) by 12 p.m. onThursday, March 22, 2018. EDITdoesn’t accept emailed applicationsandwe are not responsible for making copies of your application.
  1. Applications must include supporting documents. See page 7 for further instructions.

*Incomplete applications, including applications missing supporting documents (acceptance letters, hotel and travel receipts, etc) will not be considered for funding and will be returned to the applicant.


EDIT Committee – Ifyou have any questions regarding EDIT please contact your department’s committee member

DEPARTMENT / NAME / EXT. / Email Address
English / Jacqueline Jones, Co-Chair / 5968 /
Humanities / Fern Luskin, Co-Chair / 5708 /
Business & Technology / Nicole Lytle / 5304 /
Mathematic, Engineering, & Computer Science / Hendrick Delcham / 5731 /
Health Sciences / Maureen Doyle / 5227 /
English Language Acquisition / Bede McCormack / 7528 /
Library / Clementine Lewis / 5428 /
Natural Sciences / Boris Zakharov / 6074 /
Social Science / Rebecca Tally / 4032 /

Travel Liaison-Contact your department’s liaison for questions, issues, and assistance submitting your travel authorization and expense report.

English / Sylwia Niczewska / 5656 / E-103J
Humanities / Seurette Bazeleis / 5203 / C-745
Business & Technology / Deijy Sherpa / 730-7504 / B-327
Mathematic, Engineering, & Computer Science / Luis Gonzalez / 5730 / MB 39
Health Sciences / Jazmine Freire / 6104 / E-300Y
English Language Acquisition / Allison Minto / 7416 / B-234
Library / Nasrin Rahman / 5420 / E-101
Natural Sciences / Indira Persaud / 5406 / M-202A
Social Science / Aileen Solima / 5785 / C-459EE



1a. Name:Click here to enter text. 1b. Title: Click here to enter text.

2a. Department:Click here to enter text.2b. Mailbox: Click here to enter text.

3a. Email Address:Click here to enter text.3b. Phone:Click here to enter text.

4. Amount Requested: Click here to enter text.

5.Have You Received Funds from EDIT in the Last 2 Years?☐Yes☐No

If Yes, Provide Details (Year / Cycle/ Amount):Click here to enter text.

6.Requested Funds from Other Sources:

7. Project Type (Choose One of the Following):

8. Project Information:

9. Briefly State How Project SupportsTenure, Promotion, and /or the College’s Strategic Plan:


10. Abstract

Provide a Description of Your Project, Including Subject Area, Purpose, and Major Activities:

11. Evaluation

Discuss how you will determine if your project was successful (for example, future publication of a presentation, audience response, survey).

12. Budget

Provide a complete budget that specifies the items for which the EDIT grant funds will be used. Attachcopies of receipts for all items requested. In preparing your budget,review the Eligibility & Award Criteria section of this application (page 2) which lists the type of expenses funded by EDIT.Be sure to indicate whether you are providing the ACTUAL or ESTIMATED cost of an item(You may provide a limitednumber of estimated expenses for services not yet rendered for which your costs are estimated. For example, your travel takes place after the application deadline so you have estimated the cost of your taxi ride from the airport to the hotel). Full-time faculty requesting funds for conferences supported by Academic Affairs should request 60% of allowable expenses for domestic conferences and indicate you are doing so for each budget item. For international conferences request funds for items not covered by Academic Affairs.Per diem requests will only be considered for applicants who are presenting at a conference.EDIT only considers the expenses of the applicant. If you are sharing expenses (hotel room, etc.), or traveling with others, please adjust your budget accordingly and make specific references to this in the notes section of the application (see Budget).

Category /

Number of Items




Actual or Estimated


60% of Expenses?

Yes/ No

Total / $

13. ______

Applicant’s SignatureDate



Chairperson’s signatureDate

(Applicant has been in continuous service for the past two academic years – September through June)


All applications must be accompanied by documentation verifying activities. Your application should be accompanied by two types of documentation: evidence of activities and receipts for expenses. Do Not Provide Original Documentation. Copies Only!Highlight and label expenses on receipts that are included in your budget. Black out credit card numbers and irrelevant expenses.

Beware that if you are awarded a grant you will need to upload the same (and most likely additional) documentation to your CUNYFirst Travel Expense Report.If you travel by plane, train, or bus, retain your ticket or boarding pass for submission to CUNYFirst as proof of travel.

Your affiliation on conference programs or project documents should indicate that you are representing LaGuardia Community College (not simply CUNY or another institution). Highlight your name and the title of presentation / project on all supporting documents.

See the list below for examples of the documentation needed for different project types:

Conferences & Invited Lectures (Domestic & International)

  • Evidence of Activities—Conference acceptance letter/invitation to attend, conference program (copy of

page with your panel’s listing, formal invitation for invited lectures.

  • Receipts for Expenses—Hotel, travel (air, train, bus, taxi), Per diem rate for location

Research or Scholarship

  • Evidence of Activities—Invitation or confirmation of access to archive or research site, receipt for

entrance fee at museums /institutions

  • Receipts for Expenses— Entrance fees for research sites, photocopying materials at archives or special

Collections, Hotel, travel (air, train, bus, taxi)

Attending Workshops, Seminars, and Conferences

  • Evidence of Activities—Confirmation of registration, conference program/activities list
  • Receipts for Expenses—Registration Fees, Hotel, travel (air, train, bus, taxi)