November 4, 2009
Central Administration Office Boardroom
Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication and/or posting in accordance with the Board approved method for giving notice of meetings. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all members of the Board of Education. All proceedings of the Board of Education, except as may be hereinafter noted, were taken while the convened meeting was open to attendance of the public.
At the beginning of this meeting, the chairperson announced and informed the public that a current copy of the Open Meeting Act is posted on the West wall of the meeting room.
Mitch Deines called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM in the Central Administration Office Boardroom. Those members present: Steve Winter, Monte Lofing, Terry Cossel, Jim Spangler, Jon Zimmerman, Tobias Tempelmeyer, Lisa Pieper and Randy Coleman.
The Board of Education and those attending recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Moved by Tobias Tempelmeyer and seconded by Lisa Pieper to approve the agenda as submitted.
ROLL CALL: Aye: Steve Winter, Monte Lofing, Jon Zimmerman, Jim Spangler, Mitch Deines, Terry Cossel, Tobias Tempelmeyer, Lisa Piper and Randy Coleman
Nay: None Motion Carried
a. Establish Search Timeline - Marcia Herring and Sharon Endorf, from Nebraska School Boards Association thanked the Board of Education for allowing them to conduct the Superintendent Search for Beatrice Public Schools. Each Board member was given a binder containing information on the search process. These binders will be collected at the end of the search and archived for five year. Marcia then presented the Board a tentative timeline for all phases of the search, which usually takes approximately two months. The tentative timeline was discussed by the Board. At the conclusion of the discussion the Board suggested two possible dates in mid January to start the interview process. Mitch Deines will confirm the date to Marcia after Board members have a chance to check their calendars.
b. Staff Community Assessment - On the tentative timeline Marcia pointed out the she would be doing a Staff/Community Needs Assessment much like the one the Board had completed. Information regarding this assessment will be advertised in several venues. Information gathered from this assessment will be shared with candidates.
c. Advertising Venues – Marcia shared with the Board several free sites that they will use to advertise for the Superintendent position such as Nebraska School Boards Association, Nebraska Association of School Administrators, University of Nebraska Career Services – Husker Hire Link and Beatrice Public Schools website. Marcia shared other venues available to advertise and costs associated with them. The Board discussed the various venues and timeline to advertise. Randy Coleman moved that the Board of Education of District # 15 advertise with the Omaha World Herald for 4 Sundays and on-line for $670.40, with the American Association of School Administrators for 30 days for $325.00 and with Education Weekly for 30 days for$395.00. Terry Cossel seconded the motion.
ROLL CALL: Aye: Steve Winter, Monte Lofing, Jon Zimmerman, Jim Spangler, Mitch Deines, Terry Cossel, Tobias Tempelmeyer, Lisa Piper and Randy Coleman
Nay: None Motion Carried
Terry Cossel moved that the Board of Education of District #15 start advertising on November 21, 2009 and end the advertising on December 21, 2009. Tobias Tempelmeyer seconded the motion.
ROLL CALL: Aye: Steve Winter, Monte Lofing, Jon Zimmerman, Jim Spangler, Mitch Deines, Terry Cossel, Tobias Tempelmeyer, Lisa Piper and Randy Coleman
Nay: None Motion Carried
d. Review of District Needs Assessment – Marcia asked the Board to take a few minutes and review the information that she had complied from the District Needs Assessment that the Board had completed. Marcia discussed with the Board information from the assessment. Before the screening of candidates can take place, Marcia must have an understanding of the attributes the candidate must possess. After much discussion by the Board, it was decided to have a Special Board meeting at 6:00 P.M on November 9, 2009 to continue to work to define the attributes the Board is looking for in a candidate.
Marcia asked each Board member to review the interview questions and pick two from each category before the meeting on Monday. She shared that before the interview process starts, we should have reviewed the contract. Mitch Deines suggest the Board have a committee to do this review and they could present changes to the entire Board for approval. The committee will consist of Tobias Tempelmeyer, Terry Cossel, Steve Winter and Jim Spangler. Marcia will share some sample contracts with the Board. Marcia also suggested that the Board should review polices that govern the superintendent position, the evaluation tool and job description.
Tobias Tempelmeyer moved the Board of Education of District # 15 adjourn and Steve Winter seconded the motion.
ROLL CALL: Aye: Steve Winter, Monte Lofing, Jon Zimmerman, Jim Spangler, Mitch Deines, Terry Cossel, Tobias Tempelmeyer, Lisa Piper and Randy Coleman
Nay: None Motion Carried
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.