Sports Premium Grant

Review 2016-17

For the academic year 2016-17 Sandye Place Academy received £9270 and as outlined in the report written at the beginning of the academic year, the main focus for the spending of this money was the PE changing rooms.

The reason for this is due to the excessive number of pupils getting changed for curriculum and extra curriculum activities at the same time. At times, there were up to 70 pupils in each changing room getting changed. With the changing rooms in their old layout, there was inadequate room for pupils to get changed. This resulted in pupils not wanted to participate in PE lessons or clubs and fixtures.

The total spend on the revamp of the changing rooms was £7665, and the impact of which will be seen from a survey which will be administered by the PE department during the Autumn 2 half term, to allow the pupils to experience the new changing room layout and indicate whether the new changing rooms have motivated pupils to want to participate in lessons. Already we are receiving compliments from local stakeholders and pupils about our new facilities. They have made reference to the increased space and how they now feel comfortable getting changed prior to and after sports events. It has made timetabling much easier as now, both performing Arts and PE can be timetabled at the same time.

£306.90 of the grant was spent on purchasing a new washing machine for the department, as unfortunately our old washing machine broke and needed replacing. The reason we did replace it is because this provides us with a mechanism of easily washing the departments spare PE kit, which enables pupils who have forgotten PE kit, or lost their own can still participate in their PE lesson as spare kit can be provided for them. This also allows us to easily wash Academy sports kit so that pupils can take great pride in representing the academy in fixtures.

£107.42 of the grant money was spent on the department buying the equipment required for us to make our own swimming pool lane ropes. The reason for this spend was to help the pupils in their swimming lessons by allowing them to have lanes to swim in. They were also purchased for the Academy’s swimming gala, by using the ropes for this event it made the event seem more professional and increase the pupils enjoyment and competitive spirit.

£1077.54 was spent on the upkeep and maintenance of gymnastics equipment in our gymnasium. This was on the recommendation of SportsSafe UK who came into check over our equipment and this money was spent on the faults and problems identified by them to make our equipment safe and so they could be used by the pupils during their lessons.