SpiDir workshops are set up to give you opportunities
to explore and develop your inner life.
Our hope is that they will be food for the soul –
refreshing, inspiring, supporting and encouraging
Food for the soul -a study and retreat dayopen to all
Thursday 19 April 2018
Understanding the Psalms: Praying the Psalms
How these ancient texts may lead into the all-encompassing Mystery of God
The Psalms are treasured texts within both the Jewish and the Christian traditions, and yet they can also be difficult even forbidding texts, coming as they do from an ancient world very different from our own.
In this Study/Retreat day, we shall explore what these ancient texts are, when they were written, and out of what kind of contexts they emerged; and particularly we shall seek to explore how they may nourish more deeply our own contemplative practice in our very different world.
Patrick Woodhouse is a writer and Anglican priest. Recently he published Etty Hillesum, a Life Transformed (Bloomsbury 2009) the story of a young Jewish diarist who died in Auschwitz, and Life in the Psalms, Contemporary Meaning in Ancient Texts (Bloomsbury 2015). He was for thirteen years a Canon of Wells Cathedral. He now lives in south Somerset.
Date: 19th April 2018, 10.30 am – 4 pm
Venue: Oxford Quaker Meeting House, 43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW
See map at
Leader:Canon Patrick Woodhouse
Travel: We suggest public transport if you are able to walk 10 minutes from a Park and Ride bus or less than 15 minutes from Oxford Railway station.
If you need a parking space because of disability please
- This workshop is open to all
- Tea and coffee etc are available from 10 am and during the day
- Please bring your own lunch.
- Contribution towards costs: £33 (see below how to pay)
- Further detailsfrom Anne Bowker
To reserve your place on the day Understanding the Psalms: Praying the Psalms please follow the Eventbrite link:
We would prefer you to book via Eventbrite, but if you are not able to book online, please send your application form (below) with a cheque for £33 as a contribution towards costs (payable to SpiDir Network) to Jeni Hobbs at Diocesan Church House Oxford, Langford Locks, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GF 01865 208288
To Jeni Hobbs
I would like to attend the SpiDir ‘Food for the Soul’ Day – Understanding the Psalms: Praying the Psalms on Thursday 19 April 2018 at Oxford Quaker Meeting House
If you wish to claim a CMD grant please contact Sheila Townsend:01865 208277;
then, when approved, book via Jeni Hobbs, not via Eventbrite.
Bookings by this method can only be accepted if accompanied by payment or a CMD grant funding which has been approved.
Email: Phone
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