Statement of Purpose
Specialist Transitional Therapeutic and Rehabilitative
Residential Care for16 – 25
Statement of Purpose
Health and Social Care act 2000
(Outcome 15, Regulation 12 and Schedule 3 of the Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009)
Registered Provider Nestlings Care Ltd
Responsible individual Mr Anthony Thompson
Manager Mr Mark Stares
2. Philosophy
4.Aims and Objectives
5.Accommodation, Services & Facilities to be provided for Service Users
6.Relevant Qualifications And Experience Of The Registered Manager
7.Relevant Qualifications and Experience of Responsible Individual / Nominated individual
8.The Number, Qualifications and Experience of Staff Employed in The Home
9.Organisational Structure & Governance Structure
10.Services & Facilities To Be Provided For Service Users.
11.Range of interventions offered at Lang Riggs House
12.Regulated Activities
13. Referral and admission Criteria and Process
14.Arrangements for Dealing With Review of the Service User’s Plan
15.Arrangements For Educational, Social Activities, Hobbies & Leisure Interests
16.Arrangements for contact between Service Users and Carers
17.Privacy and Dignity
18.Diversity and Inclusion
19.Personal Belongings
20.Health and Wellbeing
22.Arrangement for Dealing with Complaints
23.Fire Precautions And Emergency Procedures
24.Smoking Policy
25.Safeguarding Policy
26.Consent, Capacity (MCA) and Deprivation Of Liberty Safeguards
27.Behaviour Management
29.Equalities Policy.
- Introduction:
Lang Riggs House is part of Nestlings Care Ltd, organisation offering specialist transitional therapeutic and rehabilitative residential placements for young people & young adults with complex and challenging presentation in the context of mental health problems and neurodevelopmental disorders e.g. Autistic spectrum Conditions.
At Nestlings Care LTD, we recognise that young people aged between 10 and 19 account for over 12 percent of the UK’s total population in 2003 (Census, 2011)and adolescents who are “Looked After, have a history of mental health disorders, suicide attempts and who self-harm are at much higher risk of transition problems” (Model of transition specifications by NHS England 2015 ).
Lang Riggs House offers placements for young people & young adults of mixed gender, aged between 16-25 years. The placements aim to offer consistent specialist care, treatment, management and rehabilitation during transition, by a highly skilled multidisciplinary team: registered manager, registered mental health nurse, health care assistants, senior support workers, Clinical Psychologist, Psychodynamic Psychotherapist, Music Therapist, Occupational Therapist and Consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist. The team offers 24/7 crisis management through mental health on call. We provide care and treatment for Service Users under Mentla Health Act 1983 (revised 2007) :communitytreatment orders under Mental Health Act (1983).
The team at Lang Riggs House have extensive clinical, operational and management experience in the provision of mental health care in young people & young adults in- patient settings and residential care gained over the last 17 years. Through these strengths Nestlings Care Ltd aims to become the leading provider of specialist residential placements for young people& young adults in the North West.
The service aims to offer safe and comprehensive care in the community in partnership with service users, carers, stakeholders and other agencies.The team has specialist clinical expertise and specialist skills througha range of therapeutic interventions for Depressive Disorders, Psychotic illness, neurodevelopmental disorder; Autistic spectrum disorders with co morbid presentations, Attachment problems and Emerging Emotionally unstable personality disorders with complex co- morbid challenging presentations: risk of aggression and self-harm.
The TRACK study15
CAMHS are designed to
Lang Riggs House is registered with CQC in order to promote and provide seamless evidence and outcome based high standards of healthand social care for young people. This will occur throughtransition into adulthood in a homely environment which meets their developmental needs and offers emotional, relational and environmental security.
Communication with service user and carers:
The team identifies the importance of simple, open, transparent and non-challenging communication with young people and young adultsaccording to their understanding, experiences and level of emotional and cognitive development. Young people and young adults with mental health problems and complex challenging struggle to trust professionals due to their authoritative role, perceiving the professionals and adults in their life taking control away and disempowering then which in turn has significant impact in building therapeutic relationships. We recognise adolescence to bean important stage of development of identity and self-control which can only be achieved in collaboration with young people and support them through adulthood.
Service users and carers are supported to actively participate in the treatment and careoffered through informal verbal discussion, meetings and information leaflets.The team identifies the importance of communication with referrers, commissioners, Local authorities and other relevant agencies.
Individualised consistent and collaborative care:
The team identifies that each service user is a unique individual with a distinctive life story and set of events (internal and external) that have led them to have complex difficulties. Each service user is considered and treated as a whole person within the context of their current situation. The placements will care plan individual’s needs with service users and carers, facilitate recovery to their optimal functioning level. This in turn enables them to progress along the pathway of recovery, ultimately enabling the successful return home or to independent community living.
The team aims to offer consistent care through transition into adulthood and has experience in meeting complex needs throughpositive relationships whilst taking therapeutic risk by offering intensive bespoke care package and crisis management in community in order to facilitate seamless transition into adulthood.
Giving chance for independence through intensive rehabilitation:
Young People & young adults with mental health problems and complex needs don’t always have opportunity and chance to live in positive and emotionally safe environments in community with holistic view of their needs. They require significant support within socialisation and social opportunities. We believe in taking innovative and creative approaches to enable them to overcome barriers and integrate these young people & young adults to be part of community.
Equality and Inclusion:
We recognise that this particular group of young people are faced by several emotional, psychological and cognitive challenges. We have identified these young people as having right to be respected, treated equally and valued. It is the policy of Nestlings Care placements to provide residents with a homely environment in which the principles of individual rights, including privacy, choice, safety, equality, diversity and freedom of choice are respected and actively encouraged by every staff member.
- Philosophy:
The team identifies these young people and young adults with complex mental health problems posing ongoing risks to self or others can slip through the gap during transition. Some of key areas identified to improve transition from CAMHS to AMHT are:
-Single point of communication to all agencies involved.
-Transition to be coordinated with integrative care planning and communication to all agencies, service user and carers.
-To have specialists team in order to offer evidence based care for wide range of mental ealth presentations including Autistic Spectrum Disorder and ADHD (neurodevelopmental disorders)
-Service Users and Carers to have information about each stage of transition and are actively involved in the process as much as possible.
The placements offers planned admissions from inpatient hospital settings or other settings due to complexity of presentation requiringa bespoke package, delayed discharges due to limited local resources or lack of specific provision in the community or as step down from secure inpatient services. Placements areoffered to young people and young adults with history of readmissions or deterioration in community due to non-adherence to treatment, non-engagement and admission to inpatient setting is not indicated or has limited interventions to offer or deemed to be counterproductive. Admissions are offered to young people and adults from social services placements teams, CCGs, CAMHS, EIS and AMHT following a detailed review of case and risk assessment.
- Vision:
- To comply with and exceed all regulatory and statutory requirements.
- To meet additional standards of quality assurance and other specialist accreditations.
- To treat service users with dignity and respect at all times.
- To offer safe ad compassionate services for most vulnerable group.
- To safeguard service users from any form of harm.
- To provide a safe and therapeutic environment and bespoke model of care and treatment.
- To use evidence based treatment and individualised care plans in collaboration with service users and carers.
- To understand and meet service users’, carer’s and stakeholders’ needs on a timely basis.
- To consult with service users about decisions that affect them and keep carers, responsible local authority staff and purchasers informed of decisions in an open and honest way.
- To offer value for money services and offer competitive terms and conditions to our staff. Encourage teamwork, personal growth and development to our staff through training and supervision and an opportunities to progress.
- To enrol with Apprenticeship Programme to transfer skills and offer opportunities to engage local youth and individuals to develop career choices.
- Increase the provisions of specialist healthcare services in community for young peopleand young adults across the UK.
- Aims & Objectives:
Provision of specialist transitional therapeuticand rehabilitative residential service working in partnership with service users and all relevant agencies with 24 hour crisis management fromregisteredmental health nurse, consultant psychiatrist,psychologist and registeredoccupational therapist, providing a level of comprehensive care which will differentiate Lang Riggs Housefrom other providers.
To comply with and exceed all regulatory and statutory requirements and Key Lines Of Enquiry (KLOE):
-Well Led:
In order to achieve these aims Nestlings Care LTD by ensuring that:
- Each service user is protected from harm.
- The service users are protected under safeguarding policy and every staff member have Level 3 safeguarding training. The staff are provided with guidance regarding reporting safeguarding concerns and allegation.The new staff attend an induction programme prior to undertaking any duties and will have an identified mentor from the senior staff team.
- Safe recruitment with robust recruitment and vetting processes are in place.
- Adequate staffing (minimum of 1:2 staffing with waking staff) with wide range of skills and gender mix.
- Right staff skill mix isavailable to meet service users needs by investing in staff development to provide a progressive and expert care workforce.And to value each of our staff equally for their expertise and experience they bring to the team and to provide our staff with a working environment within which effective teamwork, where appropriate, and personal and group development are actively encouraged and supported.
- Service users have comprehensive risks assessment and management care plans which includes their involvement and agreement as much as possible.
- Service users’ rights are safeguarded through active listening, being transparent and use of advocacy.
- Service users are given information about medications and interventions offered and encouraged to self-medicate where appropriate.
- To foster independence by being responsive to the service user’s ideas, views, wishes and respecting their potential.
- Staff to have understanding of Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty safeguards through specific training and management supervision.
- All nutritional needs and health care needs are identified and met as and when necessary with easy access to health professionals.
- Service users have private space for their visits, activities and can personalise their living space.
- To provide specialist multidisciplinary holistic assessment and management of service user’s needs and risks with comprehensive care planning, key working and specific interventions suited to individual needs, diversity and risks.
- Each service user will have an identified key worker from the staff teamto develop trusting relationships centred on the needs of the service user, their hopes and aspirations, to ensure a high quality, holistic and consistent approach.
- Facilitating optimal recovery with service user and carer, measured through service user and professional rated health outcomes.
- Achieve an excellent standard of care for young people by receiving feedback from young people, carers/parents and stakeholders through questionnaires and feedback developing innovative ways of working to facilitate rehabilitation.
- Working closely with carers to build on protective factors, strengths and potential for improvement.A great emphasis is placed upon the involvement of family, other carers and significant people in the life of the service user. Key workers will establish and maintain regular contact with family, carers or any other significant relationships and offer support and psycho education with a view to rebuilding their relationships in order for the service user to return home.
- Working in collaboration with local authorities, CAMHS, EIS, CMHT, Commissioners and relevant agencies in order to offer seamless, timely and comprehensive packages of care for service users into early adulthood. To seek advice or support, when necessary, from Educational Welfare Officers, the Police, the Youth Offending Service, Community Projects which support Black and Minority Ethnic People, Youth Link, the Voice of the Child in Care and others.
- Standard of care and provision of individualised care to be regularly assessed and reviewed through Governance framework and audits to ensure that regulatory standards and organisations aims are maintained through robust clinical governance structure.
- Within the Governance framework the team takes a “reflective and learning approach” toward any incidents that may occur or any complaint. Any further training or development if highlighted will be provided.
- Team will work cohesively to maintain and improve standard of care for the young people and young adults through staff meetings, training and supervisions.
4. Accommodation, Services & Facilities to be provided for Service Users:
Lang Riggs House is a spacious dwelling inan idyllic location, with secure gated entrance with private garden. There are 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sensory room, 3 lounges and a therapy/multifunction room.
Lang Riggs House offers modern accommodation whilst retaining a homely appearance that retains character; the home has been built to the highest standards.All rooms are tastefully furnished to a high standard, providing television point and computer access points with WiFi available throughout the home.. The local amenities and facilities are within walking distance in the town of Atherton. The house is easily accessible through motorways and is less than thirty minutes away from Manchester.
Service user will have their own private bedroom, and will be given a key to that room depending on risks assessment and agreement with service user. Spare keys will be kept by staff in a key safe in the Manager’s office and would only be used in an emergency. Service users will have free access to all communal areas of the home.
We will always try to allocate the room that each individual has expressed a preference for, although this is largely dependent on availability at the time of admission and subject to any specific risk assessment etc. Should an individual wish to change rooms at a later date, or a room which is more suitable becomes vacant it is possible to relocate at that time.
Lang Riggs House provides extensive accommodation including:
3 lounges/ reception areas
Multipurpose Activity/ Therapy room
4 double bedrooms (2 en-suite)
2 other bathroom
Sensory room
Downstairs cloak room
Secure gardens
There is a charge for accommodation and treatment at Lang Riggs House.These fees are paid by the referring Local Authority and CCGs at an agreed rate and paid directly to Nestlings Care Ltd.
Matters Listed in Schedule 1:
The name and address of Registered Provider:Nestlings Care Limited
185 Grove Lane
WA15 8LU
The name and address of the Responsible Individual:
Mr Anthony Thompson
2 Osbert Road
L23 6UP
Mr Mark Stares
Lang Riggs House
Breeze Hill
M46 9HJ
- Relevant Qualifications and Experience of Manager:
Mark Stares has over 20 years’ experience working in the residential care setting. Mark has completed his Diploma 5 in Leadership and Management and has also gained his NVQ Level 4 Registered Managers Award.Additionally Mark has completed training in Safeguarding, CAMHs Caregiving in Children’s Homes, Restorative Justice, Safer Recruitment, Child Protection, Self-Harm Awareness, Drug & Alcohol abuse, Food Hygiene, Fire Safety, Equality & Diversity, Supervisions and Appraisals, Therapeutic Crisis Intervention, as well as many other training courses. Mark has experience of managing dual homes for young people with complex and challenging presentations as well as experience of working in Residential Schools for Local Authority, Charitable and Private organisations. Since 2016, he has been a registered manager within Nestlings Care LTD managing specialist residential provision for young people aged 10-18 with mental health problems (registered with CQC &Ofsted).
- Relevant Qualifications and Experience of the Responsible Individual/ Nominated Individual:
Mr Anthony Thompson:
Mr Anthony Thompson holds extensive experience in representing mental health and learning disability services within the public and Independent services. He has published and edited numerous professional text books and journal articles, particularly within the area of inter-professional working and education.