Specialist School and Sports College
Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages
Modern Foreign Languages at Herne Bay High School is taught by four members of staff and a native French language assistante. We are also pleased to have appointed a Schools Direct trainee for 2017-2018. The continued promotion of languages is seen as a priority for the school and the MFL department, and we are currently working to increase the number of foreign trips and visits available to our learners.
The Key Stage 3 scheme of work encourages students to manipulate language, make links within the language and understand and produce a variety of different texts, both spoken and written. Students are encouraged to become independent linguists by recognising how to use resources correctly, how to learn collections of new words and how to produce a range of different responses. Extensive use of ICT within lessons enhances the students’ learning experience. At Key Stage 4, we work hard with students to hone each of their four language skills to ensure readiness for the new GCSE exam.
In year 7 and 8, students have two lessons of French per week; three in year 9. At Key Stage 4 , our cohort is large, as many students choose to continue their language study to GCSE level (AQA specification), many of whom pursue the Ebacc certificate. Whilst we do offer post-16 courses in French, we do not currently have a Key Stage 5 group.
The subject area is accommodated in the main school building; our department block comprises four classrooms, each with its own interactive whiteboard. We have recently invested very heavily in new resources; all members of teaching staff are provided with their own laptop and the department has a bank of student laptops. Each languages classroom has a full set of new dictionaries and class sets of new textbooks. Key Stage 3 is supported by the new Oxford Allez course, and Key Stage 4 follow the new Oxford AQA course. Staff and students also have full access to the online versions of each course via the Kerboodle website.
Short-listed candidates will have the opportunity of looking around the school and meet members of staff and see students at work prior to being interviewed.