Spelling Contract

You may choose any activities that interest you. Your activities must add up to 100 points. You can only do an activity once per contract. You will turn in this contract (circle your choices) and your work on Friday. Spelling test will be Friday. Your spelling words will be found in your reading workbook.

25 Point Activities

  1. Rainbow Spelling: Write each word 3 times each, tracing over each word in 3 different colors.
  2. Divide each spelling word into syllables.
  3. Illustrate all of your spelling words. Write the spelling word under each picture.
  4. Type each word 6 times each on the computer (print this out).
  5. Write your words as many times as there are syllables.
  6. Write words in ABC order 3 times each.
  7. Take practice test with parents and have them grade it. Parent signature required on practice test.
  8. Write your words in order from longest to shortest (number of letters) and then from shortest to longest.
  9. Play a game. Go to the following link for yellow and blue word lists. Print out a page showing which game you chose. Make sure to choose words for this week’s story. Look at your word list to find the name of the story and whether you have blue or yellow list words.

When playing spelling games, only click on the free games and activities.

10. Take a practice spelling test at the above listed sited for spelling city. Print out score sheet.

50 Point Activities

  1. Write the definition for each spelling word.
  2. Write each word 6 times each in cursive.
  3. Make a word search puzzle (include an answer key)
  4. Write sentences using your words. Underline each spelling word and use no more than 2 spelling words per sentence.
  5. Make a crossword puzzle using spelling words (include answer key).
  6. Cut letters (not words) from magazine or newspaper and glue to paper to spell words.
  7. Write a story using all your words. It must be at least 30 sentences long and your spelling words must be underlined.
  8. Spelling Acrostic: Write an acrostic with each of your spelling words.

C heerful

O ctopus

A pple

S unshine

T win

9. If you are studying yellow list words, complete the packet for these words.

75 Point Activities

  1. Write a poem using all of your words in your best cursive handwriting. Give it a title and illustrate it.
  2. Pretend you are a news anchor, weather person, or reporter. Use your spelling words to write a report.
  3. Create a comic strip and write captions using your spelling words. Underline your spelling words.
  4. Write a TV commercial using all the spelling words from your list.
  5. Create an Animoto or PowerPoint presentation using all of your spelling words. You may email presentations to me.