/ Job Aid

Spilt Funding a Requisition

Step / Action
The funding information that is assigned at the Header Level is inherited by all the items in the cart.
If necessary, you can assign lines separately if they should be charged differently. You can also Split Fund the cart at the header level.
This lesson will explain how to perform Split Funding of arequisition at the Header Level and at the Line Level.
NOTE: / This lesson assumes that you are editing a requisition submitted to you by a Shopper, or completing one that you had already started earlier. If you are entering the requisition from scratch as a requisitioner, you would complete all the steps necessary to enter the requisition lines first. When you finish entering your lines, you would start with Step 4, below.
Click the Shopicon on the left side of the page, and select My Carts and Orders/View Draft Shopping Carts.

At the Drafts Assigned To Me section or My Drafts section, click on the desired Shopping Cart Name to open the requisition.

When the cart opens,
Click theProceed to Checkoutbutton.

Click theAccounting Codeslink.

Split Funding at the Header Level splits all lines on the requisition
At the Header Level of the Accounting Codes screen, click the
At the Header Level,
Click theadd splitlink.

The drop-down split fund menu list box gives you three (3) Split Funding options to pick from.
1. % of Price
2. % of Qty
3. Amount of Price
In this lesson, you will split funds by % of Price.
Click the % of Price list item.

Enter the speedtype and account and then enter the percent in to thefield under % of Price (a valid value e.g., 60).
Entera valid valuee.g."60".
Enter the speedtype and account and then enter the percent in to thefield under % of Price (a valid value e.g., 40).
Entera valid valuee.g."40".
To verify that it adds to 100%,
Click the recalculate / validate values link.

If you need to see the monetary calculations of this split,
Click the show monetary calculations link.

Review the splits made at the Header Level and if satisfied with the results,
Click the Save button.

If necessary, you can Split Fund Lines separately if they need to be charged differently.
If you wish, you can hide the header section to view the line item product description section in full screen view.
Under each Line item in the Product Description section, notice that there is an Accounting codes notation stating that the codes for the item is the same as the header. This will appear only if you have entered the accounting at the header level first.
Split Funding at the Line level will only affect the line you want to split.
To Split Fund by % of Price at the line level, click theAccounting Codeslink if you are not already there.

locate the requisition line item you want to change and,
Click the edit button.

The split option selection is % of price,
Enter the speedtype and account and then enter the percentin the field under % of Price (a valid value e.g., 20).
Entera valid valuee.g."20".
Enter the speedtype and account and then enter the percentin the field under % of Price (a valid value e.g., 80).
Entera valid valuee.g."80".
To verify that it adds to 100%,
Click the Recalculate/Validate Values link.

If you want to understand how this split calculates monetarily,
Click the Show monetary calculations link.

Review the split funding details and if correctly done,
Click the Save button.

If the accounting was not added at the header first, the accounting for the remaining line item(s) needs to be entered.
Congratulations! You have successfully Split Funded a requisition at the Header and Line levels by % of price.
End of Procedure.
Updated for the Phoenix view: 01.08.14 / Page 1