Student ID# ______

PROGRAM CHECKLIST: MA Counseling / MA Specialized Ministry – Dual Degree Track (Portland) Catalog Year 2009-10

Spiritual formation studies (5 hours)CreditsTerm & Year

SFS 501 (2)Learning to Love God and Others( )______

SFS 502 (2)Practicing Prayer and Other Key Disciplines( )______

SFS 514 (1)Survey Growing into Ethical Maturity( )______

Biblical interpretation studies (16 hours)

DBS 506 (4)Learning to Interpret Scripture ( )______

BLS 501 (4)Interpreting Genesis - Song of Solomon( )______

BLS 502 (4)Interpreting Prophets - Gospels( )______

BLS 503 (4)Interpreting Acts - Revelation( )______

Theological studies (10 hours)

THS 501 (4)Knowing the Triune God: Theology I( )______

THS 502 (4)Glorifying the God of our Salvation: Theology II( )______

THS 503 (2)Living as the Community of the Spirit: Theology III( )______

Ministerial studies (12 hours) Required - 4 hours:

DMS 501 (2)Thinking Theologically about Ministry( )______

DMS 506 (2)Developing Godly Leadership for the 21st Century( )______

or PCW 513 (2) Women in Leadership (replaces DMS 506)

Restricted electives – select 8 hours from among:

DIS 501 (2)Communicating Christ in Culture( )______

DMS 502 (2)Introducing Theology and Practice of Worship( )______

EMS 505 (2)Growing Disciples Intentionally( )______

PTS 503 (2)Practicing Evangelism and Apologetics( )______

PTS 504 (2)Maximizing the Church's Redemptive Influence( )______

PTS 508 (2)Developing Strong Families( )______

PTS 510 (2)Preparing and Preaching Expository Sermons( )______

or PCW 515 (2) Develop & Deliver Life-Changing Messages (replaces PTS 510)

Mentored field ministry (6 hours)

MFM 500 (2)Discovering and Developing Ministry Potential ( )______

MFM 501 (1)Mentored Field Ministry ( )______

MFM 502 (1)Mentored Field Ministry ( )______

MFM 503 (1)Mentored Field Ministry ( )______

MFM 504 (1)Mentored Field Ministry ( )______

Pastoral Care to Women Specialization-TRACK-(8 hours)Select 8 hours frombelow, or related electives with approval:

PCW 511 (2)A Pastoral Understanding of Women( )______

PCW 512X (2)Women in Pain I( )______

PCW 512Y (2)Women in Pain II( )______

PCW 513 (2)Women in Leadership( )______

PCW 514 (2)Building a Ministry to Women( )______

PCW 515 (2)Develop & Deliver Life-Changing Messages( )______

PCW 521 (1)Develop Life-Changing Bible Study Curriculum( )______

PCW 522 (2)Women and Spiritual Warfare ( )______

DIS 553 (2)Women in Mission( )______

THS 572 (2)Integrating a Theology of Women in Ministry( )______

Note: Students in the PCW track are required to complete at least five PCW specialized courses.

Chaplaincy specialization-TRACK-(8 hours)

Select 8 hours from the courses below, or related electives with advisor approval:

CNS 503, CNS 512, ICS 501, ICS 505, ICS, 506, PTS 503, PTS 506, PTS 507, PTS 515X, PTS 515Y

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Counseling studies–OREGON TRACK- (48 hours)

CNS 501P (2) Clinical Foundations: Skills/Interventions( )______

CNS 503 (2)Family Systems Therapy( )______

CNS 504 (2)Psychotherapeutic Systems( )______

CNS 505 (3) Psychopathology( )______

CNS 506 (3)Legal and Ethical Issues( )______

CNS 507 (3)Human Life Span Development( )______

CNS 508 (2)Introduction to Integrative Issues( )______

CNS 509 (2)Advanced Integration( )______

CNS 510 (2)Spiritual Development and Assessment( )______

CNS 512 (2)Group Counseling( )______

CNS 513 (2) Social and Cultural Foundations( )______

CNS 518 (2)Career and Lifestyle Development( )______

CNS 524 (2)Research in Counseling & Family Studies( )______

CNS 525 (3)Tests and Measurements( )______

CNS 530 (2)Internship Case Conference I( )______

CNS 531 (2)Internship Case Conference II( )______

CNS 532 (2)Internship Case Conference III( )______

CNS 533 (2)Internship Case Conference IV( )______

CNS 534 (2) Internship Case Conference V( ) ______

CNS 557 (1)Emergency Preparedness: Suicide Prevention( ) ______

(CNS Electives – 5 Hours – Consult with department advisor)

CNS ___ (1-2) ______( ) ______

CNS ___ (1-2) ______( ) ______

CNS ___ (1-2) ______( ) ______

CNS ___ (1-2) ______( ) ______

CNS ___ (1-2) ______( ) ______

Counseling studies –NATIONAL TRACK-(60 hours)

CNS 501P (2) Clinical Foundations: Skills/Interventions( )______

CNS 502 (2)Psychological Theory & Techniques( )______

CNS 503 (2)Family Systems Therapy( )______

CNS 504 (2)Psychotherapeutic Systems( )______

CNS 505 (3) Psychopathology( )______

CNS 506 (3)Legal and Ethical Issues( )______

CNS 507 (3)Human Life Span Development( )______

CNS 508 (2)Introduction to Integrative Issues( )______

CNS 509 (2)Advanced Integration( )______

CNS 510 (2)Spiritual Development and Assessment( )______

CNS 512 (2)Group Counseling( )______

CNS 513 (2) Social and Cultural Foundations( )______

CNS 516 (2)Marriage Counseling( )______

CNS 518 (2)Career and Lifestyle Development( )______

CNS 523 (2)Human Sexuality( ) ______

CNS 524 (2)Research in Counseling & Family Studies( )______

CNS 525 (3)Tests and Measurements( )______

CNS 526 (1)Psychopharmacology( )______

CNS 528 (1)Neuropsychology( )______

CNS 529 (2)Counseling Addictions( )______

CNS 530 (2)Internship Case Conference I( )______

CNS 531 (2)Internship Case Conference II( )______

CNS 532 (2)Internship Case Conference III( )______

CNS 533 (2)Internship Case Conference IV( )______

CNS 534 (2) Internship Case Conference V( ) ______

CNS 544 (2)Counseling Violence and Abuse Issues( ) ______

CNS 557 (1)Emergency Preparedness: Suicide Prevention( ) ______

CNS 558 (1)Emergency Preparedness: Trauma Counseling( ) ______

(CNS Electives – 4 Hours – Consult with department advisor)

CNS ___ (1-2) ______( ) ______

CNS ___ (1-2) ______( ) ______

CNS ___ (1-2) ______( ) ______

CNS ___ (1-2) ______( ) ______

Completed hours at Western
Advanced placement granted
Transfer hours accepted
Total to date

Prepared by______Date CK\PDX\09-10/MASM & MAC Dual 6/24/09