Speak Questions Part 2
- What did Melinda’s parents get her for Christmas?
- What time does the clock show when she enters her parent’s room?
- What season does Melinda hate?
- What mascot is chosen for Merriweather High School?
- What did Mr. Neck give Melinda in Social Studies for her grade?
- What does Melinda draw on her sketchpad while on the bus?
- What does Mr. Neck tell Melinda she has to do to raise her grade in Social Studies?
- What topic does she decide to write about for Social Studies?
- Who presents Melinda’s paper topic orally?
- Who leaves a note on Melinda’s locker?
- Who shows up in the art classroom when Melinda is in there alone?
- What does Melinda do in her bedroom closet?
- Where does Melinda go to get some rest?
- What friend comes to see Melinda in her bedroom?
- What sport is Melinda good at?
- Who does Melinda talk to when she is in her hideaway closet at school?
- What country is Rachel going to with the international club during the summer?
- What does Melinda write in Rachel’s notebook?
- What is Melinda’s plan for the summer?
- Who does Melinda show her artwork in her secret hideaway room?
- Who saves Melinda during her attack in the closet?
- Who does Melinda talk about her rape to in the car?
Speak In-class Essay Writing Prompt 1
- Write an essay in response to the Bully, Bullied, Bystanderand Beyond article, the movie Speak, and your own thoughts and experiences related to bullying. Be sure to arrive at a thesis statement by the end of your first paragraph. Then, using ideas derived from the movie, the article and your life, defend the argument put forth in your thesis statement. Strengthen your argument by acknowledging and addressing possible counter arguments. Include a conclusion that underscores the importance of your position.
- Write an essay in response to the article on date rape, the movie Speak and your own thoughts and experiences related to date rape. Be sure to arrive at a thesis statement by the end of your first paragraph. Then, using ideas derived from the movie, the article, and your life, defend the argument put forth in your thesis statement. Strengthen your argument by acknowledging and addressing possible counter arguments. Include a conclusion that underscores the importance of your position.
Discussion Questions on Speak
Empowerment and the Importance of Speaking Out
- How does the theme of “speaking” or communication between the characters show up throughout the film? (Try to list at least five examples.)
- Explain how speaking up in other situations eventually helps Melinda talk about her rape.
- How might speaking out about sexual assault help to end this type of abuse?
- What was the turning point for Melinda to finally begin to tell her story?
Survivors’ Use of Coping Skills
- What does Melinda do to express how she feels before she is able to talk about it?
- What is the significance of the subject she chooses for her extra credit history paper?
- What is the significance of the hospital? Why does she go there?
Perpetrators, Power and Control
- In what ways does Andy Evans, Melinda’s perpetrator, try to control and intimidate her after the attack?
- How does he continue his abusive behavior in his relationship with Rachel?
Responding to Survivors
- When Melinda tells Rachel about the rape, how does Rachel respond? What could she have said or done differently?
- Who supports Melinda speaking up for herself and who reinforces her silence?