Sportsystems Entry Manager V2 Web Resources for Meet Organisers
To help you promote and advertise the use of the much improved Sportsystems Electronic Entry Manager V2 here are some web resources that users will gradually become familiar with once they are widely used.
The zip file includes:
- Guidance notes explaining the new features and how to submit entries electronically. These notes contain links to further help resources and are available in two formats:
- “GenericElectronicEntryNotes_20091118.pdf” is a ready to use generic version of the guidance notes.
- “GenericClubElectronicEntryNotes_20090929.doc” is an editable version that you can “customise” by editing the first two lines with your Club or organisation details and the last line with your return email address. (After editing, do make sure the links work correctly in your final version).
- A set of three small images to use as links to:
- Download the Free Sportsystems Entry Manager program
- Show the Quick Start video
- Download the Entry File Set (.sef) file specific to your meet
Using these resources should provide some consistency to events that require SS Entry Manager V2. This will help to reinforce that the same program can be used for many different meet entries: users only need to install it once and update it periodically. Themeet specific Entry File Set which is imported for each meet separates each distinct set of entries.
The three images are shown below with instructions on how to include them into your web site:
1 Download Entry Manager V2 /<a href=" width="195" height="85" border="0" alt="SS Entry Manager 2 download"</a>
2. Show the Quick start video /<a href=" src="images/SSEntryV2QSVideo.jpg" width="195" height="85" border="0" alt="SS Entry Manager Quick Start Video"</a>
3. Download the Entry File Set (sef file) /<a href="SP2009/EntryFileSet/SP09_EntryData.sef"<img src="images/SSEntryFileSetGeneric.jpg" width="195" height="85" border="0" alt="Click to download Entry File Set for DASA 2009 Sprints"</a>
An example of their use can be seen here
The images work best if “Alt” tags are added so that when the user hovers over them a "tool tip" line of text appears to explain its action. The example html code above includes this “Alt” tag and assumes the Jpeg images are saved in a subfolder named "images". You may of course have to modify this to suit your own web site.
For Sportsystems
20th November 2009