Special Libraries Association, San Diego Chapter

Strategic Plan

Adopted May 12, 2009

Mission Statement:

The San Diego Chapter of the Special Libraries Association promotes and strengthens its members through learning, advocacy, and networking initiatives and advances members’ capabilities and skills to benefit individuals, organizations, and society.

Strategic Goals:

  1. Education & Networking
    Provide opportunities for professional networking and strategic educational and professional programming that addresses the diverse needs of members and keeps current on changes within the information and library profession.


a)Establish a programming/networking committee under the direction of the President Elect to develop a comprehensive and strategically aligned program plan for the year.

b)Provide a minimum of quarterly educational programs that support members’ information needs as well as an annual Fall Seminar offering an extensive, full day conference experience for local and regional members.

c)Provide Chapter members the opportunity to develop and practice leadership skills through volunteering and committee work in support of committee chair efforts, participating in Association level events, and sending Chapter leaders to the annual SLA Leadership Summit.

d)Promote SLA and the San Diego Chapter and expand our educational/networking opportunities by fostering relationships with other local library and information specialist groups.

e)Provide social events, in addition to the quarterly educational programs, throughout the year that promote the development and strengthening of local librarian/information professional relationships.

f)Employ (or facilitate) social media networking options for local Chapter members.

  1. Advocacy

Develop a consistent and powerful public relations strategy that advocates the critical role of the librarian/information professional to the Chapter members, local and regional employers, and the public.


a)Develop the San Diego Chapter message by leveraging member input and Association materials for marketing, public relations, and promotional opportunities.

b)Promote growth in the market for special librarians through increasedvisibility in the San Diego community.

c)Represent library interests, particularly those of special libraries, in city,state, national, and international library networks and informationinitiatives.

d)Serve as a job resource for employers wishing to hire librarians and for members seeking special library positions in San Diego.

  1. Member Relations
    Manage existing membership, integrate new members and grow overall membership to maintain a vital and dynamic Chapter representing a broad cross section of the local and regional information professional population.


a)Grow and stimulate local membership through recruitment efforts.

b)Recognize and integrate new members with an “onboarding plan” that offers a consistent, rewarding and valuable first year introduction to the Chapter.

c)Foster relationships with and send information about the Chapter and SLA to local and regional schools of information and library science.

d)Making use of the membership data maintained at the Association level, provide an annual chapter member profile report on membership specifying information on the number of members, and other demographic data that will assist in determining programming, strategy, and recruitment efforts for the local Chapter. Make the demographic profile available to all Chapter members in order to provide them with a better understanding of the professional community to which they belong.

  1. Communications/Information Sharing
    Maintain and develop appropriate communication and information infrastructure for communications between and among board members and chapter members.


a)Establish a Communications Task Force to develop a recognized standard method of communicating to members, media, and local organizations.

b)Inform members of special library issues, meetings, and seminars.

c)Inventory, maintain, and inform members of the varied communication channels available including: mailings, newsletters, the SLA-SD electronic mail list, the website, the blog, and other communication vehicles.

d)Leverage new and emerging communication channels to improve communications among members and to maintain our image as leaders in information management practices.

  1. Administration
    Provide an administrative structure that supports the efforts of the Chapter Executive and Advisory Boards and provides strong liaison with the Special Libraries Association.


a)Provide leadership and direction for the Chapter via the Executive and Advisory Board.

b)Maintain archives of the Chapter's historical and business records.

c)Recognize and reward service on the Executive Board, Advisory Board, and member volunteer efforts.

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