Sport Premium Overview of expenditure 2016-17

Sport Premium Grant

Funding for schools was calculated by the number of primary aged pupils (between the ages of 5 and 11) as at the annual census in January 2016. All schools with 17 or more primary aged pupils received a lump sum of £8,000 plus a premium of £5 per pupil. Smaller schools received £500 per pupil.

Total no of primary agedpupils between the ages of 5-11( Jan 2015) / 171
Total amount of Sport Premium Grant received / £8,855

What does the Sport Premium mean for my School?

‘Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this’ (DfE June 2013).

At Buxton Infant School we have split up the funding by the three key areas for consideration; Physical Education, Healthy Active Lifestyles and Competitive Sport.

We decided to spend the Sport

Premium Grant on the following in 2016-17

Physical Education:
Raising standards for all our children in Physical education
Objectives / Actions and expenditure / Impact
Increase children’s access to small apparatus. / Convert adult toilet to P.E store
Add shelving and storage £1,270
Train to children to access and put out equipment independently /
  • Quality of games teaching improved
  • Equipment more easily accessible for teachers-
  • Progression and continuity across and over year groups.

Increase the profile of orienteering within the P.E curriculum / Purchase new SOW £234
Train staff in updated SOW
Purchase new markers £360
Fix new markers £50 /
  • SOW able to be fully implemented.
  • More regular and creative teaching achieved.
  • Quality of Orienteering teaching and learning improved.

To ensure that children with physical difficulties are identified promptly / Revise P.E assessment techniques to include early indication of physical difficulties. /
  • Intervention programmes established to support gross motor development.


Healthy Active Lifestyles:
Ensuring all our children have access to regular exercise
Objectives / Actions and expenditure / Impact
To increase activity levels at break and lunchtime every day. / Continued competitive sports provision at lunchtimes £3,800 coach costs.
Repaired and improved trim trail £200 /
  • Increased number of children playing actively at lunchtime.
( positive feedback from parents and other local school visited to learn from our provision)
Provided ride on and active toys e.g skipping ropes, space hoppers, replacement basketball hoops £100 /
  • Increased number of children playing actively at lunchtime.

To increase number of children who walk or cycle to school / Provided balance bike training for all new children in reception and scootability training for all new KS1 £560
Road safety training provided through drama and class workshops funded by LA /
  • Increased number of children scoot to school and leave scooters on site to travel home.
  • Increased number of children able to ride a balance bike and have improved gross motor skills

To increase opportunities for active learning within Foundation stage / Provided additional equipment for outdoor continuous provision £100 /
  • Increased opportunities to access learning outdoors.

To Increase pupil and parent participation in walking for health / Provided opportunities for local walks for each class
Provided coach transport for longer walks. Longnor, TittesworthHeald Place. £395+£375+£425 /
  • Increased opportunities for physical activity for children and parental health.
  • Encouraged families to walk as a pastime.

Competitive School Sport:
Increasing pupils’ participation in extracurricular sport
Objectives / Actions and expenditure / Impact
To increase the amount of competitive sport opportunities for pupils /
  • Retained membership of school sports partnership
  • Provide opportunities for intra school competitions e.g football, basketball £500
  • Children involved in multi skills event and infant games.

To increase the number of pupils engaging in active clubs after school /
  • Provided additional coaches for after school clubs, including Dance.
  • Subsidised places for all children in receipt of Pupil premium funding.£500
  • Out of hours clubs now fully subscribed.