STATUS (Service Delivery)

1.Purpose and Policy Context

1.1.To consider the findings of the next and final stage of the review of speed limits on classified roads in Poole.

  1. Decision Required

It is recommended that the Portfolio Holder be requested to approve:

2.1the advertisement of changes to speed limits in the following roads :

i)Upton Road (part), Canford Way, Dorset Way, and Yarrow Road slip road: change from 60 mph/70 mph to 50 mph

ii)Old Wareham Road (dual carriageway section only):

change from 30 mph to 40 mph

iii)Canford Heath Road (part), Oakley Hill (part), A31 slip road: change from 40 mph to 30 mph

as listed in Appendix A. Any objections would be brought back to a future meeting of this Group for consideration. If no objections are received, the orders will be made as advertised.

2.2Roads which were fully assessed and no changes proposed, as listed in Appendix B

2.3Roads which received a preliminary assessment and no changes proposed, as listed in Appendix C

  1. Information

3.1When this report on the final phase of the Speed Limit Review was presented to this Group on 26 November 2009 members raised concern that there was insufficient background information on the nature of the accidents occurring to enable them to make informed recommendations on the new limits. As a result the Portfolio Holder asked that this report withdrawn and re-submitted with the accident information requested, together with responses to a number of points raised.

3.2The Department for Transport (DfT) issued national guidance on setting local speed limits in 2006 and required that all local highway authorities should conduct a review of limits on their classified roads by 2011.

3.3The most recent stage of this review was presented to the 12 March 2009 Transportation Advisory Group. The Group was presented with preliminary proposals which were then subject to further detailed investigation and informal consultation. This detailed analysis has now been completed.

  1. Background

4.1The speed limit review has covered all classified roads in Poole. Roads within this final stage fall into three categories :

(a)Roads where an extensive review of the current posted limit was justified and where this was subsequently found to require changes – paragraph 6 and Appendix A

(b)Roads where a more extensive review of the posted limit was justified, but where the existing limit was subsequently shown to be appropriate – Appendix B

(c)The remaining classified roads in Poole which are ‘standard’ urban roads with street lighting, and therefore have only received a preliminary assessment. These roads all fall in line with the standard DfT description for a default 30mph limit and so there are no changes proposed for these roads - Appendix C.

(d)Three-year Collision totals for each stretch of road concerned plus causation factors where speeding, loss of control or inappropriate speed has been a factor in the subsequent crash.

4.3Detailed information on the procedures followed during the assessment process are shown at Appendix E. As a rule of thumb the guidance indicates that measured mean speeds should be used in the first instance as the basis for setting speed limits on a particular section of road.

4.4It is appropriate to consider that the proposed changes will have a positive effect on casualty reduction on the roads concerned. Experience elsewhere indicates that a reduction of injury accidents by 5% can be expected for every 1 mph reduction in average speeds achieved as a result of these proposals. On average, therefore, a 15% reduction in casualties could reasonably be expected based on a reduction of mean speeds by 2-3 mph per site where the limit is lowered. In terms of actual accident numbers this would equate to a saving of five injury accidents a year out of an average of 32 per year for sites being considered for a reduction.

4.5Details of collision numbers, severity and speed-related causation factors for each section of road concerned are listed at Appendix D

5.Consultation Process

5.1Informal consultation over the proposed speed limit changes has already taken place with Wilts and Dorset Buses and Dorset Police. Formal consultation will take place through the subsequent advertisement of the legal orders.

5.2Wilts and Dorset are supportive of the proposed changes in speed limits in terms of improving flows and reducing accidents at junctions.

5.3Dorset Police indicated broad approval in principal to the proposals, subject to some concerns about individual proposed limits as outlined in 6.1 below.

6.Detailed Proposals

6.1A3049Dorset Way ( Appendix E1 and E2 )

Section 1 : Mannings Heath Rbt to Old Wareham Road Rbt

Section 2 : Old Wareham Road Rbt to Holes Bay North Rbt

(Existing 70 mph change to 50 mph )

Accident rate : above the national average in Section 1,

Recorded mean speed : 62 mph (Section 1) and 63 mph (Section 2), below the existing posted national speed limit for both sections. Characteristics and environment of the road (according to the DfT guidance): in line with a 50 mph limit.

Proposal : to reduce the existing national speed limit here to 50 mph.

It is clear that for the sake of uniformity any change in limit proposed should be considered for all roads and sections on the Canford Way – Dorset Way corridor.

As mentioned in 4.3 above mean speeds are to be used as the basis for setting speed limits. The measured mean speed for Dorset Way initially indicated that a limit of 60 mph might be appropriate for this road. This, however, would be an unusual limit to set for a dual carriageway and would also require special authorisation by DfT. A proposed limit of 50 mph would appear to be more suitable and would also be more easily understandable by motorists and less confusing.

A suggestion made at the previous meeting of this Group was that the speed limits on opposing carriageways based on the nature of the road layout. However different limits over a length of a road are considered confusing, and generally not recommended apart from over short distances.

The difficulty for Dorset Police with the 50 mph proposal is that it would imply additional enforcement would be required for Dorset Way. This enforcement would inevitably have resource implications for Dorset Police and continuous coverage could not be guaranteed.

Initial consultations have taken place with the Dorset Safety Camera Partnership with a view to adding the road to their list of mobile speed enforcement sites. A formal application would then be made to DSCP for the site to be added to the list of sites to be enforced under the 2010/11 operational case if the speed limit reduction was agreed. At present the road is not suitable for fixed camera enforcement as there is no suitable location for placement of such equipment.

If this proposal is acceptable to all parties then camera warning signs indicating mobile enforcement could be added at the same time as the 50 mph signs are erected.

6.2A3049 Canford Way ( Appendix F )

Existing 70 mph change to 50 mph

Accident rate : below the national average,

Recorded mean speed : 49 mph, well below the existing posted national speed limit.

Characteristics and environment of the road : in line with a 50 mph limit.

Proposal : to reduce the national speed limit here to 50 mph.

At the last meeting it was suggested that Canford way might be considered for a 40 mph limit to match Canford Heath Road. However it is proposed that the limit should remain uniform at 50 mph along the signed A3049, ie Canford Way – Dorset Way corridor. Canford Heath Road is actually a minor road in comparison, being the B3074 and a single carriageway.

6.3Yarrow RoadSlip road onto Dorset Way ( westbound )

( Appendix G )

Existing 30 mph change to 50 mph.

This road is currently posted as a 30 mph limit, although since it has streetlighting it does not have any repeater signs to this effect.

Recorded mean speed : 39 mph

Characteristic and environment of the road : not in line with a 30 mph

Proposal : for conformity the speed limit should be increased here to match that on Dorset Way, i.e. 50 mph. The terminal sign would be located on the slip road just after the bend having exited the Yarrow Road – Ling Road roundabout.

6.4B3074Canford Heath Road - Stinsford Road roundabout to Darbys Corner roundabout

( Appendix H )

Existing 40 mph change to 30 mph

Accident rate : above the national average,

Recorded mean speed : 29 mph, well below the existing posted 40 mph speed limit.

Characteristics and environment of the road : in line with a 30 mph limit.

Proposal : reduce the limit here to 30 mph.

6.5B3073Oakley Hill - Oakley Lane to Merley Park Road

( Appendix I )

Existing 40 mph change to 30 mph

Accident rate : below the national average,

Recordedmean speed : 27 mph, well below the posted limit.

Characteristics and environment of road : in line with current 40mph.

Proposal : reduce limit to 30mph

Although the current speed limit is correct in terms of the road environment, it would be reasonable to extend the existing 30 mph from Gravel Hill through to Oakley Lane, thus removing the potential frustration to drivers of two changes in speed limits over a short length of road.

In addition the recorded speeds indicate that a 30 mph here would be more appropriate.

6.6A341Link Road Oakley Hill to A31 – Merley roundabouts

( Appendix J )

Existing 40 mph change to 30 mph

Accident rate : above the national average,

Recorded mean speeds : 27 mph, well below the posted limit of 40 mph.

Proposal : reduce to 30 mph.

In order to provide conformity with the proposed changes to the Oakley Hill and Gravel Hill sections, therefore, the proposal is to reduce the 40 mph limit here to 30 mph from the roundabout with the A31 Trunk Road. A gateway feature will be created, together with 30 mph roundels marked on the carriageway. These proposals will remove the two current changes in limit over a short distance en route between Poole and Wimborne, which again follows the advice given in the guidance.

6.7B3061 Old Wareham Road – Dorset Way Roundabout to end of dual carriageway section past Yarrow Road

( Appendix K )

Existing 30 mph change to 40 mph in downhill section

Accident rate : above national average

Recorded mean speeds : 35 mph in the uphill section and 41 mph on the downhill section, which indicates consideration of an increase to the limit is warranted.

Proposal : to provide a 30 mph limit in the uphill direction just into the dual carriageway section of Old Wareham Road, continuous into the single carriageway. This would eliminate the potential conflict of vehicles travelling at different speeds at the Yarrow Road junction as suggested in the previous report. In recognition of the higher measured speeds, the downhill section of the dual carriageway would be increased to 40 mph, stepping up to 50 mph approaching the Dorset Way roundabout. Differential speeds are considered acceptable here as they occur over a relatively short distance of dual carriageway, and also the characteristics of the two directions are different.

This proposal is in line with suggestions made at the last meeting of this Group.

6.8A35 Upton Road - Creekmoor Park and Ride entrance to Longmeadow Lane roundabout

( Appendix L )

Existing 60 mph change to 50 mph

Accident rate ; above the national average,

Recorded mean speed : 43 mph, well below the posted 60 mph speed limit for the road.

Characteristics are environment of the road : in line with that for a rural national speed limit. The nature of the road at the western section, however, is quite bendy and crashes have occurred that can be attributed to loss of control on these bends.

Proposal : to lower the existing 60 mph speed limit along here to 50 mph.

6.9A31 Trunk Road

Existing 60 mph (National Speed Limit)

The Highways Agency and its managing agent Enterprise Mouchel is responsible for reviewing the speed limits on trunk roads. The Borough has requested an update on the review of the speed limit on this road but to date the Highways Agency has yet to complete its review of this section of the A31. Based on experience elsewhere, however, it is unlikely that there would be a reduction from the existing national speed limit of 60mph on this road.

6.10It should se noted that where a 70 mph or 60 mph limit is referred to within this report this refers to the National Speed Limit for cars and motorcycles. The limit for other categories of vehicles such as lorries and those with trailers or caravans will be correspondingly less.

7.Financial Implications

7.1It is estimated that the cost of implementing all the remaining proposed changes is £30,000, which would be funded from the current £100,000 road safety capital programme budget for 2009/10. Due to lead in and advertising times required for this project it is likely that the work will continue over into 2010/11 with the appropriate carry forward of budget.

8.Legal Implications

8.1There is a DfT requirement to carry out this speed limit review and complete it by 2011.

8.2There is a legal requirement to formally advertise any Speed Limit Orders and consult with statutory consultees.

9.Risk Management Implications

9.1There is a risk that failure to address inappropriate speed limited will lead to continued numbers of road casualties, which will also lead to an increased risk of failure to meet government targets and national road safety indicators NI 47 and NI 48.

10.Equalities Implications

10.1It is judged that the overall benefit of making these changes to speed limits would be a positive one for the community and is not discriminatory against any particular group of individuals.

Julian McLaughlin

Head of Transportation Services

Appendix A Roads with a proposed change of limit

Appendix B Roads that were assessed, but no limit proposed

Appendix C Roads that only received a preliminary assessment

Appendix DCollision Numbers and Speed Related Causation factors for Roads Under Consideration

Appendix E Procedure Used to Assess Speed Limits on Classified Roads in the Borough of Poole

Appendices F – M Plans showing locations with proposed change of limit

Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact:

Damian Lush (01202) 262064

14 December 2009
