Hampshire Parent Partnership Service

and Contact a Family

Special Needs Information Day 2013

Mountbatten School, Romsey

Saturday 27 April

Evaluation Report


Our aim in holding the Special Needs Information Days is to give families with children who have special needs, and practitioners who support those families, the opportunity to gather information about advice and services available across the county. The events are free to visitors and exhibitors.

The days are widely advertised in the months leading up to the events, via early years settings, schools and colleges, exhibitors, voluntary organisations, colleagues in Children’s Services, doctors’ surgeries, libraries, newsletters and press releases.

This year’s event

This was the 15th year of the Parent Partnership Service and Contact a Family jointly organising a Special Needs Information Day. In the main hall were 47 exhibitors from the voluntary, commercial and statutory sectors. As well as information gathering, both parents and exhibitors used the day as a networking opportunity, meeting and discussing issues with other families, exhibitors and professionals.

We were very pleased that The Mayor of Test Valley, Cllr Dorothy Baverstock, was able to come along to the event, and appreciated her kind letter of thanks in which she wrote: “What a great initiative for parents and carers of children and young people with special needs – I am sure that this proved a great event for those most in need in our local community. I was very impressed by the number of organisations taking part and really appreciated being taken around the various participants and receiving a full explanation – thank you.”

Visitors were also able to take time out during the event by stopping at the “café” (aka the staff room!”) for hot and cold drinks, sandwiches, cakes and snacks.

Workshops and Talks

This year, 13 workshops and talks were held throughout the day, on which visitors could book free of charge. Demand was again high for places on most of the workshops and talks. We also offered visitors the opportunity to “drop in” to the Pathfinder Room, to find out more about the proposed changes to SEN legislation, the SE7 SEND work and to see how they could be involved in the future.


Visitors and exhibitors were invited to complete a questionnaire about the day and the following responses were collected:

1.  Have you attended the information day as (no.):

Note: those who responded “other” include a grandparent, a child, a speech therapist, a childminder, pre-school staff, HLTA (Higher Level Teaching Assistant) further education course participant, and the Library Service.

2.  How did you find out about the day? (no.)

3.  What was the most valuable aspect of the day? (no.)

Good / Reasonable / Poor / No comment or not applicable
4.  Was the layout of the exhibition area / 83% / 9% / 8%
5.  Were the refreshments / 36% / 30% / 34%
6.  Was the children’s entertainment / 22% / 7% / 2% / 69%
7.  7. Were the signs to the exhibition area, refreshments, workshops/ talks and toilets / 70% / 26% / 4%

8.  Are there any other organisations you would like to see represented or exhibiting at future events?

·  A “lesson” on how to use PECS (just seen an amazing App for IPAD with PECS symbols!)

·  I had a question about education support which I could not answer, was there anyone there from an education dept?

·  None that I can think of – a wide variety represented

·  Adult Services (for post 18 provision)

·  DDA

·  Hampshire Autistic Society

·  Portage

·  Makaton (3)

·  Educational toys

·  Local Teacher of the Deaf Services

·  Rainbow Centre

·  Information on benefits

·  Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre (2)

·  Mike Williams (assistive technology speaker)

·  Epilepsy with learning difficulties

·  Charities/organisations from nearby authorities (i.e. Southampton/Portsmouth) (3)

·  In Touch Project, Eastleigh

·  Romsey Opportunity Group

·  Disability Sports/Inclusion

·  Information on mobility cars/conversions etc

·  Home-Start (Meon Valley)

·  Dyspraxia

·  Adult special needs bikes (custom built ones)

·  National Autistic Society

·  Social communication groups/clubs

(Note: some of the above (types of) organisations/services were either represented, or had been invited to attend but had been unable to join us this year).

9.  Were you able to make use of the childcare facilities offered today? (%)

10.  Would you like to be notified of the date and venue of next year’s special needs information day? (%)

11.  Do you have any other general comments?

·  I just wanted to say how valuable the event was for me. I concentrated on the dyslexia side of things because with two dyslexic children, that was what interested me the most. The information and support I received was second to none and I’m very grateful to everyone concerned.

·  Just wanted to thank you and all those involved with the event. This was the first such event that we have attended and I would like to say how helpful and informative we found it. We learnt a great deal, particularly just how much help and support is out there.

·  I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity to be part of a really good event. The day was really useful for me professionally and personally.

·  Thanks for putting on this event, lots of parents I spoke to have come back with some new ideas, which is always positive.

·  Yet again another amazing, well organised and informative day! Venue and directions excellent. Thank you for all your hard work preparing and executing such an informative day that was relaxing way to learn!

·  Those who attended the legal talk wanted more information than the time allowed.

·  Very helpful day. Until now have as a family felt quite isolated and had difficulty in obtaining information. No longer feel like we are “the only ones”.

·  As Avon Tyrrell Outdoor Activity Centre, we found the exhibition very useful as we could talkt o parents about our Inclusion Weekends and also see if there were any other organisations who worked in synergy with us. We were placed very well within the exhibition area too as we brought our inclusion bikes, which went down a storm.

·  This was perhaps one of the best events I have been to as an exhibitor for the client group. I felt the day was long but understand that with the workshops this was required. In future I feel that if the exhibitors were available for a section of the day rather than the whole day that would be more logistically manageable for a charity such as ourselves, but on the whole a big well done for such a successful event.

·  Earlier bookings by parents would have enabled us to offer a more reflective range of activities linked to the individual children’s interests (Freedom Childcare).

·  Very useful and helpful, thank you

·  Thank you for putting this event on. It was nice to see what services there are and reassure about concerns.

·  I’ve learned a great deal.

·  These days are invaluable, thank you

·  Finding the building was hard so missed the talk I wanted to attend

·  Although we used Parent Partnership, we don’t seem to be on any lists, so only received info about the day from a friend on the list

·  Found the whole experience very informative and interesting. Everyone very helpful and friendly

·  Very good, helpful and friendly, relaxed atmosphere

·  Found visit very friendly, helpful and informative

·  More advertising in schools, websites, local radio, pre-schools

·  I was able to signpost parents to our stall, short-breaks and a parent support group run locally which was FaceBook based as they only seemed to have each other for support and advocacy. I was able to encourage another parent to pursue getting a statement regardless of the lack of interest from the school in doing so and provide information about where to go for help. Thank you for inviting me, I am glad I came and I know lots of people came to the stall for lots of information

·  A great day to put on. It is clear there are many parents frustrated by the system

·  Fantastic as usual

·  It was difficult to hear what people were saying in the exhibition hall

·  Excellent day – well set out. The only comment for me would be if possible if you have to overlap some workshops/talks then repeat them at a later time as I would have like to go to more

·  Excellent service offered by school children – very useful. School is to be praised

·  Enjoyed and useful

·  Wheelchair rugby was amazing! Have to have that next year

·  Super day, went far too quickly. Lots of amazing people to meet. Parent group meets monthly at Sure Start Centre, Fair Oak, No Labels No Limits, has a Facebook page

·  Lovely day, much to see and find out. A good range of exhibitors

·  Good day, plenty of opportunity to meet and network

·  Excellent day, thank you very much, incredibly valuable

·  Very well organised information event

·  I do like the informal atmosphere of the classrooms. Good work by the school children

·  Very good event. Helpful pupils and very helpful staff generally. Not enough parking at 10.00am. Good to have leaflets, rather than have to check websites

·  Excellent day

·  (Re childcare) More aimed at younger children so our son wouldn’t stay. The ladies were lovely and did try to encourage him to stay

·  Fantastic opportunity to talk and explore/make links. Thank you

·  I was late to a workshop because the handout at reception was out of date and the timetable was not crossed out and no-one told me it was wrong

·  Very good

·  Interesting to keep up to date with organisations and information

·  Very interesting

·  Send better information to schools

·  This event has helped me feel there is hope for my child and help out there, and how to access it

·  Some of the exhibitors were excellent, standing, open and friendly, but others looked really grumpy. It would be good to have more places to sit down. I would have stayed longer if I could find a seat to rest my legs

·  Amazing, very helpful

·  Really great informative event. I have come away with a lot of new information and ideas for support

·  Very valuable, thank you

·  Only that some of the workshops overlapped

We also asked visitors to let us know which area they had travelled from to attend the day:

Feedback from workshops/talks

Participants at the workshops and talks were asked to complete an additional feedback form and the comments received are shown in Appendix A.


Our thanks go to:

·  all the exhibitors and workshop/talk leaders for giving up their time to help us at the event

·  Lesley Johnson at The Mountbatten School for her time, hard work and patience during the preparation for the day and for being there on the day to help us

·  The young people from the school who gave up their Saturday to help visitors to find their way around and serve the refreshments – they were absolutely brilliant and a credit to the school

·  Mr Giant and the Honeypot Playbus staff for providing entertainment for the children during the day

·  Team Solent Sharks – their first time with us, offering wheelchair rugby sessions which proved very popular with visitors

·  Avon Tyrrell Outdoor Centre for bringing along some inclusive bikes for children to have a go on.

Lastly, the Parent Partnership Service wishes to express their gratitude again to Cay Byford of Contact a Family for organising the event with us. Sadly this year’s event was the last one for Cay, and we shall miss her greatly, as will many of our exhibitors who have supported the event over the years.

We look forward to seeing you all again at the next Special Needs Information Day in 2014 (date and venue to be confirmed as this report is written). If you would like to preregister your interest in attending – either as an exhibitor or visitor – please contact us by email.

Parent Partnership Service

01962 845870

Hampshire Parent Partnership Service

Special Needs Information Day 2013

Evaluation Report





Workshop: Changes from Disability Living Allowance to Personal Independence Payment

Yes / No / Partly / No comment
1. Did the workshop give you the information you expected? / 100%
2. Did you find the workshop useful? / 100%
3. Did you feel the workshop leader was knowledgeable? / 100%
4. Was the workshop delivered in an understandable way? / 100%
5. Did you feel comfortable about asking questions? / 100%
6. Was the room suitable? / 90% / 10%
·  Very informative (3) and easy to understand
·  Excellent information and extremely supportive on answering individual questions
·  Useful to gain insight into how PIP will work and the assessment process
·  Extremely/very useful, thank you (2). Invaluable information on how PIP benefit works
·  Very well explained
·  Excellent

Workshop: Coping and Support

Julie Singleton, Contact a Family, asked attendees to complete her evaluation:

Before the workshop:

1.  Have you had any training to cope with stress / 1 didn’t respond and
3 rated no
2.  How would you rate your knowledge of the theme of the workshop / 1 didn’t respond 1 rated 2
1 rated 5 1 rated 6
3.  How confident do you feel about identifying when you are getting stressed? (on a scale of 1 to 10 – 1 being low) / 1  didn’t reply 1 rated 3
2  rated 10
4.  What are your three main concerns about being able to cope?
·  Annual Review imminent – being bullied and PPS not being supportive
·  relationship with the school has broke down
·  getting evidence to get access to services
·  daughter undiagnosed with possible multiple impairments and conditions
·  health and education not working together
After the workshop:
5.  On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you now rate your knowledge or understanding on the theme of this workshop / 1 rated 5 1 rated 6
2 rated 10
6.  On a scale of 1-10 how confident do you now feel about being able to cope and access support? (on a scale of 1 to 10 – 1 being low) / 1 rated 6 1 rated 8
2 rated 10
If applicable, please tick the relevant box to indicate your views for each area / Very poor / Poor / OK / Good / Very good
Parking/access to the venue / 1 / 1 / 1
The venue / 3 / 1
Organisation of the event / 2 / 1
General rating of this event / 1 / 3
General rating of Contact a Family / 3
Head / Something I’ve learnt from today…
Schools are a key problem area across the board
Contacts for parents
The issues I have with the school are not uncommon
Heart / Something I’ve felt/experienced today …
Relief that we are not alone
Stress of parents particularly regarding schools
Sadness that as parents we have to battle to get our children the help they need
Carrier bag / Something I’ll take away from today …
Seek support from non-official organisations
The importance of listening to parent and child
That I have to keep on fighting
I have to keep going to get the help and support for my children
Dustbin / Something that was not so good about today …
Some stressed people take over the session
The system is broken
There is no effective support for parents

Workshop: Everyday strategies to support children and young people with speech, language and communication needs at home