Job Title: / Victims’ Champion
Post Number: / TBC
Division/Department/Section: / Crime & CJ
Line Manager
(Name/Title & Post Number) / Jan Steadman PO3209

To be the single point of contact for the provision of facilities and services for victims across Dorset in line with the Code of Practice for Victims of Crime.
Influence and negotiate with key internal stakeholders, partner organisations and victim charity service providers to ensure a cohesive and collaborative approach to service delivery is achieved.
To work at a strategic level on matters affecting victims and work alongside other departmental managers to provide a consistent approach and a high level of service to victims. To undertake research, projects and provide reports relating to victims.
Engage at National level, where necessary with the Ministry of Justice, Association of the Police and Crime Commissioners and other forces, to ensure effective practices are shared and used to inform the development and ongoing service delivery of victims’ services throughout Dorset.

Chief Superintendent Commander Criminal Justice

Head of Criminal Justice

Victims’ Champion
(This Post)
People who work directly for this post

To be the single point of contact for victim services for the Force. Lead the Force on compliance and implementation of the Victims Code of Practice to ensure it is developed and maintained. / To ensure a consistent approach for the delivery of victim services is met in line with the requirements set out in the Victims’ Code of Practice.
Direction, organisation and innovation of the Force’s response to the services to victims. / Ensuring the force delivers an effective and efficient response to victims of crime.
Production and review all aspects of victims of crime policy and procedure for the force. / Implementation of effective policy and procedures to ensure effective use of police time and a timely and quality service to victims of crime.
To provide professional support and advice on Force compliance of the Victims Code of Practice and the EU Directive (2012/29/EU). / To ensure the Force provides services to victims in line with legislative requirements.
Formulation of victims of crime training packages within the Force for all levels of officers and staff. / To ensure all relevant staff receive up to date training on dealing with victims who have been affected by crime.
To provide professional support and advice to the PCC and senior officers, ensuring clear communication and delivery of objectives. / To ensure that the PCC and senior officers can rely on high level professional advice to inform strategic management and decision making.
Acting as a point contact, coordinating, and advising managers with potential and actual partnership and multi-agency arrangements. / Coordinate partnership and multi-agency working arrangements ensuring they are efficient and streamlined.
To represent the Force in discussions and negotiations with stakeholders, external organisations and agencies regarding areas of business development. / To ensure that user requirements are given full consideration during the planning and decision-making processes in accordance with the Code of Practice for Victims of Crime
Engage at National level, where necessary with the Ministry of Justice, Association of the Police and Crime Commissioners and other forces, to ensure effective practices are shared and used to inform the development and ongoing service delivery of victims’ services throughout Dorset. / To maintain effective communication at all times between the relevant parties and business partners.
Develop processes and establish and maintain effective working relationships with police, community safety, criminal justice, voluntary and private sector partners. / To ensure an inclusive approach for the provision of Victims’ Services and to foster excellent performance and innovation in the victim services arena
To be responsible for interpreting relevant national guidance and take the lead role on behalf of the Force to implement such guidance locally in order to improve services to victims of crime. / To ensure the correct implementation of national guidance locally thereby supporting the PCC and the Force to discharge their statutory duties.
Control and manage the content of the force web pages relating to victims of crime to ensure relevance and accuracy. Liaise with the OPCC to ensure consistent information is provided on both websites. / Ensure staff can be sign posted to the relevant pathways to support them dealing with victims of crime
To represent the Force at partnership meetings and events in addition to attendance by relevant operational managers. / To ensure the Strategic priorities of the Force are supported through partnership and multi-agency working.
This list of duties is not restrictive or exhaustive and the post-holder may be required to carry out duties from time to time that are either commensurate with/or lower than the grade of the post. In some posts this might include the ad-hoc provision of guidance and informal training of new colleagues. / Completion of duties to meet the needs of the police service.
1. / The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
2. / Senior and operational officers both inside Dorset Police and in partner agencies such as Local Authorities, Victim Service Providers, NSPCC, Criminal Justice, HMCTS and CPS
3. / Dorset Victims’ Bureau and Victims’ hubs around the country
4. / Ministry of Justice and the Home Office
5. / Members of the Public

The post holder will be required to process material of a confidential and sensitive nature.
May be required to attend meetings outside of standard office hours.
The post holder will be expected to represent the Force at regional and national level which may result in the need to stay away from home on occasions.
A good understanding of relevant legislation surrounding victims is desirable. Advice and guidance may only be available at a national level for legislative or EU Directive changes. The post holder will need to demonstrate sound decision making skills based on their ability to research and assimilate the relevant material.
The post holder will be required to display flexibility and innovation in an area of business that has to deal with many differing and changing tasks and priorities, ranging from the views of the local community and partner agencies as well as the impact of Government legislation and direction and in the current climate, the national move towards digital working. In relation to victim satisfaction, a range of national policies, codes and standards need to be understood and adhered to.
There are many and varied practical and emotional needs of victims to be addressed and, in most cases, specialist expertise may be required. We work with statutory and voluntary sector partners who provide other forms of support, such as Victim Support, and the Witness Service.
The Force Values together with the National Code of Ethics are a set of non-negotiable standards that all Dorset Police staff must abide by. Loyalty to these Values and Ethics are a requirement for membership into Dorset Police.

VDU Assessment.
Your line manager has the responsibility to refer to the risk assessments appropriate to your role to identify any additional health and safety training required e.g. manual handling training, VDU assessment, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) etc.
Standard Vetting
The post holder must hold a valid UK Driving Licence or have the ability to travel around the County in order to visit different sites.
The commencing salary will be within Scale G starting at £25,656 rising by increments to £30,180.
This is a full-time (37 hours) post
Office hours are 8.40amto 5.00pm, Monday to Thursday and 8.40am to 3.40pm on Friday, with 40 minutes for lunch. The emphasis is on completion of work rather than hours performed, but clearly within the constraints of Working Time Regulations.
Office hours are standard with the rest of the Force and the office is closed at weekends. However, the nature of the work is that it is not always ‘9 to 5’. The post holder would be expected to work outside normal hours if circumstances demanded this and would be expected to respond positively to out-of-hours requirements where necessary.

Criteria A

/ Proven experience of projector programme management.

Criteria B

/ Proven ability to manage work in a multi-agency or partnership environment at a strategic and operational level.

Criteria C

/ Must be able to demonstrate strong and effective communication, negotiation and influencing skills and demonstrate the ability to interact at all levels.

Criteria D

/ Must be able to demonstrate an effective problem solving ability incorporating a systematic, disciplined and analytical approach.

Criteria E

/ Ability to act with integrity and maintain appropriate confidentiality and to represent the organisation in a highly professional manner.

Criteria F

/ Must possess a high level of self-motivation and the ability to work on own initiative and develop good practice and efficiency around organisational need
Criteria G / Experience of interpreting numerical, graphical, verbal and written information and summarising the essential facts to provide concise reports.
Desirable Criteria
Criteria to be measured / Competencies Required
Criteria I / Knowledge of Victim Services
