SpencerCounty, KY Wills
p24 Coleman E Wells, guardian of Mary F Wells heir of Isaac Bennett deceased (1-16-1860)
p27 Enoch Cain guardian of Pamelia Wells heir of Isaac Bennett, deceased
p30 Amos Hedges guardian of William P Bartlett (2-7-1860)
p114 Sale of Coleman E Wells, some purchasers; Mrs. SA Wells, AR Wells, JC Wells, OB Bridwell, G Wells, PB Bridwell, SA Wells, Mrs. SD Wells
p134 Eury Hedges guardian of May E Bartlett heir of John Hedges (12-6-1869)
pXXX Additional inventory of Robert B Wells (sale of land) purchasers Beja F Wells, James W Wells, Eliza A Wells, and John B Wells by James C Wells, Guardian 4-5-1861
p277 Lucy Wells guardian of Benjamin H wells, Morris H Wells, and William E Wells, orphans of Benjamin T Wells
p288 Sale of Elijah Hughes, some purchasers Geo Wells Jr., CC Wells 6-12-1860
p477 Sale of William W Wells 6-13-1863, some purchasers; George C Wells, George Bridwell, Sarah A Wells Sr., Abner Wells, Sarah A Wells
p48 Abner K Wells administrator of William W Wells 6-15-1865
p49 Sarah A Wells guardian of Sarah Ann Wells, orphan of Coleman E Wells 1-24-1865
p136 Enoch Cain guardian of Pamelia A Wells, orphan of Edrington Wells 4-28-1865
p161 John D Haddox (?) list of sales 9-15-1864, some purchasers; John Hughes, AK Wells, JC Wells, Amney Wells. Nancy Wells, formerly Nancy Haddox, received the following property at appraisal value (same for Kate Haddox). William H Haddox receives at appraisal value Exec. Abner K Wells and William H Haddox
pXXXTilford B Hedges slaves appraised by Grandson C Wells 9-15-1865
pXXXJames C Wells guardian of Bej F, James W, Elizabeth A, and John B Wells grandchildren of Robert Botts (or Potts) 10-7-1865
p233 George Wells and John S Hughes admin. Of Elijah Hughes 2-16-1866 final settlement, some names; William Hughes, Lizzie Stallard, J Bridwell, JC Wells, ME Huston, James Hughes
p237 Sale of Amos, some names; RA Hedges, Dar Stallard, DT Wells, HS Hedges, Jane Hedges, Ed Bridwell
1866 - ?
pX James C Wells, wife Elizabeth, (Children youngest to oldest) Arthula C, Permelia A, Robert B, James W, John B, Elizabeth Cox 7-21-1873
p89 George Wells inventory and appraisement 1-13-1881
p133 List of property of Abner K Wells (widow Ann) 3-4-1890
p147 List of property of Mrs. Salle A Stone
p386 Elizabeth Wells (2-4-1897) Arthusia Catherine May; James L Cox – only child of my son James Cox; Georgia Kersey and Lizzie Remble – only heirs of my daughter Sara Margaret Whittinton, deceased; Marnice, Ellen, and Grace Corcoran – heirs of daughter Mary Corcoran, deceased; William L Beam, Kate Hamilton, Arthusia May, and Angeline Young – heirs of my daughter Angeline Young, deceased
p440 James A Wells –Susan E my wife, the rest to my children 2-13-1902
pX Felix T Wells, wife Nannie J Wells 3-2-1893, proven 12-6-1915
Submitted by: "Chuck Wells"
3 June 2006