Story Number 6

RepublicansUS News


MAY 20, 2017VICKY T.


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Remember the boy who cried “wolf”?

Can you imagine hundreds, thousands of them scattered all over Washington D.C… and throughout the nation.

They consistently caution of threats that do not even exist.

Usually you can find these pigtails working in the media outlets and Democratic politics. Remember how big of a fuss was made after the “scandalous” dismissal of the FBI Director James Comey?

News journalists shouted “scandal!” into our ears and told us that Donald Trump let Comey go in an effort “to squash an FBI probe into former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn.”

Via The Daily Wire:

Trump caught Comey by the ankles – held him the other around- out the window of the White House’s Lincoln Bedroom as he cited lines from Scarface, reports stated.

No, this isn’t what happen. This is what Trump actually said to Comey, based on a memo Comey shared with noone: “I hope you can let this go.” Smoke alarm! Run away! We’re all going to die!…

Allegedly two individuals read a memo Comey never gave them. And, for as trustworthy as those random memos that appear from thin air are, the Senate Judiciary Committee made a decision to go straight to him and ask Comey if he’s ever “been pressured to close an investigation for political purposes.”

Was he ever forced to stop an investigation?
Based on Comey’s answer, no.

Comey, answering before the Senate Judiciary Committee on May the 3rd stated – under oath – that he’s never been made to shut down an investigation for political reasons.

“Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something like that – without an appropriate purpose.”

“I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that ‘We don’t see a case there and so you ought to stop investing resources in it.’ But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason.”

“That would be a very big deal. It’s not happened in my experience,” Comey told the senators.

Yes, without a doubt. That would have been a really big deal.

And his testimony undoubtedly suggests the fake nature of the memo.

The ex – FBI director is envisioned to testify once more before Congress as soon as next week, and a lawmaker there will most definitely ask about this contradictory issue.