Spring 2013 Semi-Annual Report
NAI Region 5 – The Heartland Region

Member Services
Workshops: NAI region 5 did not hold a regional workshop in 2012 due to being the host region for the National Interpreters Workshop in 2011 at Saint Paul, MN. The 2013 workshop is taking place in Aurora, NE from April 3 – 6. The 2014 workshop is scheduled in Rockford, IL for April of 2014. Venue selection is complete and there is a full committee in place with the exception of a finance chair. Committee members will be attending the NE workshop to give a short presentation on the 2014 event. Our regional rotation calls for IA to host the workshop in 2015.

Newsletter: Our newsletter, The Buffalo Bull, has been going out regularly on schedule thanks to Lily Jensen who remains our newsletter editor. Each issue contains a variety of regular and timely contributions and Lily maintains a fresh look with new color themes and art while maintaining the “Bull” look..

Web Presence: Trish Greninger remains as our web master and has kept the regional web site up to date in a very timely fashion. The board is working to determine other possible offerings through the web site as well as to fill in some informational gaps that currently exist such as job descriptions for all regional positions.

Elections: Election were held at the end of 2012 for the positions of Regional Director and Regional Treasurer. Bob Carter was elected as director and Carolyn Rock was elected as treasurer. Both assumed office on Jan. 1, 2013.

Treasurer Reports: Projected budget is attached. Due to no workshop revenue coming in since the 2011 regional in Manitoba, CN the picture is as incomplete as it is troubling with projected losses but these are only estimates for the year as determined by the former treasurer Kelly Joslin. A revised budget will be completed by new treasurer Carolyn Rock once the final tally from the 2013 NE workshop is determined. Both the board and the fundraising chair, Lewis Major, have been exploring new fundraising opportunities and revisiting some old ones as well. Despite the overall lack of income since the last regional workshop the regional remains financially viable if not as robust as I would like to see it.

Strategic Plan: Board turnover in the past 2 years has resulted in a stalled strategic plan update which is now being addressed by the current, complete board.

Regional Policies and Procedures Manuals: Dialog has begun regarding updating the policies and procedures to align with the new national by-laws, standardize some language, and to include some items previously missing such as one of the regional awards that was intended to mirror the NAI President’s Award.

Executive Board and Leadership Council: Region 5 currently has a complete board and has a nearly complete Leadership Council. Efforts to recruit Manitoba, Wisconsin, and Nebraska representatives.