Specialty Show for Dobermanns
June 4th, 2017 in Harjumaa
Judge Ms. Kaidi Juurik (Estonia)
Registration fees:
until 23.04.2017 / until 14.05.2017 / until 21.05.2017Baby & Puppy / 15 eur/ 20 eur / 20 eur / 30 eur
Dog / 30 eur/40 eur / 40 eur / 50 eur / 50 eur /60 eur
Veteran / free of charge / 10 eur / 20 eur
Honor Class / 20 eur / 30 eur / 40 eur / 50 eur
Breeders & Progeny & Braces / 5 eur / 15 eur
Advertisements in catalogue (A5) – 20 eur /30 eur per page.
To enter your dog(s):
* Send the registration form by e-mail (). If your dog has not attended our Specialty Show before, you must send the copy of the Pedigree and diplomas for Working and Champion Class as well.
* Transfer the registration fees to Eesti Dobermanniuhing, IBAN EE021010022005006006, SWIFT EEUHEE2X, bank: SEB. Write the name(s) of dog(s) as explanation.
* Registration papers & payment (or guarantee letter) have to arrive latest on the dates mentioned, otherwise the next price level will be applied.
Show Classes (black and brown dogs are judged separately, except for the babies & puppies):
Unofficial classes:Baby – for dogs 4 - 6 m.o., compete for BOB Baby;
Puppy – for dogs 6 - 9 m.o., compete for BOB Puppy;
Honor Class – for dogs with at least one CH title (National Champion or International Champion). They will receive only a description and a placement in class. They do not compete for quality judging or CAC or BOB. / Official classes:
Junior – for dogs 9 - 18 m.o., compete for JunCAC, BOB Junior and BOB;
Intermediate – for dogs 15 - 24 m.o., compete for CAC and BOB;
Open – for dogs older than 15 month, compete for CAC and BOB;
Working – for dogs older than 15 month, compete for CAC and BOB;
Champion – for dogs older than 15 month, compete for CAC and BOB;
Veteran – for dogs older than 8 years, compete for BOB Veteran and BOB. / Other classes:
Brace Competition – one female and one male belonging to the same owner;
Breeders Class – 4 dogs by the same breeder from at least two different combinations of parents;
Progeny Class – a male/female with 4 offspring from at least two different combinations of parents.
NB! For all three competitions the dogs (except sire/dam in the progeny class) must have won at least ‘very good’ in quality judging.
Additional information available from: