Present:Councillors J Reilly Chairman, P J Sheridan, M Fitzpatrick & T McEvoy, Mr K Rushe (Brady Shipman Martin), Mr K Kelly AO, Ms A Aspell A/SSO
At the outset Mr Kelly advised the Members that it would not be possible to hold oral hearings in relation to Clane and Kilcock until after the meeting of the County Council on 26 February 2001. It will be necessary for the Members to pass a resolution at that meeting recommending the holding of oral hearings in relation to the Development Plans currently under review and prescribing the format of the oral hearings. This was noted by the Members.
Mr Rushe presented a map of Derrinturn to the Members showing a boundary for the village. Mr Rushe recommended that any development be concentrated as close to the core of the village as possible. This should ideally be within 500m of the village centre. Mr Rushe identified a possible route from the village to the playing fields. He suggested that this route could be restricted to cyclists and pedestrians if necessary.
Councillor Reilly was anxious that some controls be put in place in relation to any potential development outside of the village boundary. He advised the meeting that the traditional village boundary for Derrinturn were the speed limit signs on the approach roads. Councillor Reilly informed the meeting that the majority of new houses built in the community over the last 4/5 years were occupied by people who had moved from outside the area. He stressed the importance of putting in place strict development procedures which would ensure the provision of housing for local needs. Councillor Reilly advised the meeting that he is anxious that the Plan for Derrinturn be finalised as quickly as possible at it would seem that speculators are endeavouring to get planning permission for sites before the implementation of the Plan. Councillor Reilly expressed the opinion that zoning of land was possibly inappropriate for this location.
Councillor Fitzpatrick suggested that a public meeting be held in Derrinturn as soon as possible. All the Members agreed.
Councillor McEvoy concurred with the comments of the other Members and added that it may be necessary to consider tightening the boundary of the village closer to the village centre.
Mr Kelly agreed that the Derrinturn Plan would be given priority as requested by the Clane Area Members. It was agreed to hold a meeting on 7 March 2001 at 2pm to discuss the Derrinturn Plan exclusively.
Councillor McEvoy noted that some parts of submissions had not been included with the documentation circulated. It was agreed that any missing items be noted when discussing a particular submission. It was noted, however, that submission number 52 was missing in its entirety.
- Oman Consultancy Ltd
Mr Rushe suggested that the submission was not relevant to the current Draft Kilcock Development Plan.
- Ursula King
This submission confirms the correct address of a protected structure and has been noted.
- Michael & Mary Brogan
This submission objects to residential zoning around Mr & Mrs Brogan’s property. Mr Rushe suggested that details relating to protection of amenity could be dealt with during the planning control process and recommended no change.
- Labour Party
Mr Rushe suggested that the Development Plan includes adequate proposals relating to development levies and recommended no change.
Mr Rushe suggested that the Development Plan makes sufficient reference to childcare facilities and recommended no change.
- James Rochfort
This submission refers to archaeological sites in the Kilcock area. Mr Rushe advised the meeting that these sites will be surveyed again at which time further consideration can be given to including these sites in the Plan. The surface water issues raised will need to be discussed with the Sanitary Services Engineers.
- Construction Industry Federation
Comments noted by the Members.
- Lars Bjoerk
Mr Rushe suggested that the development of the Square had already been adequately dealt with in the Development Plan.
- Kevin Flood
Mr Rushe would not recommend zoning these lands as adequate land has already been zoned.
- Moydale Ltd
Mr Rushe suggested that this was an inappropriate location for retail use. Office development is allowed at this location. No change is recommended.
- James & Eileen Foley
Mr Rushe suggested that high density residential development was more appropriate at this location. Matters such as protection of amenity could be dealt with during the planning control process.
- Historic Monuments Committee
The Historic Monuments Committee have recommended a number of additions to the list of protected structures. The Members felt that it may not be appropriate to list the CBS School and Mr Rushe advised the Members that he is not in favour of listing this building either. Councillor McEvoy requested that issue of listing the Market Cross for protection be considered. Councillor Sheridan suggested that Mr Donal Dalton may be able to assist with this matter.
- Kilcock Gaelic Athletic Association
The lands referred to at Branganstown are being zoned Amenity/Open Space. Mr Rushe would not recommend any formal agreement dedicating this land to the GAA.
- Cecelia, Brendan & Patrick Sims
This submission relates to the development of Courtown Estate. Mr Rushe recommends amending the Development Plan to protect the woodlands and walkway and suggests restricting the zoning at this location to Business Park and recommends not allowing light industry. Mr Rushe also recommends a Mobility Plan for this area. Councillor Sheridan proposed this amendment.
- Brigid Tighe
Comments noted by the Members. Councillor McEvoy advised the meeting that Meath County Council have included a clause in the Meath County Development Plan suggesting that Kildare County Council have agreed to provide the services for development at this location. Mr Rushe informed the Members that Mr M Kenny A/Senior Planner has lodged an objection with Meath County Council to any further zoning within Meath County Council’s boundary.
- John Tighe
This submission is the same as number 15 above.
- Teresa Brayton Heritage Group
Comments noted by Members.
- Michael & Mary Hoey
Mr Rushe suggested that the issues raised could best be dealt with during the planning control process.
- Board of Management, Scoil Choca Naofa
Mr Rushe suggested that the issue of access to adjoining open space had already been accommodated by the Development Plan.
- Cormac Nolan
Concerns re woodland at Courtown Estate noted by Members.
- Royal Meadows Residents Association
Mr Rushe advised the Members that he proposed making some amendments to the Development Plan to incorporate some of the matters raised in this submission. Mr Rushe advised that he would make the amendments and then bring them to the Members for consideration.
- Francis Davey
Mr Rushe suggested that this location was inappropriate for residential development. The land is zoned open space. Mr Rushe confirmed that the zoning would allow the development of a Scout Hall, however, he queried whether this was an ideal location or such development.
- Gaelic Athletic Association
Comments noted by Members.
- Jim Monaghan
This is a detailed submission relating to lands around the Interchange. Mr Rushe advised the Members that he would not recommend retail/residential development at this location, however, he would recommend warehouse/industrial development to the west and office type development to the east. There is some confusion in relation to the lands for the Gael Scoil. It was agreed that a number of issues may require clarification. The Chairman advised the Members that further discussion would be possible in relation to this site at a later date.
The Members agreed to meet again on Wednesday 28 February 2001 at 10 am to discuss Clane and Kilcock. Mr Rushe confirmed that he would have Amended Draft Plans available for discussion at this meeting.
The meeting then concluded.
Clane Area Development Plan Meeting16 February 2001