31 March 2017

Dear Parents

Sporting Heroes!

A massive well done to our Netball and Rugby teams who competed in their finals this week.

The tag rugby team (Jake, Hadley, Bailey, Jodie, Eve, Carman, Brandon and Sophia) came 3rdout of over 170 teams which was an outstanding achievement and we are all superbly proud of each of them.

The netball team qualified for the County Finals and ended up coming 5th from over a hundred schools from throughout Gateshead, Durham, Washington,Newcastle, Tyneside and Sunderland. Well done to Emma, Carman, Bailey, Maia, Jodie, Hadley & Jake! This was an incredible position to finish and again, a superb achievement for them all to be proud of.

School Bus

We have been advised by Nexus that the School Bus will be withdrawn at the end of the Summer term.


Congratulations to Class 3R & 4Kwho had100% attendance this week.

Class 1B / 98.6% / Class 4H / 98.3%
Class 1S / 97% / Class 4K / 100%
Class 2M / 95% / Class 5G / 96.9%
Class 2S / 93.2% / Class 5H / 96.3%
Class 3ON / 91% / Class 6L / 99.3%
Class 3R / 100% / Class 6W / 96.9%

Year 4

All children have brought home a letter about swimming this week. Please return the slip as soon as possible so the information can be passed onto the swimming teachers at Dunston pool. Swimming will start on the first Monday back after the Easter holidays.

Next week is the final week for recorders. Please could all recorders be returned on Tuesday as after the Easter holidays Year 3 will need them. The children have been amazing and they have all earned the Silver award- the first time ever at Front Street!! Well done. A huge thank you to Mrs Blakey too for her commitment.

Year 5

Year 5 will have their final swimming session on Monday.

Thank you to all the parents, carers and family who came to the sharing assembly this morning! We hope you enjoyed learning all about the Growth Mindset we all use at school.

If you missed the update about Kingswood next year (yes - Year 6 already!!) then there will be further information coming out about dates, costs and making payments over the year.

Year 6

Week commencing 8th May all Year 6 children in England take National Statutory tests. The timetable is as follows and children must sit the test on the stipulated days

Monday 8thReading Comprehension

Tuesday 9thGrammar Punctuation and Spelling

Wednesday 10thMaths Arithmetic (Paper 1) and Reasoning (Paper 2)

Thursday 11thMaths Reasoning (Paper 3)

Friday 12thNo Tests

Tests will all take place in the morning.

We will be providing a special SATs breakfast each morning to help the children be in school well on time, relaxed and ready to take the tests.

Please can you help by making sure your child is in school early every day this week.

More details about SATs breakfast will come after Easter.


Please can all dinner money be paid in full up to end of term by Wednesday 5thApril.

We break up for the Easter holidays next Friday (7th April) and return to school Monday 24th April.

School will be closed for an Occasional Day on Friday 23rd June and Monday 3rd July for INSET.

Just to remind you this is a Safeguarding School and we have a duty to pass on any concerns to Children’s Services.

Our staff are also trained in Team Teach techniques in order to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

Yours sincerely

HJ Gladstone


Friends of Front Street Newsletter – 31st March 2017

Film Night – Thursday 6th April after school. Tickets £3.00.

Just a reminder that we will be holding our Film Night next Thursday 6th April, straight after school! Children will be taken directly to the school hall after school finishes to watch the film. There will be an interval during the film where children will be able to buy hotdogs, juice and tuck.

The cost of each ticket is £3.00. (Children will need some pocket money if they want to buy any tuck etc.) Tickets are still available – please send money in an envelope marked FOFS Film Night. On the envelope please can you include your child’s name, class and emergency contact details. If any parents/carers are available to help at this event please can you also include your contact details.

All children will need to be collected from the hall at 5.20pm.

Easter Egg Raffle – Win your height in eggs!!!

There will be an Easter egg raffle for each year group on the last day of term, Friday 7th April. The tickets will be on sale on Friday morning and will be drawn during assembly. The lucky winners will each win their height in Easter eggs!! Tickets will be priced at £1 each but children can buy more than one ticket to increase their chance of winning ? Good Luck!!

All proceeds made from events, tuck shops and raffles go directly back into school to help buy equipment and resources for our School.