Chatterton PTA Monday Memo
Week of April 24, 2017
Special notices –
NYS MATH Assessments for Grades 3-6 – Test Dates: NYS MATH Assessment—May 2-5
We continue to work with our students to perform their best on all assessments by reducing anxiety and preparing them through the development of strong skills and strategies. The teachers and students have been working diligently all year and we are confident that our students are well prepared to meet the challenges of these tests.
Please be sure to arrive to school on time as testing for all grade levels will begin promptly at the start of the school day. Due to the necessity for the teachers to prepare for the exams prior to the students’ arrival, extra help on these testing days will be cancelled.
If your child will not be taking the assessments, please be sure to hand in your letter informing us by Monday afternoon at the latest.
2016-17 School Supplies – The School Supply Sale is ON! Soon enough, the last day of school will be here AND so will the supply list for your child's upcoming grade that will require all items to be bought, labeled and carried to school in September. You won't need to worry about shopping hassles, crowds in stores and dragging your kid(s) around debating over which color notebook he/she wants best. Our sale is purely a convenience to you - no padded profit AND completely safe and secure through our vendor, Educational Products, Inc.All products are brand name and are teacher approved.Simply go to the website and place your order for your child's September grade level.Orders will arrive the week of June 6th. You will be notified of the pick-up date and time. The sale ends April 28th so please place your orders NOW before you miss out!
Any questions, please contact Lauren Jerozal at .
Auntie Anne’s Pretzel Day- If you have not already placed your order online with May lunch, form has been sent home to order by check. *Please complete separate order for each child with your payment by April 30th. * Order form can also be found on our website in the backpack section.
Auntie Anne Pretzels will be distributed during lunch periods on Tuesday May 9th. Thank you for supporting Chatterton PTA!!
We encourage everyone to become a PTA member and there is no deadline to register. Membership is $12 for first member and $8 for each additional member. In order to join you will need to follow this hyperlink: As a reminder, you will not be able to attend PTA sponsored field trips or events if you are not a PTA member. Thank you!
Happening this week –
Chatterton Derby- Night at the Races is this Saturday, April 29th, 7PM at the Merrick Golf Clubhouse. The night includes light snacks, a cash bar, horseracing and raffles. All proceeds go directly towards programs and activities for our children. There is still time to purchase tickets. Form can be found on our website in the backpack section. It’s a night not to miss!!
If you would like to donate gifts and baskets or volunteer please contact Danna Richardson, .
Cultural Arts- On Tuesday, April 25th, the kindergarten and first grade classeswill attend cultural arts workshops on dinosaurs. They will learn about what paleontologists do. They will also interpret data, formulate hypotheses, as well as compare dinosaur nests, eggs, teeth and footprints. In addition, each child will make a replica of a dinosaur tooth. It should be lots of fun!
Spring Photo Day – Spring Photos will be done on Wednesday, April 26th. A packet was sent home to choose the package you want to purchase prior to picture day. This should be returned to school with payment.
Kindergarten Orientation – We welcome all incoming kindergarten families to our orientation day, which will take place on Friday, April 28th. Incoming kindergarten children and their parents / guardians are all welcome to attend. The orientation will begin in our All Purpose Room at 9:30 AM.
Happening soon –
PTA & School Budget Meeting – Mark your calendar for a joint PTA meeting immediately followed by the Board of Ed presentation of the school budget for the 2017-2018 school year. Join us Monday, May 1st at 7:00 PM.
Board of Ed Meeting – The Board of Education meeting is Tuesday, May 9th at 7:15 PM in the Louis Kruh Conference Room located in the Central Administration Building at Levy Lakeside School.
Plant Sale– Chatterton PTA'S annual plant sale is Thursday May 11th and Friday May 12th. Details and class schedules will be available soon. Remember to bring shoeboxes for easy transportation!
Cinderella – Chatterton on Stage presents Cinderella Wednesday, May 17th at 7 PM, Thursday, May 18th at 7 PM and Friday, May 19th at 4:30 PM. Don’t miss this great show! Ticket order forms are due by May 9th for reserved seating by lottery. Tickets are also available at the door.
Reminders & Ongoing Programs –
PTA Lunch Service– Orders for June open on May 1st through May 15th. Please be sure to order within this period as no late orders can be accepted. Registration & ordering can only be done online at If you have any questions or problems with registration or ordering please contactorderlunches.comdirectly at1-800-381-6511. Thanks for your cooperation.
Box Tops- The deadline for our LAST and FINAL Box Tops contest for this school year will be Friday, June 9th. Please continue to clip and save your Box Tops and send them in with your child in an envelope or baggie with your child's teacher's name. Please no expired Box Tops and please cut on the dotted lines. A grand prize ice cream party will be awarded during the final week of school! Good luck to all!
Happy Birthday! - Each month, on the bulletin board in the main hallway, the PTA posts the names of children who are celebrating birthdays. In order to make the board more exciting and fun, we would love to include a recent photo to go beside each child’s name. Please send in a photo to your child’s teacher in an envelope labeled “PTA birthday photo”, include your child’s name, birthday month, teacher and grade. In addition, please label the photo with your child’s name and birth month. This photo will not be returned. Any questions please contact Maria Milito or 516-835-2209. Thank you very much!
Stop & Shop Fundraiser – Stop & Shop A+ Rewards program - Welcome to the start of a new school year and the opportunity to again earn money for our school PTA.Simply log on to or call 1-877-275-2758 to register your Stop & Shop card. Registration is now open and Chatterton's ID # is 12028. New! If you registered last year you do not need to re-register. You can log in and verify the school assignment. Remember to have your family & friends register their cards too! Thank you for your support!
Chatterton Twitter Account - Please follow us on Twitter to receive the most current “learning snapshots” being posted. This will enable you to have a window into the learning experiences and activities your children are engaged in during the school day.
Our school Twitter account is @ChattertonSOARS.
PTA Resources-
Our Chatterton PTA website is your resource for event information including our “Backpack” for all forms and fliers, emails regarding upcoming events, important dates, and information and to receive your weekly Monday Memo. Log onto to register. Please request to join Our Facebook Page if you would like to receive up to the minute information and reminders. Our PTA can always use extra help and volunteers!! Please contact Kristine Schanstra at for any questions about our Chatterton PTA Committees and to volunteer.
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