specialty doctors in emergency medicine

south glasgow



information pack

reF: 24794D

Closing Date:16th march 2012

rdClosing Date:tbc


Post:specialty doctorS in emergency medicine

Base:south glasgow/royal alexandra hosptial/inverclyde royal infirmary

Applications are invited for the above posts as Specialty Doctors in Emergency Medicine within NHSGG&C teaching hospitals (Southern General Hospital and Royal Alexandra Hospital/Inverclyde Royal Hospital). These posts would be ideally suited for GP vocationally trained doctors or doctors with a broad general professional training including Emergency Medicine who wish to gain further clinical experience. The posts are for 12 months with the possibility of extension. Previous experience in Emergency Medicine is required and successful applicants would be matched to roles on the middle grade rotas. Candidates are invited to apply for any or all of the posts, which will be interviewed together.

The post will attract a basic payment of 10 programmed activities with up to 2 additional programmed activities being available which can be agreed as appropriate with the successful candidate.

All applicants must possess Full GMC Registration, a licence to practice and at least 4 Years full time Post Graduate Training, two of which must have been in relevant acute specialties or you will demonstrate and evidence equivalent experience and competencies.

This post may beeligible for Tier 2GeneralSponsorshipif no suitable UK or EEA national is identified forthe post.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Emergency Care and

Medical Services Directorate

Information pack - for the posts of

Specialty Doctor in Emergency Medicine

Southern GeneralHospital

Specialty Doctor in Emergency Medicine

Victoria Infirmary


Today Glasgow is a compact, vibrant and modern city. In fact Glasgow’s scale comes as a surprise to some people. It has the largest suburban rail network outside London and is second only to the UK Capital as a retail centre.

There are top-ranking schools, excellent leisure facilities, beautiful golf courses and elegant accommodation across all price ranges.

The night life and restaurants are renowned and its opera, theatres, art galleries and museums offer plenty of cultural stimulation. Greater Glasgow and ClydeValley are one of the world’s most thrilling and beautiful destinations.

Be entertained in one of Europe’s top cultural capitals by its year-long calendar of festivals and special events and enjoy outstanding shopping, superb bars and restaurants - all located within a stone’s throw of some of the country’s finest parks and gardens.

What’s more, we are easily accessible by air, rail and road so getting here could not be easier. From Glasgow, the West of Scotland’s jewels are within easy reach. Loch Lomond is just 45 minutes drive, a little further to the Argyll peninsula – or over the sea to Arran, Skye, Iona and Mull.


The Acute Operating Division is the largest group of adult acute hospitals in Scotland – offering many opportunities to ensure job satisfaction and career development.

Glasgow Acute ServicesClyde Acute Services

15 Hospitals3 Hospitals

4,700 beds1,100 beds

£980m income£250m income

19,500 wte staff7,000 wte staff

The Divisional Management Offices are situated within the ManagementBuilding, Southern GeneralHospital, 1345 Govan Road, Glasgow, G51 4TF.

The Division operates a No Smoking Policy within its premises.

The Acute Division brings together all acute services across the city and Clyde under a single management structure led by the Chief Operating Officer. The Division is made up of eight Directorates of clinical services each managed by a Director and clinical management team along with a Facilities Directorate. These are:

Emergency Care and Medical Services

Surgery and Anaesthetics

Rehabilitation and Assessment


Regional Services

Women’s and Children’s Services

Oral Health



In the Emergency Care and Medical Services, Surgery and Anaesthetics and Facilities directorates the General Managers combine a city wide role with a local sectoral role for one of three sectors in the city – north and east, west and south.

Health services in Glasgow are on the verge of dramatic and exciting change, brought about by the recently approved Acute Services Review [now termed the Hospital Modernisation Programme). This ten-year £700 million strategy will see the transformation of acute services across the city including the replacement of out-dated Victorian buildings and the creation of one- stop/rapid diagnosis and treatment models for the vast majority of patients.

Core adult acute care is currently delivered from six sites within Glasgow. The Western Infirmary and Gartnavel General Hospital operate in tandem delivering acute care in the west-end of the city. In the north-east of the city acute care is delivered from StobhillHospital and Glasgow Royal Infirmary. The Victoria Infirmary serves the south-east and the Southern General Hospital the south-west of the city.

Services for children are provided centrally from the RoyalHospital for Sick Children, Yorkhill.

The Hospital Modernisation Programme will ensure that walk-in/walk-out hospital services are provided for the majority of patients. The pattern of service provision will shift to reflect moves towards ambulatory care. Currently 85% to 90% of patient encounters with acute hospital services are on a walk-in/walk-out same day basis.

These include out-patient attendances, diagnostic tests, imaging procedures, and a range of day surgery procedures. In future, these services will be provided from ambulatory care centres designed to deliver the streamlined process of care, which patients want - to be seen quickly by the appropriate specialist, to undergo clinical investigation, and to receive treatment without delay.

The ambulatory care centres for the south side of the city will be in a new £103 million purpose- built hospital next to the current Victoria Infirmary. This state-of-the-art facility is planned to open in 2009. It will house the main out-patient centre and day surgery service for the south side of the city. In-patient services will be concentrated in a new £235 million south-side hospital to be built on the site of the current Southern General Hospital. This new facility, housing some 850 beds, will replace ageing acute wards in both the Southern General Hospital and the Victoria Infirmary. The new facility will work alongside some of the relatively modern buildings housing specialist services, which will be retained on the Southern General Hospital site as part of the Hospital Modernisation Programme. The new south-side hospital will be home to one of two Emergency Medicine and Major Trauma Units covering the whole of the city. The new south side hospital is planned to open in approximately 2015.

As already stated services for children are currently provided centrally from the RoyalHospital for Sick Children, Yorkhill. However, the children’s hospital will also relocate from Yorkhill to a new £100 million building on the Southern General Hospitals site over the next three years to sit alongside and be fully integrated with maternity and adult services.

The redesign and redevelopment of Glasgow’s acute services will address many of the pressures currently facing the hospital service. The new services will be provided in modern facilities rather than in 19th century buildings not designed for modern healthcare.

The purpose-designed facilities will enable the one-stop/rapid diagnosis and treatment models required for the future. Continuity of service will improve with the elimination of the need for patients’ notes and results to be moved from building to building.

Concentration of services will allow the requirements of junior doctors hours and issues arising from increasing sub-specialisation of medicine to be addressed through the creation of larger staff teams and sustainable rotas for both junior and senior staff.

The formation of larger clinical teams will make sure that programmes of work, including the need to cover emergencies without interfering with waiting list and ambulatory care sessions, can be planned effectively. The concentration of in-patient services on fewer sites will help strengthen specialist services and maximise the capacity of the service.

With an annual budget of one billion pounds this is a particularly exciting time to be joining Greater Glasgow’s Health Service. Over the next decade there is planned investment of more than £750 million, this is the largest single investment programme in the history of Scotland’s NHS – giving the North and South Hospitals accommodation for 21st Century health care.

Emergency Care and Medical Services

The specialties included in this Directorate are:

Emergency Medicine

Acute Medicine


Respiratory Medicine

Renal Medicine



Infectious Diseases



This Directorate also includes management of the out-of-hours GP service.

Acute medicine is managed by general managers on a sector basis with a lead strategic role for a citywide specialty.

Full adult Emergency medicine services are provided at the Western Infirmary, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, the Victoria Infirmary and the Southern General Hospital.

There are two stand-alone Minor Injury Units, one in each of the ambulatory care hospitals at Stobhill and the new Victoria.

Valuing our staff

The Division is committed to extending training and development opportunities to all staff and is actively developing multi-disciplinary training, extending the role of on-line learning, and recognises the importance of developments in technology for both staff and patients.

We Offer:

Policies to help balance commitments at work and home and flexible family friendly working arrangements

Excellent training and development opportunities

Free and confidential staff counseling services

A central Glasgow location, with close access to motorway, rail and airport links

On-site library services

Subsidised staff restaurant facilities on each site

Access to NHS staff benefits/staff discounts

Easy access to city centre shopping facilities

Access to discounted First Bus Travel

Active health promotion activities

Bike User Group

Good Public Transport links

Commitment to staff education and life-long learning/development opportunities

Excellent student support

The Southern GeneralHospital

The Southern General Hospital is a large teaching hospital with an acute operational bed complement of approximately 930 beds. The Hospital is sited in the south-west of Glasgow and provides a comprehensive range of acute and related clinical services.

Services include Emergency Medicine, Dermatology, ENT, General Medicine (including sub-specialties), General Surgery (including sub-specialties), Medicine for the Elderly (including Assessment, Rehabilitation and Day Services), Gynaecology, Neonatal Paediatrics, Obstetrics, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedic Surgery, Urology, Physically Disabled Rehabilitation and Continuing Care. The Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Urology and Ophthalmology Departments provide the single in-patient location for the whole population of South Glasgow. In-patient Maxillofacial (trauma and elective surgery and specialist provision for head and neck cancer), Dermatology and the Assessment and Rehabilitation service for the Physically Disabled are also provided for the whole city from the Southern General Hospital.

The Institute of Neurological Sciences is based on the Southern General campus and provides Neurosurgical, Neurological, Clinical Neurophysiology, Neuroradiological and Neuropathology facilities for the West of Scotland. The Queen Elizabeth National Spinal Unit for Scotland provides a spinal injuries service to the whole of Scotland. This is housed in a purpose-built facility. There is also a wide range of therapeutic services including Audiology, Clinical Psychology, Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, ECG, Physiotherapy, Radiology (including MRI and CT provision for the general hospital service) and Speech Therapy.

Description of the Department

The Emergency Department of the Southern General Hospital had approximately 50000 new patient attendances in 2011. An active shop floor consultant presence is maintained as is the importance of high quality training in Emergency medicine.

The Emergency Department provides a full 24 hour a day 7 day a week service for all 999 ambulance patients and patients who self present. This provides the medical staff with a very broad range of clinical practice which includes acute general medicine, cardiology, surgical emergencies, major trauma, orthopaedic surgery, ophthalmology, ENT, paediatric medicine and surgery, psychiatric care and a small percentage of primary care patients.

In addition to the Emergency Department patients, GP referrals to, surgery and orthopaedics are reviewed by the respective receiving teams in the Emergency Department. When these patients require resuscitation or immediate attention, the Emergency Department medical staff initiates initial treatment. There is a “single pile” working arrangement for all general medical presentations including GP referrals.

The Emergency Department consultant rota has recently been extensively revised to comply with the new consultant contract, extend consultant shop floor presence and foster closer working between the two departments at the Victoria and Southern General in preparation for the eventual amalgamation of the Victoria Infirmary and Southern General teams once the new SGH is open. Ultimately the directorate is moving towards the plans laid down in the GGHB Acute services review, when Emergency Medicine Services will be delivered from two minor injury units and one large Emergency Department on the Southern General site. Both departments have a number of Emergency Nurse Practitioners who provide Minor Injury Services. In addition all consultants employed within the Emergency department of the Southern General Hospital participate in the EMRS retrieval service.

Description of post – Southern GeneralHospital

Title: Specialty Doctor in Emergency Medicine


Names of Senior Staff inEmergency Medicine- - Southern General

Name / Base
Consultant (Lead) / Dr M Gordon / Southern General
Consultant / Dr Phil Munro / Southern General
Consultant / Dr J Long / Southern General
Consultant / Dr P Davis (MOD) / Southern General
Consultant / Dr C McKiernan / Southern General
Consultant / Dr N Littlewood / Southern General
Associate Specialist / Dr L Laughton / Southern General
Specialty Doctor / Dr K McKillop / Southern General
Numbers and grades of existing Medical Staff
Grade of Doctor / Southern General
Specialty Doctor / 1
Specialist Trainee / 5
GP trainees / 4
FY2 / 2
Duties of post

Clinical Commitments

The main thrust of clinical activity is treating patients on the “shop floor” as they present. In addition, but depending on prior experience, specialty doctors are expected to supervise junior medical and nursing staff.

The Consultants currently operate a floor Consultant rota to ensure a senior presence in the department at all times during office hours, evenings and for specified periods over the weekends. The duty consultant has the remit of supervising and assisting in the initial management of all patients presenting to the department including those managed by trainees and nurse practitioners. The duty consultant is expected to take a lead role in the resuscitation of critically ill or injured patients.

In addition to the new patients presenting to the department there are three review clinics per week on Monday Wednesday and Friday morning. There are currently no Emergency Department inpatient beds.

A key priority for the successful applicant will be assisting colleagues to achieve and sustain the Scottish Executive’s National Unscheduled Care 4 hour ED Target.

Sample Job Plan (this post)

The appointment is full-time contracted as 10PAs (including 1 SPA) plus 2 APAs (total 12PAs).

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
Week 1 / 0800-1800 / OFF / OFF / SPA: 0900-1300
1300-1700 / 1800-0200 / 1800-0200 / 1800-0200
Week 2 / OFF / OFF / SPA: 0900-1300
1300-1700 / 0800-1800 / 0800-1800 / OFF / OFF
Week 3 / 2100-0900 / 2100-0900 / 2100-0900 / 2100-0900 / OFF / OFF / OFF
Week 4 / 1200-2200 / 1200-2200 / SPA: 0900-1300
1300-1700 / OFF / OFF / OFF / OFF
Week 5 / 1800-0200 / 1800-0200 / OFF / SPA: 0900-1300
1300-1700 / 2100-0900 / 2000-0800 / 2000-0800
Week 6 / OFF / OFF / SPA: 0900-1700 / 0800-1800 / 0800-1800 / OFF / OFF
Week 7 / 0800-1800 / 0800-1800 / SPA: 0900-1300
1300-1700 / OFF / OFF / 0800-2000 / 0800-2000

The successful candidate will be expected to provide initial treatment of new patients presenting to the department including the Resuscitation Room. He/she will also provide support and advice to more junior doctors and liaise with Consultants and relevant other specialists as and when required. In addition, the appointee will be liable for duty in occasional emergencies and unforeseen circumstances.

In addition to the above clinical duties, the successful candidate will be expected to fully participate in the department’s educational activities, which may include the teaching of medical students, nurses and other groups. The Department is committed to education and training of all staff groups and the specialty doctor will be expected to play an active role in audit and other clinical governance activities. The appointee will be required to register [if not already done so] with an appropriate College for CPD, undergo an annual appraisal, and subsequently revalidation as determined by the General Medical Council [GMC]. 1PA [4 hours] will be allocated to such activities.

The Victoria Infirmary

The Victoria Infirmary is a teaching hospital with an acute operational bed complement of approximately 350. The hospital is situated in the south-east of Glasgow providing a range of high quality health care services including Accident and Emergency, General Medicine (including sub-specialties), General Surgery (including sub-specialties), Medicine for the Elderly (including Assessment, Rehabilitation, and Day Services), Orthopaedics and a wide range of Out-Patient clinics.