Special Interest Group Gerodontology
Meeting Budapest
Thursday 29th September 2016,
Chairs: prof. dr. Jacques Vanobbergen & prof. dr. Luc De Visschere
1/ Welcome and brief introduction of the participants
Sixteen participants attended the meeting and the number of participants is stable over time.
Heidelberg (2008):14
Tromsö (2009):14
Constanta (2010):9
Rome (2011):29
London (2012):15
Malta (2013):17
Gothenburg (2014):22
Istanbul (2015):18
Budapest (2016):16
The participants in Budapest represent 8 different countries: Belgium (2); Brazil (1); Denmark (1); England (3); Finland (3); France (1); Hungary (2) and Norway (3)
2/ Evaluation of the E-learning module Colgate (
The E-learning module is developed to educate nurses and caregivers of older community dwelling people and older people residing in nursing homes.
Part of the participants received at home a link to the E-learning module. They were asked to give their perceptions on the E-learning module in order to prepare the focus group discussion. Therefore a guiding questionnaire was send in advance.
Memory refresh by short power point presentation by prof. dr. Luc De Visschere (see addendum I).
The participants were informed that the module was developed by Colgate in cooperation with a dental hygienist involved by Colgate and the department of Community Dentistry & Oral Public Health, University Ghent.
E-learning module Colgate: focus group talk
Eight of the participants received at home a link to the E-learning module. They were asked to give their perceptions on the E-learning module in order to prepare the focus group discussion.
Therefore a guiding questionnaire was send in advance with following questions:
- What are you first impressions?
- What are your ideas about the concept/format?
- Why should you or why should you not recommend this module?
- SWOT analysis
- Do you have any suggestions to ameliorate this module?
Results of the focus group:
It was surprising that no one of the participants was aware of the existence of this E-learning module.
This finding has been confirmed during the Saturday Meeting were no one of more than 100 participants was aware of the existence of the E-learning.
- Online accessibility
- Design
- Concept ‘Cases’ with 3 # types of care dependency
- Train the trainer section
- It takes too long?
- Only in English
- In some cases real life images are lacking
- Focus on knowledge, skills, less on attitude
- Complex accessibility with login procedure.
- Navigation procedure is not clear
- Credit system
- Time needed
- All caregivers
- Adaptable for other target groups
3/ Preventive oral health strategies: state of the art
A comprehensive Evidence Based overview of the use of fluoride mouth rinses, gels, foams and varnishes for the prevention of dental caries in older people was given by prof. dr. Jacques Vanobbergen.
See handouts of the powerpoint (addendum II)
A general consensus was that all these products are not used neither self-applied and/or professionally applied by dental professionals in the preventive programs of frail elderly people?
These products are indeed an extra preventive tool in addition to the daily use of fluoride toothpaste.
4/ Dental auxiliaries and oral health care in older people: development of questionnaire
The aim: to have an idea on the involvement of auxiliaries in the organisation of oral health care in dependent older people (home dwelling or nursing homes) in # countries
Development of questionnaire by members of the SIGG
Step 1: draft (during SIGG)
Step 2: beta version: validation (SIGG) by email
Step 3: dissemination by email based on participants list filled out during the Saturday EADPH session (36 participants) (Addendum III)
Content of the questionnaire:
Questions on demographics:
Country (regions)
Function of the person who will fill out the questionnaire
Different kinds of auxiliaries
Number of different kinds of auxiliaries
Educational level of different kinds of auxiliaries
Professional status:
Self-employed without supervision
Self-employed or salaried under prescription of an dentist
Salaried autonomously
Salaried under supervision
How are these auxiliaries involved in:
Nursing home/care home care
Sheltered home care/home care
Payment systems for different kind of auxiliaries:
Salaried by the organisation
Salaried by the insurance company
Salaried by the government
Fee for service