Year 5 Newsletter - Autumn 1

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back! We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead and hope you are too!

Special days for our class this half term are:

Monday: Hand homework in to be marked.
Monday: Spelling test.

Tuesday: Times table test.
Tuesday: Homework will be given out.
Wednesday: PE - Cross-Country (Outdoors). Please bring an appropriate PE kit - shorts, T-shirt and outdoor trainers.
Friday: PE - Frisbee - Please bring an appropriate PE kit - shorts, T-shirt and pumps (indoor), trainers (outdoor).
Tuesday 12th September: Class trip to Star Centre, Keighley.


In English, our writing will be linked to our Science topic ‘Earth and Space’. We will begin the half term by identifying and exploring the features of recounts, to prepare us to write a detailed recount of ‘The Day in the Life of an Astronaut’ following our class trip to the Star Centre. We will then research famous Astronomers, identify key information and make notes, to help us plan and write our own non-chronological report on Famous Astronomers. Toward the end of the half-term, we will apply and extend our Science learning to plan and write a scientific explanation text of how day and night occurs.

Children can change their reading books on a daily basis. It is important that your child reads every night at home. This will increase their reading speed, enabling comprehension exercises to be completed well.
This year, we will be introducing a new spelling scheme, Read, Write Inc. Until the new scheme is introduced, weekly spellings will be stuck in Homework books as they were last year. Children will be tested weekly on these. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings regularly to support both their reading and writing.


In Maths, we will begin the half term by revising mental strategies and our basic place value knowledge. We will then focus on identifying, ordering and representing numbers up to 10 million. After this, we will then add, subtract, multiply and divide the bigger numbers on a calculator, before applying our place value knowledge to round and estimate. Toward the end of the half term, we will add, subtract, multiply and divide improper fractions and convert fractions, mixed numbers and decimals.

Times tables will continue to be a focus throughout the year. We will practise our times tables daily through a variety of games and songs. Each child has been assigned to X table Rockstars, a specialist website focused on improving times table recall speed. Further information and usernames and passwords will be sent home separately. Please encourage your child to use the website and/or practise their times table regularly at home to improve their recall speed.

Creative Curriculum

This term our topic is ‘To Infinity and Beyond’ with a focus on our Science topic of Earth and Space. In Science, we will learn the order of the planets, describe how they move in the solar system and investigate and explain day and night. In Geography, we will be learning about North America, we will locate countries and cities and identify and comparing climate, physical and human features within North America. We will make links to our Science topic identifying the location of Space stations across the world and comparing the climate and time zones within the different areas. In DT, we will design and make 3D planets and a movement of the moon model. In Computing, we will be studying Computer Science with the aim of creating a game aimed at an audience. In PE, on Tuesdays we will team up with Year 6 for cross-country training and on Fridays we will learn the skills of Frisbee. In RE, we will be studying symbols and symbolism within the Christian and Islamic faiths. In Music, we will learn, rehearse and perform ‘Livin’ On A Prayer’ by Bon Jovi, amongst other popular songs.

We hope your child enjoys their first term in Year 5! Please don’t hesitate to speak to the class teachers if there are any problems.


Miss Holdcroft, Mr Dean, Miss Adamson and Miss Whitaker