North Preston Area Watch—Meeting Minutes for February 28, 2013--7:00pm

Speaker: Lt. Joe Stiles, Preston County Sheriff’s Department

Topic: Problems and Crimes Occurring in North Preston/Bruceton Mills Area

Officers Present:Guests:

James Boreing, PresidentPreston County Sheriff Dan Loughrie

Jeanie Walsh, SecretaryLt. Joe Stiles, PCSD, Investigator

Margie, Boreing, TreasurerBill Means, PC Asst. Prosecuting Attorney

Bob Walsh, Parliamentarian Myron Livengood, Bruceton Town Council Member

Frances Sines, Brandonville Town Council


The meeting on February 28, 2013 was called to order by President Boreing at 7:00pm. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by all reciting the Lord’s Prayer.

There were 42 registered attendees.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer Margie reported a current balance of $829.49.

Receipts: $20.00 (from Jeanie Walsh for Sign presented to Valley District NW)

Disbursement: $100.00 (Donation to North Preston Senior Center for heating fuel for Center).

Bob Walsh made a motion to approve a project to take orders for Address Number Signs which would be in compliance with the guidelines set forth by the 911 Office of Emergency Management. The signs measure 6”x18”, they are green reflective engineer grade aluminum with white 3” numbers and will sell for $25.00 and will show the number on one side or both sides of the sign, and the numbers can be placed either vertically or horizontally. It is law to have these signs posted on your house, mailbox, or at the entrance of a long driveway. The signs must be visible from the road. This is the law and the law will be enforced. Motion passed.

Kenny Chidester reported that his mother’s purse was stolen from her shopping cart atWalmart parking lot in Kingwood on Saturday, February 2, 2013. After his mother put her packages in car, she took cart back to store and leaving her purse in cart, went back to car and drove away, then realized that she left her purse and returned to Walmart. Kenny explained how the surveillance camera had recorded the incident, but that it had not been reviewed byWalmart authorities until a week later. The purse contained cell phone, $30 cash and 2 checkbooks, $100 gift card, credit cards, one was used at JC Penneys at Morgantown Mall charging over $400 after the card had already been cancelled. Further investigation is being conducted by the Preston County Sheriff’s Department continues. Sheriff advises that the very first thing you should do in any emergency situation is CALL 911. Description of drive-away vehicle: White or Silver Duel Pick-up Truck, Suspect in question is about 5’10” is 210-220 lbs, 30-40 years old with beard. Had back to camera.

Jeanie Walsh stated that for those who came to January meeting and found the gate to be locked, she wanted everyone to know that she had been locked inside the gate while those coming for the meeting were locked outside the gate. The gate had been locked by an employee at the business next door. She stated that she is always at center by 6pm and that in the future she would take personal responsibility to make sure that the gate will be open, even if she has to stand guard.

Jeanie also indicated that we would like to see more visible appearance of law enforcement officers in the Bruceton Mills area. She stated that Bruceton Mills will have a new Town Hall in a few months and hoped that the Bruceton Town Council would approve the use by the Sheriff’s Department if needed. Myron Livingood, Bruceton Council Member, was receptive to the suggestion. He will take the information back to the Town Council for their consideration. NPAW encourages Bruceton Mayor and Town Council Members to become involved.

MargieBoreing stated that more law enforcement officers have been seen in our area during the last 3 weeks.

Jeanie reported that the projection screen was ordered and received. The cost was $197.50.

Jeanie also reported on the Essay Contest at the Bruceton School and said the completion date is March 1 unless more time is needed because of the many no-school snow days and 2-hour delays due to weather conditions.

Jeanie reported that she has received solicitationCalls for Donations for various service and charity organizations. She reports that she checked into the WV Sheriff’s Association to find out what percentage of your donated money goes to our sheriff’s departments, but did not get an acceptable response. They would not be specific. Jeanie suggests that if you want to donate, she would recommend that you donate directly to the department or charity of your choice to insure that your total donation goes directly to the service or charity you choose. You can also specify how you want your donation to be spent. For instance, the Preston County Sheriff’s Department or NPAW or any other. She also reminded us that NPAW is a non-profit organization with a 501 (c)(3) non-profit status and your donations are tax-exempt. Kenny Chidester stated that when donations are made through companies that make collecting money on behalf charities as a business, as little as only 10 percent goes to the charity, that means only $10 goes to the cause, $90 retained for administrative costs.

Margie Boreing also reminded us of the LEAP meeting, which will be conducted by Prosecuting Attorney Mel Snyder at 7:00pm on Monday, March 18, 2013 at the Preston County Commission Meeting Room in Kingwood. We plan to inquire if LEAP would consider a combined meeting with NPAW here at the Center.

President Boreing asked Sheriff Loughriefor any comments he would like to make. Sheriff reported that the first item of business for him as newly elected Sheriff was to take inventory of every item in his department. This is a requirement of the new Sheriff and by doing so he knows what is on hand and helps to avoid buying items that are already on hand and helps to cut down on spending.

He has attended prep schools at Flatwood and the WV State Audit Prep Workshop in Bridgeport.

He rehired Jason Rodeheaver who is already trained and certified so there was no expense to rehire him. Hired two bailiffs: Carl Funk and Stacy Street.

He is in the process of marking all vehicles in the department to make them more visible. Will provide around-the-clock patrol. Will have the “school pup” program in the schools. It is a safety program and it ranges from bicycle helmet safety to bullying to tobacco and drug use. Donated retired vehicle to Rowlesburg. Plans to Improve Court House security. Met with County Commissioners, 911 Duane Hamilton, other agencies.

Sheriff Loughrie distributed a Website list with sites for various state agencies, such of WV Legislative Laws and Codes, Sex Offenders, Jails—Inmates/photos, and many others.

Sheriff also stated that he is adding more information on the Weekly Crime Reports and wants to continue to make improvements.

Sheriff Loughriegave his approval of the House Number Signs Project and encourages everyone to get their numbers posted, emphasizing that it is the law that these numbers must be displayed and the law will be enforced soon with a warning letter.

He mentioned that a member from another Neighborhood Watch, Chuck Beatty, Terra Alta suggested that during a power outage for an extended period that a good way to get help quickly if you are in need of food, water,medical supplies, oxygen, etc. that you place a plain “red sheet” of paper in your window as an Urgent Need for Help---A “green sheet” if no help is needed. That way when responders are checking the area, they can instantly determine who needs help.

President James Boreing then introduced. Lt. Joe Stiles, Investigator for the Preston County Sheriff’s Department. Lt. Stiles also acknowledged that the House Number Signs project is critical and necessary. He commended NPAW for their community service and that law enforcement does need our help by being the “eyes ” for the department and the first thing you need to do if you see something suspicious happening is to report all concerns to 911.

An NPAW resident reported he was a victim of a theft which was investigated by the State Police. He expressed his dissatisfaction and said he has had no feed-back from the State Police. Lt. Stiles will be looking into this with SP and will be in contact with resident.

Lt. Stiles began by saying “HOLD US ACCOUNTABLE.” And “We Need Citizen Input.” “We Need Your Help.” He said that property crimes are extremely high in Preston County and always have been. He also discussed in great detail some of the crimes which have occurred in the NPAW area and elsewhere in the county.

He quoted former Preston County Sheriff Clarence Fike who said in 1972 at the time of his retirement “WE NEED CITIZEN INPUT!”

He reported on the following crimes in the Bruceton/Preston area.

A fraud case of check forgeing. Worked on case from Feb 26 to Oct 28. Arrest made in 4 months (a case on the fast track). Traveled to Kansas City to North Carolina to investigate case. FBI working on case.

A metal theft case. In Hazelton A quarter million dollars of metal products stolen from employer. Collected 5 tons in 1 day. Suspect drove around Kingwood and Bruceton asking for old bicycles, bathtub, chairs or other metal items. On the run to St. Louis, Kansas City, finally located and arrested in Lincoln, Nebraska. Lt. Stiles travelled 1101 miles to locate suspect. If this happen to you, Report IT, CALL 911.

2 murder cases. One on May 8, and one on January 8.

The marijuana farm found in the area—State Police recovered 1000 plants worth $1 million cash. A major drug arrest. One man is in jail and more information about the case is currently being collected. Lt. Stiles stated that an operation of this magnitude needs more than 1 person to do the job, it takes several. The person in custody was on the run and came to hide in Bruceton Mills, West Virginia. He is not the landowner. This marijuana farm was started in 2011 and was quite an operation. This is a federal investigation, nationwide. If you know anything about this major case, CALL SGT. John Rodgers (304-366-2741) and tell him what you know. Lt. Stiles emphasized the need for Citizen Input.

Stolen 4-wheeler. Stolen cast-iron radiators. Cub Cadet Riding Lawn Mower. Tracked by ankle bracelet. Suspect was on parole. His parole now revoked and he is back in jail.

He talked about a lady who chased down the criminal who was involved in the bank robbery atWESBanco. Another example of a resident getting a partial license number of only 3 numbers but that was enough to locate the suspect.

Lt. Stiles was asked about corruption within law enforcement and he states that it does happen. He stated that a machine gun was stolen from the Sheriff’s Department; and over the yearsunder Sheriff Liller, a jailer was having sex with an inmate; and lady arrested for embezzlement was having sex with jailer.

Lt. Stiles plans to set up a meeting of recent crime victims to discuss the crimes.

Lt. Stiles has been in the Department for 38 years and loves his job. He summed up his message by saying Sheriff Dan Loughriewants to do the best job he can and wants good hard-working people on his staff. He states the Sheriff is honest and wants to work. He also encouraged everyone to get their house number on display and hopes that we will be able to get the Mayor of Bruceton Mills involved in our meetings, that we need her input.

The meeting was then adjourned at 9:00pm.