For Parents/Carers of children with additional needs and learning difficulties
Organisedby parentsactiveon behalf of H&F Individual Progress Service
Welcometo the SEN Parent Information Day
The information day aims to:
- Provide you with practical information on how to support your childthrough workshops facilitated by professionals from H&F Children’s Services
- Help you understand what the education services offer to support children in specific areas of need and where further information is available.
- Support you in getting the best you can from working closely with schools and other service providers.
Thursday 14th October2010
10:00 am -2:30 pm
Australia Road
London W12 7PH
Time Table
Friday 8 April 2005
10.00Registration & Refreshments
10:30Welcome & Housekeeping
10.45 Andrew Christie- Director H&F Children’s Services
11.15Workshop 1
1:00Cllr Georgie Cooney - Assistant Cabinet Member for Children’s
Sir Robert Balchin: - Chairman of the Conservative's SEN
1.30Workshop 2
2.30 Close
The workshops
You will find a list of all the workshops below. Each workshop is numbered. Please indicate on the registration form your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices for the morning, and again for the afternoon. There will be a limit of 12 people per workshop. We will need at least 4 people to register forthe workshopto run, so please try to register quickly.
Number Workshops Delivered by
1 / Speech and Language Therapy‘A chance to communicate: embedding strategies to support communication’ / Gabrielle Nyman Head of Service, SLIT team, Alison Stewart, Manager Speech and Language Services to Education
2 / The Statementing Process / Pat McNair, Intuitions Parent Partnership Service and Maria Trupia, Individual Progress Service
3. / ‘Autistic Spectrum Disorder’:
Meeting the needs of children with autism / Kelly McBeath, Assistant Head, QueensmillSchool
4. / The role of SENCOs in mainstream schools / Sally Bouwman,
H&F SENCO Coordinator
5. / ‘Making change a positive experience for your child’:
A parent’s guide to moving between settings / Jacqueline Goddard, Additional Learning Needs and Opportunities Team Coordinator (Early Years)
6. / ‘Story telling to children with profound and multiple learning difficulties’ / Elena Lopez and Lisa Drewitt from Jack Tizard school
We need to receive these by 5th October2010
The form can be downloaded on and emailed back to us at or complete and post to:
Nandini Ganesh, Parentsactive Coordinator,
Stamford Brook Centre,
14-16 Stamford Brook Avenue, London W6 0YD
As soon as you can but no later than 5th October.
If you have any queries please call Nandini or Amanda on 0208 748 5168 or email:
Telephone number:
Choice of workshops:
Morning (please write in the number of the workshop)
1st choice 2nd choice 3rd choice
Afternoon (please write in the number of the workshop)
1st choice 2nd choice 3rd choice
A crèche will be available with a maximum of 20 places for children from 0 - 5.
If you would like a crèche place please complete the form below.
Name of child / Age / Any medical problems or allergies
Please note: because some children have allergies, we cannot provide lunch, so please bring a packed lunch and snacks for your child / children.
Interpretation & Translation – other languages:
We want to include all parents of children with special educational needs but we are not able to provide translation and interpretation on the day. If your first language is not English you are welcome to bring a friend or supporter to translate, and we will provide them with lunch. If you think this will help you please tell us their name.
How to get there:
These buses pass close to the school:
283 (Bloemfontein Road), 220 and 72 (Wood Lane)
Nearest tube:
WhiteCity (Central line)
There is metered parking in the area.There is no parking on site and we strongly encourage you to use public transport.