Spelling Choice Homework Options

For each set of spelling words, you must complete 5 spelling activities and turn them all in together the day of the spelling test. Choose one of the options below to use with your spelling words each night. If it is something that cannot be done in the Spelling journal, then have a parent sign off that you’ve done it or send Ms. Crisler an email.

Don’t forget to write the type of activity you are doing at the top of the page, so I’ll know what it is you’ve done.

Spelling Activities:

  1. Type each word 3 times(do not copy and paste), print it out and glue into your notebook.
  2. Alphabetize your words in reverse alphabetical order (Z-A).
  3. Create a *crossword puzzle using as many words as possible.
  4. Write a poem using as many spelling words as possible.
  5. Create an advertisement or commercial using as many words as possible.
  6. Create a *word search using all your words.

*(Discovery Education’s web site has a section where students can make free word puzzles. (It looks like you have to purchase the CD, you don’t). There is also the Super Kids web site where students can make word searches quickly and easily. Hand made puzzles made on regular notebook paper are also okay.

  1. Create a Pictionary by writing each word and then illustrating as many words as possible.
  2. Write a song using as many spelling words as possible.
  3. Create riddles with the words as answers.
  4. Create a code using numbers for each letter of the alphabet. Compute the numerical value of each word. List the words from the highest to the lowest value.
  5. Take pairs of unrelated spelling words and put them together to create new words. Invent definitions.
  6. Using a thesaurus, find synonyms for the words. Write at least two next to the spelling word.
  7. Write your words in sentences.
  8. Rainbow writing. Write your words in 3 different colors. Write it once in the first color, then rewrite it again in the next color, and finally choose a final color and write it once more.
  9. Look up the words in the dictionary. Write the word then write down its part of speech.
  10. Create your own activity. Get your teacher’s permission to use it.

* Find what works for you. Spelling homework is to build your vocabulary and help you to learn how to spell.