Please note these are draft minutes until approved by the Council as a correct record


Minutes of the meeting of the Amenities Committee held on

Wednesday 9thJuly 2014 at 11.15am

In the Conference Room, Franklin Hall, Halton Road, Spilsby.

Present: Councillor G Willis (Chairman)

Cllr BeaumontCllr Grant

Cllr LentonCllr Rymer

Also Present: Mrs Bonny Smith (Town Clerk)

31.Chairman’s Report



Apologies had been given to the Clerk from Cllr Gale, Cllr Odling, Cllr Pears, Cllr Iremonger, and Cllr Baugh.

33.Declarations of Interest

To receive disclosable pecuniary interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011.

There were none.

34.Draft Notes from the meeting of the Amenities Committee on 2nd April 2014 to be approved as the minutes.

Proposed Cllr Beaumont and Seconded Cllr Rymer. Agreed as a true record

Resolved: The notes are accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.

35.Matters arising not covered on the agenda

Para 25-cleaning of benches by ELDC-this had sill not been undertaken.

Para 25-(Para 8 from the previous meeting) Coping stones for the Church Wall- This had still not been followed up.

ACTION- Cllr Grant to contact Flagstones regarding splitting the coping stones.

The Chairman said that this needed to be progressed quickly.

The Clerk reported that the extra Christmas lights had been ordered, that the matting for the playground was to be laid on the following Monday and Tuesday and that the issue of the cobble stones at the OldGrammar School is still with ELDC Enforcement section.

Para 26-Spilsby Emergency Plan- there had been no progress and something should be done before the next meeting.

Para 27-Best Kept Town Competition-the spinney and the cemetery had let the Council down in the marks. Cllr Beaumont said that the grass needed to be cut in the old part of the cemetery and the spinney.

ACTION-Clerk to contact the Contractor re cutting.

36.To consider the Christmas Festivities for 2014(GW)

  1. Contact Education establishments regarding decorative boards-The Clerk said that she was sending the letters out in September to ask if they would like to sing around the tree and to make the boards again.

ACTION-Clerk to send out letters.

  1. Lights switch on date (Friday 21st November)
  2. Contact Education establishments regarding Carol Service around the tree (as a.)
  3. Publicity for the event

ACTION-Clerk to contact press 2 weeks before event to arrange coverage.

  1. The diameter, height and delivery date of Christmas tree as donated by the Rotary Club.

Cllr Lenton suggested 25’ Max height, 9” diameter and 19” drop. Michael Longmate is providing the tree on behalf of the Rotary.

ACTION-Cllr Grant to contact Jeff Crust re siting the tree.

ACTION-Clerk to notify the Rotary of dimensions.

Cllr Lenton said that the Council need to know when Christmas Plus will be coming so that the tree can be put up.

ACTION-Clerk to contact Christmas Plus for a date for the lights switch on.

37.To receive Chairman’s proposals for Civic Service 2014 regarding persons/organisations to receive invitations, venue and buffet. (PG)

Cllr Grant confirmed the date as 21st September 2014. The service will be held at the Methodist Chapel, Spilsby followed by a buffet at the Franklin Hall. Father Peter Coates and the Methodist Chapel had been contacted regarding a meeting. A list of persons to be invited needs to be set. Cllr Grant reported that he still has to decide who will be providing the buffet.

The Chairman said that the organising needs to press ahead now. Cllr Lenton asked what the cost will be. Cllr Grant replied that it would need to be within budget. Cllr Beaumont confirmed that the budget allotted was £1,000. Cllr Lenton asked how many dignitaries there would be. Cllr Grant replied there would be 11 or so Chair of Councils invited. Cllr Beaumont suggested that this should be sorted to be passed to the next Full Council Meeting. Cllrs Grant and Rymer and the Clerk will make the arrangements.

38.To consider applying for the Woodland Trust issue of free trees to commemorate World War 1, how many to apply for and where to site them (GW)

Cllr Beaumont as in the Council were in a position to plant on the playing fields and Cllr Grant confirmed that it was.

Proposed by Cllr Beaumont and Seconded by Cllr Lenton. Agreed

RESOLVED: Clerk to apply for 30 trees, lime if possible

ACTION-Clerk to contact insurance company to check covered for new trees

39.To decide a plan of refurbishment for the play area equipment and to consider the installation of a new (refurbished) picnic table. (PG)

Cllr Grant suggested that the picnic table be placed near to where the sputnik had been and said that the matting needs to be removed. The Chairman said that the Council should wait for Cllr Grant to report back after the Spilsby Show as to the site.

ACTION-To be on agenda of next Amenities Meeting.

Cllr Beaumont said that the playground equipment is rusty and needs repainting. He proposed to refurbish all play equipment and approach companies for a quote.

Seconded by Cllr Lenton. Agreed

RESOLVE: To refurbish playground equipment.

ACTION: Clerk to contact companies for quotes for refurbishment.

Cllr Grant suggested leaving it until the winter.

40To formulate a reply to the allotment holders from the letters received regarding the cutting of the hedge, rent increases and unkempt allotments (BS)

The Clerk reported that immediately prior to the meeting, the allotment holders in question had asked for a meeting with the Clerk and the Chairman of the Council.

The Chairman suggested that they have a committee. Cllr Grant said that it had been tried before but did not work. He suggested that Cllr Gale be the liaison point between the allotment holders and the Council. The Chairman thought that was the best idea.

41.To consider re-launch for helpers for the TOC H land following the resignation of Hilary Astley (JP)

ACTION-Clerk to write a letter of thanks to Hilary Astley.

The Clerk reported that Cllr Pears had written some proposals to her including contacting the press and asking people to contact her and then arrange a meeting with interested parties.

42.To formulate a reply to the letter from the Franklin Hall Manager regarding redecoration and cleaning of the Council Chamber. (BS)

Cllr Lenton said that the Trustees of the Franklin Hall will not refurbish the Council Chambers without the condensation problem being solved. The Hall Manager had suggested keeping the windows open which will solve the problem of condensation. The Chairman asked if it will be the same in the winter months. She suggested that the Clerk open and close the windows every day.

The Clerk said that she would not as it was not in her remit and that to expect her to go up and down stairs 4 times a day was a large commitment in time.

Cllr Beaumont suggested a fan in the inner wall and asked if the building was externally and internally listed.

The Chairman said that she felt the Council Chamber should be counted as part of the Clerk’s work place however the Clerk did not agree.

The Chairman proposed that the Clerk to contact Hall Manager to establish if conservation is on the internal structure, and if not, to cost an extractor fan.

Seconded Cllr Beaumont. Agreed

RESOLVED: Clerk to contact Hall Manger re feasibility of extractor fan.

43.To ratify extension of contract from Welton Garden Services for a further year to May 2015 (TB)

Cllr Beaumont said that the contract was ratified last year which made it continue to the end of May 2014. He said that having seen the Best Kept Town Competition remarks, the Council needed to make sure that that the contract was adhered to. There should be a timetable for strimming and clearing of all areas. The Chairman asked if it could include the A16 garden and Cllr Beaumont confirmed that it could.

ACTION-Cllr Beaumont to reword the contact and then arrange a meeting between the contractor, himself and the Clerk.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 12.42pm

9th July 2014

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