Building Online Learning Skills Project

Great Southern Institute of Technology


Qualification / 21773VIC
Certificate II in General Education for Adults
Competency / VBQU142
Research pathways and produce a learning plan and portfolio
Contact Details
Start and Finish dates
Descriptor / The focus of this unit is to investigate pathway options and plan skills development, in discussion with an appropriate support person.
The learner will develop and maintain a portfolio of evidence.
Elements / 1.  Identify potential pathways
2.  Clarify learning goals
3.  Design and implement an individual learning plan
4.  Prepare portfolio of completed work samples
5.  Monitor and update the individual learning plan
Resources / iPads (access for in class use)
Assessment tasks and key dates / There are three assessment tasks
1.  Pathway options
2.  My learning plan
3.  Electronic portfolio
They are to be submitted by the nominated deadlines and satisfactorily completed in order for competency in these units to be demonstrated.


Pathway Options
Discuss your potential pathways with your lecturer.
Arrange a Career Voyage appointment with the Employment Service Officer if appropriate.
Research two different jobs that you could do in the future.
Gather information about :
·  Required skills for each job
·  Required qualifications for each job
·  Entrance requirements for each qualification
·  Personal attributes required
Use Keynote to present information about the two jobs (4 slides for each job)
Include relevant images (photographs, diagrams, illustrations) for each job
Identify the gaps in your current skills and knowledge for each job and include this information in your Keynote presentation (2 slides)
Proof read carefully.
Format of presentation
Use the Keynote app.
Email your presentation to your lecturer as a PDF file.
Date due:
Requirements for successful performance
Complete all parts as outlined above (10 slides)


Assessment title / Pathway Options
Student Name:
Element / Task summary / Met? / General comments - feedback
Y / N
Element 1
Identify potential pathways / Research two jobs of interest to you.
Create a Keynote presentation including information about personal attributes, required skills, qualifications and entrance requirements.
Include relevant images for each job.
Identify gaps in your current skills and knowledge for each job.
Include this information in your Keynote.

Satisfactory evidence provided? [circle appropriate response] Yes No

Attempt 1

/ /

Attempt 2

Further action required, if any
Comments from the student in relation to the assessment task.
Student Signature / Date
Assessor Signature / Date:


My Learning Plan
Use the Corkulous Pro app to create your individual learning plan.
Include the following information:
·  Your preferred learning style
·  Your long term goals (3-5 years)
·  Your short term learning goals which relate to your identified pathway options.
·  Your previous experience of achieving goals
·  Your learning plan which documents how you will achieve each of your learning goals.
·  Write down your personal reflection about your progress each fortnight; include this on your board.
·  Update your goals as required (e.g. some may be achieved, others may need to be changed)
Discuss your progress with your lecturer each fortnight.
Your lecturer may also add comments to your board.
·  In your final review identify the factors that helped you achieve your goals, and any obstacles that you encountered; include comments about how you dealt with obstacles.
Email your completed board to your lecturer
Format of presentation
Corkulous Pro board
Date due:
Requirements for successful performance
Complete all parts fully and effectively as listed above.


Assessment title / My Learning Plan
Student Name:
Element / Task summary / Met? / General comments - feedback
Y / N
Clarify learning goals / Include your learning goals for the current semester on your board
Design and implement an individual learning plan / Include the steps you will take to achieve your learning goals (the action plan)
Monitor and update the individual learning plan / Review your progress fortnightly; write your comments on your board.
Discuss your progress with your lecturer
Your lecturer will also add comments to your board
Update your learning plan as needed.

Satisfactory evidence provided? [circle appropriate response] Yes No

Attempt 1

/ /

Attempt 2

Further action required, if any
Comments from the student in relation to the assessment task.
Student Signature / Date
Assessor Signature / Date:


Electronic Portfolio
·  Use Pic Collage to create a cover page for your portfolio
·  Take a screen shot of your collage, and use it as the cover page in your Keynote
·  Organise your portfolio clearly
·  Create a contents page
·  Include an introduction which identifies the purpose and audience for your portfolio
·  Identify which types of evidence you will include.
·  Choose samples of your work from English, Maths and/or elective units
·  Include a comment about your learning with each screen shot . For example: “This piece of work shows that I can …………..”
Format of presentation
Use Keynote for your portfolio; use Pic Collage to create a cover page.
Date due
Requirements for successful performance

Discuss with your lecturer the types of evidence you will include in your portfolio.

Organise the portfolio effectively.
Include comments about your learning with your work samples.


Assessment title / Electronic portfolio
Student Name:
Element / Task summary / Met? / General comments - feedback
Y / N
Prepare a portfolio of completed work samples / Create a portfolio of work samples using Keynote
Create a cover page using Pic Collage
Include screen shots of work samples and comments about your learning
Discuss with your lecturer which evidence you will include in your portfolio

Satisfactory evidence provided? [circle appropriate response] Yes No

Attempt 1

/ /

Attempt 2

Further action required, if any
Comments from the student in relation to the assessment task.
Student Signature / Date
Assessor Signature / Date:


Unit Descriptor / VBQU142 Research pathways and produce a learning plan portfolio
The focus of this unit is to investigate pathway options and plan skills development, in discussion with an appropriate support person. The learner will develop and maintain a portfolio of evidence.
1 / Ass
2 / Ass 3
Identify potential pathways / 1.1 / A range of options is discussed with an appropriate adviser / Career Voyage / X
1.2 / Information about possible options is accessed and noted
Clarify learning goals / 2.1 / Learning goals are identified in relation to identified options / SMART goals
Mind map
Employability skills
VARK quiz
Take screen shot for Corkulous pro
Discussion / X
2.2 / Any additional skills requirements are explored
2.3 / Any gaps in current skills and knowledge are identified
2.4 / Preferred learning styles are analysed
2.5 / Previous experiences are discussed in relation to achieving identified goals
Design and implement an individual learning plan / 3.1 / The purpose of an individual learning plan is discussed / Learning goals and action plans included on Corkulous Pro / X
3.2 / The features of an individual learning plan are clarified
3.3 / The processes for developing an individual learning plan are determined
3.4 / The individual learning plan is documented and signed off by all parties
Prepare portfolio of completed work samples / 4.1 / Possible audiences and uses for the portfolio are identified / Keynote electronic portfolio / X
4.2 / Requirements of the portfolio are identified
4.3 / Types of evidence selected are discussed
4.4 / Examples of evidence are assembled for portfolio
Monitor and update the individual learning plan / 5.1 / Progress toward end of course goals and objectives is reviewed regularly / Discussion with lecturer
Regular review of progress towards goals
End of course evaluation and relfection / X
5.2 / Factors which contributed to success in meeting goals are acknowledged
5.3. / Barriers to success are appraised
5.4 / Learning strategies which can be applied to other contexts are identified
5.5 / Individual learning plan is evaluated and revised as necessary
Pre-requisites / Not applicable
Co-requisites / Not applicable
Required knowledge and skills / RPL * / Training Resources / Assessment Tasks
Ass 1 / Ass 2 / Ass 3
Communication skills to participate in planning process / X / X / X
Communication skills to participate in assessment process / X / X / X
Ability to use support material effectively / X / X / X
Understanding of the need to proof read and revise drafts / X / X / X
Awareness of the need to vary the ways in which material is presented to meet requirements of different audiences / X / X / X
Research skills to locate information relevant to own goals / X / X
Literacy skills to read and interpret a range of information / X / X / X
Ability to understand the importance of documenting learning / X / X



Student Name /
Elements / Assess1 / Assess2 / Assess3 / Comments
Identify potential pathways
Clarify learning goals
Design and implement an individual learning plan
Prepare portfolio of completed work samples
Monitor and update the individual learning plan
Critical Aspects of Evidence
Required Knowledge
Required Skills
All musts covered / Yes / No / (Please circle)
Pre-requisites met (Please list) / Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Co-requisites met (Please list) / Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Competent (Please circle) / Not Yet Competent (Please circle)
Assessor’s Name
Assessor’s signature / Date